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Posts posted by TheOneTheyCallLuna

  1. Cherry haters do not fear! I usually despise cherry notes in my perfume, but this is...uuuuhhhnnngggghhhh. Excuse me, it's REALLY good! I mostly get dark, classy high cacao content chocolate with the least cloying cherry core imaginable...the core of this fragrance is glistening, just like the description says. I don't get any Tootsie roll similarity, though. I can't pick any of the herbs out of this blend individually, but they are undoubtedly present, adding complexity. This is a real winner for me. I'm so glad I gambled on a bottle of this baby!

  2. This is all lemon and honey on me. Very similar smelling to Gennivre without the tea. I like it a lot, but I'm glad I sniffed this before spending a bajillion dubloons on a bottle! It's reeeaaaallly nice, but a decant will probably be enough for me!

  3. Mmmmmm, yummy. Not strictly foody, though it has a bakery element that is made wearable by some of the subdued floral elements. The apricot and vanilla are so delicious here, and the white ginger adds a bright splash of zing. I really like this, so much so that I kind of can't believe that it's actually GC! I'll definitely be getting more!



  4. Oh my, thank you lovely frimper for providing this freebie in my last forum purchase of several decants. This is a lovely fragrance, and I am quite taken with the works of Oscar Wilde. Previous reviews are correct - this is a very green, reedy, leaves and stems floral. It almost has an aquatic element...it's like the flowers have just been plucked from the earth, the stems are broken, and I can smell the liquid seeping from the cut. Another keeper from the BPAL Oscar Wilde collection! The honeysuckle in this blend adds a warm, glowing element. This is a lovely addition to my late spring roster!

  5. Been meaning to try this one for a while...The Illustrated Woman is my main carnie, but I heard great reviews about the Torture Queen so I thought I'd see what the fuss is about. I really like this, though for some reason I feel like it's so similar to a lot of the other blends I've been smelling today...I got an O Chaos Theory that's almost a dead wringer for this, and I also think Itaso Kansei might be a distant relative, as well.


    I really appreciate the artistry of the metallic note in this...it almost even smells cold, without any weird menthol or minty element. Amazing! The vanilla musk and amber lend a glowing, flushed skin aspect of this blend that makes it really pretty and extremely wearable in any type of situation. I 100% agree with the previous reviewer who wrote that this blend is both cold and hot. Yes! A very lovely blend that would be especially great for summer, but feels totally appropriate for year round wear.

  6. This smells exactly like coconut incense. I love it, though it's not what I expected at all! Oddly enough, though I didn't consciously realize that there existed a gap in my life that needed to be filled with coconut incense BPAL, when I smelled this I felt as though I had finally found a BPAL that fit a category of scent that I had been searching for. Perhaps a holy grail coconut blend that's not too overtly tropical, flowery, or fruity. I definitely need more of this!

  7. Oh dear, this is Lurid Library (my go-to used book smell blend) on steroids...everything is amplified and overexaggerated to an exponential degree. The paper note is bolder, as is the incense note...there's a buttery element that doesn't exist in LL that's here that I really like, the dustiness is more pronounced, as is the cracked and worn leather. It's like all the disparate elements really pop here, whereas in LL they just kind of blend together more, I think. I love this. I'll be getting more!



  8. Oh wow, this is lovely. Such a unique rose fragrance, unlike any I have ever sniffed. Thankfully I don't get too much of a dirt note...just something gritty and a bit grizzly around the edges in addition to the yew branches. This is a dark and edgy rose blend, very evocative of the work off which it is based. I quite like it, and well, I adore Oscar Wilde so this is definitely a keeper for me! :heart:

  9. Wet, this smells like Gilette, the best a man can get. I hate Gilette. As it dries, it redeems itself, but man, that is some bitter ass clove! I really like the blackberry leaf in here, and the white rose...but overall, I think this is going into my boyfriend's BPAL collection. He'll prolly be ecstatic, tho! ...Yup, he loves it! :D

