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Posts posted by Krista

  1. House of Mirrors is really beautiful. It's clear, clean and shiny. I love it! It reminds me of a perfume I once knew, but I can't put a finger on it.


    I really like this one. I have a hard time describing it perfectly, but I do like it a lot. It's very very floral but not the floral that usually makes me recoil in horror! :P This is really pretty.

  2. Wow. Not what I expected, yet so perfect! It's cologne and sweat and leather. I love it! I'd probably put a lot of people off, but it is perfect and amazing. It's not something I'm normally attracted to, but Geek is really great. It's strange and dare I say sexy? It must be the leather. :P

  3. What else can I say? It's pure buttered popcorn. It's exactly buttered popcorn. At first, I thought I would not keep this imp, but now I'm debating. Honestly, I don't think I would wear it very often. It's very interesting and I'm attracted to it because I'm a popcorn junkie. I don't know how she did it but this is another scent that shows just how awesome Beth is.

  4. The smoke in the description really scared me away from Delphi. I sniffed this imp certain that I would recoil in disgust, as I usually do with anything that is described as smoky.


    It's very nice. There is a bit of smoke in it, but it's not overwhelming. Delphi is sort of fruity and juicy as well as dry and smoky. It doesn't smell as nice on my skin, however. It goes more green and dry. Not as juicy and pretty as it was in the bottle. I do like this, but I won't be keeping my imp.

  5. In the imp, Gluttony makes my teeth hurt. It is very sweet, heavy and rich. It reminds me a lot of the holiday scents like Sugar Skull and Sugar Cookie.


    The butter scent calms down a lot on my skin and Gluttony is more soft and sweet. It is far too hot right now to wear Gluttony, but layered with the right oil, I think I could use this!

  6. This is not what I expected at all! It's so much better than I had thought it would be.


    I imagined heavy spice, but instead, Morocco is a nice, light vanilla with a hint of musk and spices. It's gorgeous. I think this would be a really lovely fall scent, and it could be layered really well with a lot of vanilla scents like Snake Oil or Antique Lace.


    I love this and I will be buying a 10ml.

  7. Tum

    This is a strong herbal from the vial to dry. Very strong lavender. I think it’s lavender. It reminds me of a natural soap shop in British Columbia (I can’t remember the name) that sells all sorts of crazy remedies for all that ails you. Tum is a very strong, medicinal herb scent that’s really not for me. It is very pretty in a strange way, I must admit, but it’s really not for me.

  8. Fae

    I had tried this before and was not impressed enough to keep my imp, however this time I am intrigued. It’s light, citrus – very pretty. Another summer blend. The bergamot in this particular batch is really strong. It smells a lot like Lush’s Avobath. Fae would be nice to wear on those particularly evil mornings when it’s a little chilly and I just don’t want to get out of bed. A big bottle of this is on order!

  9. Bastet

    Why does almond always smell like anise to me? Anyway…Bastet is a nice light almond, very much reminds me of Dana O’Shee. Dry, it takes on more of a sweet floral. The lotus is really faint, but definitely present. I really like this once the almond is toned down and more floral comes out. Definitely a 5ml purchase.
