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Posts posted by YoakeNoKami

  1. Sharp, heady and viciously carnivorous.

    Imp: faint sweetness, like the sugar-water mix you put in hummingbird feeders

    On: Sweet, fresh green plant and sugar--perhaps the luring scent…? I like this one!

    Dry: Sugary, fresh greens… orange too? This one wound up a strange sweet-spicy-green combo on me, like the greens were sugared preserves.

  2. Imp: Damp woods and cedar/sandalwood. Could be a good thing!


    On: Whoooo. Um, can I get some soap, please? It's gone very musky and oddly sour on me, and there's some sort of icky dead floral thing going on! Got to wash this one off!

  3. Imp: This one is very violet and rosewood in the imp, interestingly enough. There's a sort of fresh-cut smell to the violet.

    On: Violet all the way, baby! There might be a bit of the rosewood lingering, or a bit of the chamomile peeking through, but other than that, these smell like my favorite violet pastilles.




    Edit cuz I intitally typed up my notes on the wrong thing!!!

  4. Imp: Hmm.. A hint of vanilla and floral.


    On: glah. So... I love violets. I love vanilla. I love gardenia.

    I don't love them together. Unfortunately, the blend of them together is apparently instantly headache-inducing for me--and my skin amps the hell out of it

  5. Imp: Currant and wine…


    On: Delicious berries join the currant, and the wine becomes a supporting note. The blend of the three together is wonderfully full, though, and not altogether dissimilar to berry pie with ice cream.

  6. Imp: Ripe, juicy fruits


    On: Slightly squooshy, overripe fruit. What to do?

    How should I put this… I kind of like it, because it reminds me of summer time--fruit on the edge of being too ripe--but once it's dried down on my skin, it becomes soured, with an unhappily rancid edge.

  7. Imp: Musky-sweet floral and sweet spices

    On: A faintly floral dragon's blood smell now. There are some berries, too, but they're sugary stewed berries… and now, leather. What on earth? After about 15 minutes it's all sickly sweet powder. *eyes arm in distaste* Ugh.

  8. Imp: Sandalwood


    On: Oooh...Rosewood, amber, and sandalwood make this another scent which makes me think of good, dry firewood, or the huge, dark desk that was mine when I was younger which once belonged to my grandfather. It's a lovely, warm smell that reminds you that the woods are, in essence, free...

    and that the wolf can be as patient as it needs...

  9. Imp: an interesting conglomeration of faint gardenia and stephanotis.

    On: There's that lovely white rose coming to play with the stephanotis! The stephanotis is familiar from my imp of Hades (I believe...), as well, and very welcome… but something in this turns it to floral baby powder during drydown...and then to soap. *unhappy*

  10. Imp: Deliciously toasted coconut over cream. Yum, like a fresh macaroon.


    On: It goes a lovely creamy coconut on my skin, and it lasts quite well (about 6-7 hours) There is an odd "green" smell at first, but thankfully, that goes away!

  11. In the imp, this has got the same interesting/odd foody undertone that Drink Me has: a savory kind of undertone, like fresh baked wheat bread with butter melting into it, layered with just a tiny bit of sweet berry jam.


    On my skin, it's more of the berry/currant-y yummyness, and less of the bread and butter. It's sweeter, too, though it's not quite sticky sweet, and it makes me think of cooking! :P Drydown brings back some of the tasty butteriness, though, and it's like a tasty pastry!

  12. Imp: Dark fruitiness


    On: Delicious, delicious carnation with a glaze of sweet, dark plum, it makes me think of the deep dusky red that can be had by both the flowers and the fruit. It's a content, deep kind of sensually warm scent, altogether, with a refreshing sort of bite to the plum.

  13. If this is Twilight, it’s a warm, heavy summer night--crushed, sun-wilted grasses and the stillness caused by humidity. I get faint, faint honeysuckle and a bit of lavendar, carried on the slightest of breezes.

  14. Cough. This isn't necessarily a ..bad… smell to me, but it's rather heavy ink-and-parchement and mad composition to me--like a musty kind of damp library--the piano covered in parchment in the corner and the composer slumped over it. At first whiff, it doesn't bug me, but it's not my own preciousss… that honor will have to do for someone else.

  15. Sweet, white florals, gardenia/plumeria both in the imp and on my skin, all the way through. No crazy morphing this time, thank you!!

    Yumm. A bit sweet for an all-the-time kind of scent, but lovely for those days when you need a thought of sunny skies. It's very feminine and floral, though, so be forewarned if that's not your thing--but try it out! You could be surprised by how much you end up loving it...

  16. A salacious, lecherous, leering scent - dirty and dark, slapped with a wet sweetness. Earthy black patchouli swelling with apricot.

    This one is one I'm not quite sure about. It has a heavy, musky smell--one I've been mostly avoiding--but at the same time, it's got this really lovely, clear fruit note! I'm not sure if I like it or love it or what, yet… this calls for more testing!

  17. This is another one which smells like damp, disturbed forest earth. It's the scent of things preparing to grow.

    On/wet: Whoa, this does not do good things on me! Soap, soap…

    Drydown: Urghhhh… soapy earth…

  18. Heavy, sensous fabric and the slide of leather… I don't know what in this puts me off so much, but it's got to be the leathery smell I'm getting out of this, particularly coupled with the patchouli and the little bit of dying ginger... There's a faintly chemical undertone in this, too, and I can't say that I love it. I also catch some sort of floral, but it's faint, and drydown leaves me with a strong leather smell.

  19. Bananas, dates, mountain air. These are the first things I catch, in the imp--a sun kissed kind of lightness.


    On, I lose most of the date and my skin gnaws the bananas, and I'm left with an airy, light scent.


    Drydown: After losing the fullness of the bananas, there's not much of this left on me... I get faintly sweet air, which fades quickly, but I adore it while it lingers. It makes me think of the day ending--cooling--and though the sun is no longer visible, it still lights the sky in brilliant colors.
