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Posts posted by Honeygirl

  1. Bottle: Poppy flowers


    Wet: Very generic overpowering flowers with stems. I don't usually do well with florals, but thought I'd give it a chance.

    It's amping a lot on me, though, so definitely a no-go.


    Drydown: Even when I don't like a scent, it amazes me how Beth and the Lab manage to get a scent so 'spot-on' with

    how I exactly thought it should and would smell like. I don't like this scent, but it's poppy flowers, so exactly as described.

    2.5 outta 5

  2. Bottle: Spicy and medicinal tea?


    Wet: This is very confusing to my nose, because I keep looking for the wasabi but am not really getting it.

    But there is a twang, so I suppose that's the wasabi. It's sweet and medicinal at the same time.


    Drydown: It's a very interesting scent, not really a scent I'd love to wear as a perfume, but I do enjoy smelling it.

    3.0 outta 5

  3. Bottle: Honeyed fruit


    Wet: Exactly like before-it's fruit that's been marinading in honey. Don't know why anyone would do that, but it smells good.


    Drydown: I don't love honey, despite my name. It has an odd note to it that I just don't like, but I'm not getting it with this.

    2.5 outta 5

  4. Bottle: Generic floral


    Wet: Overpowering floral with a softness that I wish I could smell more. I hate amping florals!

    There's a softness there, that's really beautiful and my nose can't get at it.


    Drydown: Reminds me of Ivanushka and a floral bpal layered. Not my scent.

    2.5 outta 5

  5. Bottle: Sophisticated floral


    Wet: Very floral, but not your typical flower shop scent. Grown up and classy, and feminine without being blowsy.


    Drydown: It got heavier as it dried, which made it more lovely.

    3.0 outta 5

  6. Bottle: Patchouli and leather


    Wet: I'm not a big fan of patchouli, but this is a very nice masculine scent. It's sexy and crisp, the sea notes really come out.


    Drydown: Far too masculine on me, this might be a winner on DH.

    3.0 outta 5 (very high rating for something with patchouli in it)

  7. Bottle: Lily and pears


    Wet: Lily, rose and pears, very light and airy. Very feminine.


    Drydown: As usual the rose amps and now I can't smell anything but that. But while it's wet, it's nice.

    2.5 outta 5

  8. Bottle: Masculine carnation


    Wet: Very Zestfully clean, cute guy getting out of the shower, type of scent. I'd die to smell this on DH.


    Drydown: Earthy, soapy and sexy. Three words I'd never thought to use together before, but it works.

    3.0 outta 5

  9. Bottle: Tea and herbs


    Wet: Very green and herbally, kind of medicinal. I was hoping for more ginger and fig, but I'm not really getting any.


    Drydown: Sharp, soapy and herbally. Really not my kind of scent.

    2.0 outta 5

  10. Bottle: Rose and sugar


    Wet: Unfortunately, rose amps on me. I say unfortunately, because this is the most beautiful rose scent I've ever smelled. It's very green but sweet as well.


    Drydown: This has amped so unbearably, that I need to shower. It's all I smell!

    2.0 outta 5 on me, 3.0 in the bottle

  11. Bottle: Sour wine and rose


    Wet: This is actually not bad on me, the wine smells a bit sour, but the musk makes it bearable.


    Drydown: Nope, never mind. Attar of rose has amped.

    2.5 outta 5

  12. Bottle: Patchouli, ack!


    Wet: The patchouli and red musk are overwhelming and amp to such a degree that I had to wash this one off, sorry!


    Drydown: Patchouli is just so strong on me, that I don't get any other notes. Even if I did get other notes, I just don't like it.

    2.0 outta 5

  13. Bottle: Rose, ack!


    Wet: Why does rose have to amp so much? This would be a nice scent if I didn't amp it.


    Drydown: I can smell the lemon and currant in the background, making this more complex than your basic rose scent.

    2.5 outta 5

  14. Bottle: Dark coconut


    Wet: Dark coconut, musk and lemon. Very sexy and slightly foody, but not much.


    Drydown: The lemon keeps this from being too dark for me, which I'm always afraid of.

    I really like this, but I'm not sure it's bottle worthy.

    3.0 outta 5

  15. Bottle: Apricot and ginger, rum


    Wet: I've never smelled such a realistic apricot! It smells like an apricot that's been soaking with rum and ginger slices.


    Drydown: The pink lime and grapefruit come out just a bit, a little bitter and not sweet at all. Very nice

    3.5 outta 5

  16. Bottle: Pine


    Wet: Pine, smoke and incense, sexy on someone more dangerous than me! On me it seems like I'm playing dressup!


    Drydown: This is a very sexy scent, but it's just not matching my personality. Might try it on my husband later.

    3.0 outta 5

  17. Bottle: Vanilla and ginger


    Wet: Slightly floral vanilla and non-foody ginger. Very understated and classy.


    Drydown: Reminds me a bit of Mouse's long and sad tale, because of the floral vanilla, but like this better.


  18. Bottle: Blueberry and lemongrass


    Wet: Blueberry and lemongrass with a boozy zing that screams grown-up!


    Drydown: Very fruity and boozy, love the lemongrass note. I might need a second bottle, cause my husband loves it!

    3.5 outta 5