  10. CCXI:


    Holy frijoles! This is crazy amazing! Starts out really gritty, no Dorian in sight...this is what I wished that Brimstone smelled like in my wildest dreams! On my skin it gets sooooooo incense smoky, and in a really unique way. This is no champaca, this is like being in close proximity with a smoldering medieval incense brick...thick heady cathedral smoke. None of that nag champa head shop stuff here. Where this incense is burning there are gargoyles for sure. As it dries, Dorian peeks out his pretty little head with a hint of creamy lemon in the background. Swoooooon! I'd so buy a bottle of this if I could!!!!! It's kind of dark and creepy in a really stony gothic way and would be awesome for Halloween. I'll love it all year round until it runs out...




    ETA my boyfriend's take on this one. I thought it was pretty interesting. He says it reminds him of his childhood, because it smells like the corner of his parent's house where the chimney is...specifically the brick work in the corner.


    Why can't I have more? Whyyyyyyyyyyyy??? :violin:

  11. Umm, Edo era prostitute getting tattooed perfume...whaaa?! Count me in!! I knew I had to had to had to have this without a doubt just based on the artwork and the theme (I love Japanese woodblock prints, edo-era culture, and I also really love tattoos!) However, the previous reviews in this thread lead me to use my better judgment and try a decant first rather than impulse buying a bottle, because I've had not such good luck with that lately.


    But, this pleasantly surprised me. I don't find it cloying, even though I can't really do a lot of sugary sweet scents, and this blend definitely falls into that category. There is something a bit...citrus-like smelling, that is really helping to cut some of the sweetness...it's not citrus, though...Hibiscus? Osmanthus? I don't have any previous frame of reference with those two notes, so I'm not sure what it is that is jumping out at me, but I will say that this blend is refreshingly complex. I had anticipated that it would be far more simple based on the notes listing.


    My boyfriend adds his two scents and says that this is "delicate and sweet but comforting, and a bit flowery but not too flowery." I concur. This would be a great late spring into summer scent...





  12. Nepalese amber, vanilla infused amber, golden musk, sandalwood, golden lily, sunflower, and honey myrtle.


    When I smelled this my eyes rolled back in my head and my first thought was, "Damn you, lab!" because I knew instantly this was going to be one of those blends that would cause me to lose all financial restraint and pursue a bottle of it at all costs. This is so gorgeous it is beyond words, but I'll try. It reminds me of a golden Inez...like Inez and Monsterbait: Underpants went on vacation together to the South of France and were sun bathing on a topless beach. Guh.

  13. I got all of my Bards and Chaos theories decants today, plus a few other packages of decants from forumites in the mail, and of all the options before me I knew this was the blend I wanted to try on first. I gave it prime real estate on my left wrist, and it has not disappointed me yet! There is the freshness of cut grass with clover and the tang of ozone...it really reminds me of the rolling hills of Ireland. It is fresh without being cologne-y or soapy. The soft bitterness of the dandelion and clover and other herbal elements ground this blend and make it smell so real!


    I really love this one, and think that I am going to need a bottle! Lovely!

  14. Wow, I didn't even know this blend existed until someone frimped me with it. How I manage to miss lovely lab offerings in the listings sometimes for months and years on end is beyond me, but there you go. I'm sorry I did overlook this blend for so long, because it is really nice!


    Starts out a bit masculine and astringent in the wet phase, but that quickly softens into something more well-rounded...I get a lot of red sandalwood tempered with the neroli in the distant background. The bergamot plays a leading role in this blend, I'd say, with the other notes as supporting cast. Leading lady black amber brings a real soft sexiness that pushes this into perfume territory and makes me think it's something better suited for a woman, and then black musk sexes it all up without being too over the top. Well done!

