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SW fall 2017, chapter four



Anyone like/want calendars or dayplanners? I'm ok
If you like stationery, do you like plain, colors, images, or specific DON'T LIKES? no
What about general desk stuff like cool colored paperclips and post it pads? yes!

Would anyone be interested in having any of Abigail Larson's artwork (either as a print or on something, like a pillow, blanket, or t-shirt)? https://society6.com/abigaillarson Oh, very cool. A tote bag or pouch would be nice

Does anything catch your eye from Ten Thousand Villages? http://www.tenthousandvillages.com/ Every dang thing :D I can spend hours in their store. lol

Would you be into receiving hand made (crocheted, sewn, felted, chain maille, scale, or duct tape, in my case, depending on the item) dishclothes? Scarf/shawl? Hat? Bag? Anything? Colors? (Duct tape, chain maille, and scales come in colors.) yes. Handmade rules. Blues or purples, generally, but any jewel tones or warm neutrals are good.

Do you collect anything from SBUX like City Mugs, City Mug ornaments, City Cards, or Bearistas? If so, which do you need/want? Or would you like a City Mug or an ornament for fun? I don't collect, but I do have one Starbucks ornament and a couple of bearista magnets. Never seen the city mugs so had to google them--so cute! would love a mug or ornament from your home town, witch mine.


do you collect the art cards that BPAL sends out? Any in particular that you are looking for or definitely don't need? don't collect but love them and would always like more

Do you like this beautiful art, and she makes stickers and prints...SOOOO gorgeous: https://www.shannatr...om/paperprints/ stickers would be great! don't really have a place to hang more stuff.

Favorite animals or wild creatures or mythological creatures? dragons, owls, foxes, meerkats

would you like any swag from the Depeche Mode concert? (pins, posters, shirts, program, dunno what they'll have!) sure

Is anyone interested in the new Resistance scents that the Lab just released (Take a Knee and SN: Flor de Maga)? probably going to order a decant of Take a Knee

Is anyone here into zero waste, plastic free living, urban homesteading, or any simplicity/minimalism-esque lifestyles? If so, could you use any tools or equipment? no, although reading about tiny houses fascinates me


Are you interested in anything from Bath & Bodyworks? Which products and scents do you like? www.bathandbodyworks.com/ haven't looked at them in ages

I am possibly going to a crystal / gem show tomorrow. I can't afford expensive gem stones, but...
What kind of crystals would you like? YES PL of all kinds. Z ALL THE CRYSTALS. lol. Srsly, i love semi-precious stones of all kinds. Rhodocrosite, smoky quartz, unikite, blue lace agate, moss agate, Botswana agate, citrine, garnets and rutilated quartz are some of my faves. I adore larimar but it's hard to find and kind of expensive.

Pumpkin or Zucchini bread? yes

What kind of homemade cookies are your favorite? yes :D okay, anything chocolate.

Could you use a muscle rub? (We make ours on the lunar cycle and it has menthol, wintergreen, habanero, cayenne, olive oil, st. john's wort, arnica, beeswax, calendula, and ginger. It tingles. We call it "Thunder Butter". If you have really really super sensitive skin, I would recommend against it. And don't take a hot shower or open all of your pores before using it.) sure

Interested in trying some of our rose petal (rose petals, sugar, everclear) or lavender vanilla bean (lavender, vanilla bean, vodka) liqueur? sure

Want some honey from the bees on our property? yes! i love honey

Would you like some homemade jam? I have blackberry, rose petal, strawberry rhubarb, peach, and cherry. absolutely

How about some homemade candied jalapenos with garlic cloves? I have regular and with habanero. probably not, thanks

I didn't dry any apples this year but I was thinking of heading over to Green Bluff and seeing if any honeycrisps are left. I have a commercial dehydrator so let me know if you are interested in any "Apple Crips" (as voodoocatwoman calls them!) I wash, peel, core, and slice before dehydrating. yes

Do you need any kind of dice bag, tote, project bag, cosmetic bag, pencil bag, or whatever? I have lots of bag patterns and fabric. We make bags under the name Twinkle N Twilight. I love totes and bags!
Or how about a couple of pillowcases?


Would my witchee like this to warm up the fall coffee cup?? https://www.truelemo...gory-s/1871.htm yes!

do you like to take baths? if so, do you like oils, salts, things that fizz, all of the above, none of the above? I like baths, but oils are hard to clean up. Salts are nice as are fizzy things, though I have to be careful because my girly bits are sensitive, lol.

What style/make/etc of phone do you have? What about size of tablet? Laptop? Would you like decals, skins, or cases for any of these? Samsung Galaxy 3 phone, 2 kindles (a Fire and an old Keyboard). I'd have to measure my laptop, it's a Dell Inspiron 17. I have skins for my old Kindle but my Fire wouldn't mind one; I have some on my ebay wish list.


Are any witchees into coloring books? I like them, just don't have a lot of time for them. Paisleys, steampunk, stained glass type, etc.

Witchees, is there anything that catches your eye at Animi Causa (https://www.animicausa.com/shop/)? hehe, I like that Loch Ness monster bookmark

If I were to find an adorable autumnal/Halloween-y dish/flatware/etc. design, how many settings would be needed in your household? just two, though I really have enough dishes, thanks.

ETA with more ketchup
How do you feel about these little guys? I think they're adorable and kind of want them all, but especially the ghost and pirate ones. https://lovemomiji.c...imited-editions


Witchees, do you want anything specifically from this page? Mitts, hat, shawls, unicorn... http://iceweasel.net/switchwitch/ Love all Shari's work! don't need stuffed animals though

What are your top three most wanted DC'd or previous LE BPALs? have to think. Love Dia de los Muertos esp the 2007 vintage, for one. Probably more listed in one of the lists linked in my siggy.

What are some things you do NOT want to receive? really, I don't need knick knacks or stuff that needs dusting. I don't need makeup, I have plenty. Jewelry is great, but I don't get to leave the house much anymore so feel kinda bad about getting new ones.

is there anything from here that you might be interested in getting a print (or pillow/make-up case/etc) of?
http://www.blackabbeystudios.com/store I like Fitzgerald in Paris and the Reader. oh, and Starman!

Claire's has some super cute Halloween stuff. In the style of Haunted Mansion - black lace collars, lace and sparkle masques and the like. A few items in Dias de los Muertos style. Would you be interested in such things? maybe

Would you be interested in anything from Orange Thyme? https://shoporangethyme.com/ If so, which products/scents/flavors? I like most any lip balm but it looks like most of them are sold out! the blood orange soap sounds nice


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