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Switch Witch Ketchup #5 - worst witchee ever



How does everyone feel about duct tape crafts? Any favorite patterns?
I fear it would be something to collect dust and take up excessive space in my house. No, thanks.


Are there any flowers you especially like?
When I was 10, I was told that poppy was my birthday flower, and I've had a fondness ever since.


Would you be interested in any cozies or cases (yarn o fabric, not hard cases) for tech stuff (phone, laptop' etc) or for cups/mugs/bottles or anything else similar.
I tend to make my own covers and cases for tech, so no, thanks.


Would you like Halloween or Day of the Dead themed ornaments or a "bunting"?
No thanks.


Are there witchees who would like book related gifts like a booklight, bookmark, bookseat or something for your reading gadget,like a cover or a light for example.
Ooh, I'd love these, but I fear my witch is already spending crazily on postage!


I make handmade journals, mini albums and similar items. Would my witchee be interested in something like that?
Interested, yes. However, I have an excess of journals already, so probably not a good idea!


What songs/music/artists/CD's do you like to listen to around Halloween?
Same ones as I listen to the rest of the year? But if you have anything you think I'd like, make me a playlist on a thumb drive or something!


Are you interested in leg warmers at all?
not really.

Is your Halloween style scary, cutesy, folksy, grotesque . . .?
None of the above? I was really hoping to do a Halloween theme to our house, but I fear that won't be possible given that my stepbrother/stepsis-in-law's birthdays dinner is scheduled for that night. And I was really quite looking forward to the kids trick-or-treating...


I bought the Portal board game last week & it came with a Portal 2 steam free download code. I already have the game on another console & it's one of my favorite series of all time. Soooo, would you want it?
Don't play.


Have you read The Martian? Or do you plan on watching the movie?
So many of my friends loved it that I feel I should go see it. My interest was 'meh' before it hit the screens, though.


NaNoWriMo - Pertaining to that, how does everyone feel about such things? Will anyone be participating? How about NaNo swag, is there any you want?
Yes, I'm participating. Thanks, but no swag. (I'm so sorry I'm an awful swap participant.)


Honey or beeswax products? Discuss.
LOVE. Not sure it would make it through customs, though, and I have an awful lot of 'specialised' honey in jars that isn't being eaten at home.


How do you feel about bumper stickers and car magnets? What do you like--cute, pretty, snarky, geeky/fandomy?
Not big on them. I never know what to do with stickers - my mother's dislike of stickers on anything being transmitted across the thirty years since childhood.


Do you have any phobia's that your Witch should be aware of?
Tryptophobia, sort of. (the one with holes) It gives me creeps.


Trading Post Weenies are live! Anything calling to you?


I think I'd like to try one of the Hair Glosses: but probably not one of the Weenies, because I don't do dirt, leaves, blood, or pumpkin scents... Sorry!


Speaking of nail things, it that time of year and I am doing my jamberry order, Would you want some Lovely Jamberry's for your nails?
Thank you, but no.


Do you like or want to try Marmite?


No, we do Vegemite here in Aus, and it's quite good enough, thanks. :D

Some folks have already said they do not want used nail polish. If you haven't already chimed in about that... would you be interested in a bottle of BPTP claw polish (in this case, either Event Horizon or Baku) that has been used for one manicure?
Not bothered.


Are there any DISCONTINUED (not LE) BPAL oils that you wish you had, or had a little more of?

Is there anything fairly basic that you're always running out of and need to buy more of?


Anything interest you from the recent Blooddrop update?




How to you feel about foreign spices/flavorings?
Love them.


Dearest Witchee, can I get you anything from Shiro Cosmetics? I'm going to place an order soon and perhaps you are interested in some of their goodies? https://shirocosmetics.com(https://shirocosmetics.com)
I am sincerely the boringest witchee that ever got witched. No, it's fine!


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