  15. Lune Noire. So...wow, not what I was expecting at all. This is a really pretty floral with top notes of gardenia, honeysuckle, and jonquil. It's sooooooo girly!!! Not my style at all, but I have a friend who will definitely swoon over this!

  16. All of the other Monsterbaits, with the exception of Underpants and Tokyo Stomp, have been far too sweet for me to wear. Actually, scratch that...even Underpants (blasphemy!) and Tokyo Stomp are too sweet for me on occasion! I still felt compelled by the force of BPAL legend to spend a ba-jillion dubloons to track them down and try them all anyway, but I honestly really did not expect this blend to work. But it does. Hoo boy, does it ever!


    Luscious blackberry mingles with the richest, darkest chocolate cake note devoid of even the slightest hint of cloyingness. It's really that simple, but yet also somehow complex. This is fanfuckingtastic!


    I am going to be SLATHERED in this blend all late spring into summer until this baby is all gone!



  17. Oh, dear! I should never have asked for the sniffy of Gypsy Queen. Now that this Pandora's Box has been opened, I don't think anything will ever be quite the same. This is absolutely divine! Classy Bulgarian rose with spicy sweet carnation and a bright flash of citrus that lends a crystalline quality to the mix. A bit perfumey for my tastes, but I'll forgive it in this instance, because this is some really unique, high-class shit! Goes a touch powdery on the drydown, but I nitpick...This is fantastic. Lucky you, if you can get your hands on some!


    ETA: I take it back about the powderiness! Turns out that was just a short phase in the drydown, that leads to this blend developing into the most heavenly carnation incense ever! This blend is really beyond reproach.

  18. Spongy grey and pink cake, with sweet strawberry cream, giddy carnation, and electrical pulses of white grapefruit.

    This dries down to a creamy strawberry shortcake smell that is so perfect for spring! Yay! At times this blend almost verges on "strawberry shortcake doll" smell, but there is a realistic strawberry tang and a background of smooth complexity that takes it to that next level. There's a touch of something hinting at spice in there, too, which really piques my interest. I love this! It is awfully reminiscent of Huesos de Santo, but with strawberries and no anise seed. I like this one better, honestly...the strawberry gives this blend a real pick-me-up quality that is refreshing and highly welcomed, I must say!


  19. This is my favorite of the DD Pulp line, and a pleasant surprise. Not what I expected at all. Even though I bought a bottle unsniffed, this is so much better than I could have anticipated! I just adore the fruitiness in this blend. It does kind of start off smelling like a background of Fruit Loops and candy, but in the most sophisticated and complex, wearable way possible, if you can imagine that. This is one of those blends you just have to smell to understand, because I would never be able to anticipate the loveliness that results from this blending of mish-moshed notes from the scent description alone. I don't find this blend to be overtly foody...it's totally wearable in that it has delicious foody elements but ends up drying into something much more complex than just that. Once it does it's thing, it's actually rather sexy, I think, and beneath the soft fruitiness it has a strong flushed skin scent element to it that adds a lil "rowr!"


    Love it! Definite keeper bottle that will have to be pried from my cold dead hands.



  20. On me this smells somewhere halfway between Lunar Eclipse, Mme. Moriarty, and Melainis. I feel like I'm getting a shot of vetiver in there along with the bitter tea, bright mango, and musks. This is quite nice, and I'm ecstatic that I got to smell it. The bottle art is completely awesome, too, by the way!


    edited cuz I misspelled art as "are"....yeeaaaahhh.

  21. Wet = Yum...Kool Aid! This scent is taking me right back to childhood. I can literally see that Kool Aid pitcher dude busting through some wall when I smell this. It makes me think of slip and slides and Punky Brewster, which ain't bad, but not really what I look for in a perfume. Nice olfactory stroll down memory lane, though!


    Dry = Okay, after a while this softens up and rounds itself out and becomes a really neon bright juicy soft and sweet perfume for grown ups, which is really quite nice.


    Great bright fruity scent for summer days!
