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Winter Solstice swap Q&A

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Dear fabulous future Celebrant(?); are there any things that you used to love to have for your holidays/this time of year that you can't get where you are now?


Graeter’s eggnog ice cream


Where can I find your Q&A? Do you have a wishlist post/blog and does it link other things like Etsy/Amazon?


They’re all in my sig and the stupid amount of questions from SW are on my blog.


Yules- there were only 4 that interested me – Mother Shub’s Cthulhustollen, Sweet Lavinia’s Risalamonde, Knecht Ruprecht, and The Shivering Boy. i think I’d hurt someone for a bottle of The Shivering Boy. I’ve been waiting for Beth to redo it…


So, if you were to come into an unexpected windfall (a huge amount of cash), what would you get for yourself?


The Hunter dress from Ravenswood Leather in the dove grey.


Do you prefer votives, tarts, tapers or jar candles (if you are into candles)?


Jar candles. They’re easier to keep from being knocked over, etc. by a 5 year old and a cat.


Any books you've been meaning to get for yourself but haven't yet?


ALL OF THEM. No, seriously – just about anything on my amazon wishlist. I keep meaning to get myself a copy of the Oxford Book of Gothic Tales but I never do…


Is there any Bath etailer that you want to try? That you love? What do you want from there? What's your favorite bath item?


Love to try some of the Haunt stuff – Cask lust (!), Salem series, The Collector’s Cabinet, Cloak, Winchester (!), Rising(!), Burying Tree, Watcher(!). soaps or scrubs would be awesome.


Villainess – want to try: Discord and Just Right, and I love Birth Rite, Trauma, Blood, Jade, Ginger Snapped, and Jai Mahal, soap or smooch.


Paintbox Soapworks – the Yuletide sample box, want to try: The Englishman, This Charming Man, Sweet Cheeks, Second Breakfast, Whiskers. Love: The Queen is Dead and Dead Leaves on the Dirty Ground


Lush – Caca Rouge henna, Glogg shower gel. Want to try: Soak and Float, New! Shampoo bars.


Would you want something included for your pets? If so, is there anything they really like?


The cat would just look at anything included for him with disdain and then try to unravel my knitting.


Tea? Hot cider? Other Hot beverages?


Tea and cider both. I don’t do coffee, usually, and roohiboos(sp?) is foul.


Recipe in a Jar; soups, cookies, etc?


soups, maybe. Cookies, no. I like to bake – I’ll make my own.


Do you have any fiber allergies? Nope. I can’t stand scratchy yarn, though.


What colors do you like? (Pictures would be helpful!)


purple, cobalt blue (TARDIS blue), ruby, pumpkin, greys, black. Fall or Winter colors. In reference to yarn, Lion Brand Homespun colorways Amethyst, Edwardian, Gothic, and Autumn are faves.


What colors do you not like?


Pink, yellow, light green – anything considered Spring or Summer colors.


what color of nail polish would brighten your senses or make you smile? Glitter or no?


purples, reds, blues, bronze/copper/silver metallics. No glitter, though. I like glossy, not matte.


Socks? short? long? fuzzy?


Yay socks! As long as they fit my big ass feet, that is. Not big on fuzzy socks but I’m about to *beg* someone to make me a pair of handknits.


Jewelry? Pierced Ears? Do you like necklaces/pendants? Bracelets? Rings?


My ears are a 00ga. Double flare plugs in natural materials only – allergies suck. I generally don’t wear rings, bracelets are kind of hit or miss, but I’ll always wear necklaces. I like choker length or the very long drop necklaces that hit between the boobs.


Anything you're particularly wanting from the Lab/Post at the moment? How about GCs you keep meaning to get but never get around to?


I neeeeed some more Honey or Fig and White Sandalwood hair gloss… GCs – Lady Death: Savage, Goblin, Imp, Poisoned Apple, Depraved, Brown Jenkin, Mag Mell.


Do you have any fandoms?


Dr. Who (9th Dr. FTW), Firefly, HP Lovecraft/Cthulhu, generic tabletop gaming (especially about neutral/evil/chaotic stuff or related to ‘misunderstood’ characters-there’s one I’ve been wanting that says ‘I’m *NOT* a necromancer… I don’t care what you *heard*.’), zombies, hello kitty (and any combinations of my other fandoms), nightmare before xmas, pirates, Futurama, batman, x-men


Does anything from Two Timing Tart interest you?


Sex Kitten, Shemar Moore in my Bunk, Vampires Don’t Fucking Sparkle, Bigger on the Inside, Femme Fatale, Frankly, My Dear…, Satin Sheets, Sunshine, Leaf Pile, and Winter’s Kiss candles, Devil scent beads.


Does anything from Sock Dreams interest you?


All the things? Stripey knee socks, sock garters, argyle socks… plus size, though.


Any movies (holiday or otherwise) that you want to see but never get around to?


Not really. If I want to watch it, I usually do. There are movies I need *copies* of, though. I really need a copy of Sweeney Todd on blu ray.


Do you need any smartphone accessories (case, skin, etc)?


other than a better headset than the one I have, nope.


Small samples of homemade booze?


Cider, mead, and cordials, sure. Beer, no thanks.


Is there anything from local farmer markets that would interest you?


Local honey.


Do you have a favorite animal (or breed of animal)?


Snakes, bats, ravens.


Do you like stuffed toys/animals?


Only weird ones. I have a giant Squishable Cthulhu on my bed and a Lenore doll on my dresser.


Would you like/want anything Disney-related, or from Disneyland?


Nightmare Before Christmas (esp. Oogie Boogie or Lock, Shock, and Barrel), The Haunted Mansion, or Villainesses (esp. Ursula or Maleficent) stuff.


Another question! How do people feel about puzzles? Board games? Any particular ones that you might like or have and would like additions to?


Not big on puzzles. The games I’m interested in are on my amazon wishlist, too – cards against humanity, fluxx, miskatonic school for girls, kill dr. lucky, etc.


Is there anything under $10 that you've been wanting from World Market?


Not that I know of, except maybe some Jaffa Cakes or pickled lotus root.


If you answered yes to any beverage-related questions, what exactly do you like in tea, coffee, alcohol, cocoa, cider, etc.?


black tea – peach, mint, orange, spice, pomegranate. White tea – pomegranate, mint, peach. Green tea – mint, plain. Coffee – no thanks. Alcohol – med. Dry ciders and meads, peach, pomegranate, apple, pepper vodka or schnapps, spiced rum, scotch. Cider – hard cider and regular spiced cider.


Stones? What color/types of stones, precious, semi precious or otherwise do you like?


My absolute favorites are lapis lazuli and sodalite. After that, green jade, blue lace agate, tiger’s eye, amber, hematite, opal, moonstone, and rough amethyst.


Any small things you need?


Nice measuring spoons, knitting notions – needle caps, circular needles, stitch markers, a tart warmer, a nice change purse, a shawl/scarf pin


Would you like a scarf, or knitted dishclothes? If so, what colors?


Scarf – yes, if they’re not the straight kind – heather grey or black with color accents, maybe. Dishcloths would be awesome – cobalt blue and white.

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