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12 Days of Delight Swap Questions

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Tell me how you really feel about fruitcake.

Cautiously interested in a quality, home-made fruitcake. Standard commercial ones, no, thank you.


I live near a Lush store. Is there anything you want/need/want to try?

I was just in a Lush store last week and wasn't tempted by anything.


Would you be interested in recipes? Either hand written or photo-copied in a binder?

Yes, I would be interested.


Homemade candy and baked goods...list some that you like, and also kinds of flavors.

FUDGE! Probably most types of candy bark. Seven-layer cookies. Classic Toll House cookies (real butter, real vanilla, real chocolate). The caveat on baked goods (more so than for candy) would be the lag time between shipping and when the package will be opened. Flavors: fruits, chocolate, caramel, brown sugar, molasses.


Also list homemade goodies youwould secretly give away or toss in the trash if you received...

I already mentioned my loathing of licorice or anything like it on my questionnaire (so no springerle, please). If worse came to worst, there's always the "take it to work & set it out for my co-workers" stratagem.


Do you (or your Delightee) like little homemade dolls? I make little monsters (and non monsters).

Yes, I would probably be interested.


How do you feel about mini handmadeart projects?

Yes, I would like that, as long as they're no assembly required.


Cat toys?

No, thank you – no cats.


If you expressed an openness to candles and/or room scent thingies, would you be okay with something that smells like winter holiday spices, baked goods, and greenery-- even if it says 'Autumn'?



On the slightly off chance that I manage to make a Sinterklaas run before the mailing deadline, are there any Dutch/Indonesian food items you might be interested in?

I'd probably be interested in anything short of a full-up rijsttafel (that would be a bit overwhelming).


Are there any books you've been meaning to read but just never get the chance to?

I'm sure there are some classics that I keep meaning to get to someday but never do – Wuthering Heights, The Wind in the Willows, Moll Flanders, The Diary of Lady Murasaki (and I'll keep thinking)


Anything you're particularlywanting from the Lab/Post at the moment?

Not in particular – at least not until I've tested my Weenie decants.

How about GCs you keep meaning to get but never get around to?

First, I have to get around to testing them . . . . .


Cookbooks! Would you want any?

I have kept myself all too well-supplied with cookbooks. But if you know of a really good local specialties cookbook from your area (one I won't find on amazon.com or wouldn't think of for myself), I might be interested.


Do you have any fandoms? No.


Are you interested in any other etailers? If so, name one item from each that you're dying to try.

I don't have anything that springs to mind right now.


Does anything from Sock Dreams interest you?

Perhaps those rainbow stripe over-the-knee sox that are big enough to accommodate my calves.


Any movies (holiday or otherwise) that you want to see but never get around to?

Rocky Horror Picture Show


Do you need any smartphone accessories (case, skin, etc)?



Tea, cocoa, other wintery drinks -interested?

Yes, especially teas.


Small samples of homemade booze?

Probably not.


Are there any other swaps you're involved in that may overlap with this one?

The current Switch Witch round.

QUICK QUESTION: How would everyone feel about a slightly odd holiday specialty, Rosemary Pinenut Brittle? It's a blend of salty/sweet/savory and crunchy and I love it...but it's a bit expensive and labor intensive to make if it won't be met with enthusiasm. You can also opt for a "sample" size with the recipe, since I'll likely make one batch for home eating anyway.

That sounds very interesting. I'm a little bit leery of brittles, though, with my somewhat brittle teeth (I hate it when chunks of tooth fall off).


Are there any subscriptions/gift cards you would be interested in?

An amazon.com gift card would certainly get used. Subscriptions, perhaps House Beautiful, Elle Decor, or Town & Country magazines.


Would you like anything from Cocoa Pink?

I haven't looked at their web site, so I have to say that no, there isn't anything I would like from there.


Let's talk about stationery. How do *you* feel about paper, envelopes, notecards, pens/pencils, stickers, etc? Do you have a favorite symbol or characters you like to have writing implements of? What about journals???

Since I never write letters, stationery in the sense of letter paper and envelopes would probably go unused. (Although I do adore those very stiff correspondence cards and envelopes produced by Crane Stationery in all those pretty color combinations.) I do use notepads and Post-It notes quite a bit. I think I already mentioned my weakness for fancy pens along the lines of colored gel pens, metallic ink pens, etc. (Then there's my fondness for really fancy, expensive pens, but that's definitely out of range for this swap!)


Boxes: do you like to keep pretty gift boxes, or are they just clutter?

Yes and yes. As in, I like pretty gift boxes, but please don't go to expense or effort with them.

Any small things you need?

I think I mentioned some on the questionnaire. I'll keep thinking.


Do you like knitwear?

Yes! Just about anything except hats (I don't like getting hat hair and they generally aren't necessary in Florida, anyway). For colors, see my questionnaire.


Nail polish, yay or nay? What colors if yay?

I love looking at all the pretty colors, but I never seem to get around to actually applying nail polish to my nails.


Would you like hand dyed things, particularly scarves? What colors are you most interested in?

YES!!! Jewel tones and other colors as listed on my questionnaire. Nothing too harsh in the way of colors; I'd describe the ones I like as either "clear" or "muted".

If you like card games (ones that use things other than regular playing cards), what kinds do you want/need?

I don't really have any "wants" in this area.

Now a question from me: As most of you know, I am the forum dealer for wild rice, maple syrup and red sauce, would you like to receive any and or all of these in your package?

Yes! Send me twelve days' worth of wild rice and maple syrup and I'd be quite happy. A little red sauce for variety might be nice.

Is there anything you might like from Bath & Body Works? Candles, lotions, shower gels and the like?

No, not really.

Do any of these mead kits interest anyone?

No, thank you. I don't think I'd get around to actually making the mead.


Also, cookie cutters! One of the stores near me has eclectic cutters - would this be something that interests you?

Probably not. It's once again something that I probably wouldn't get around to doing. (Although I do like the idea on general principles.)


Would you like local honey or other localish products available via my local farmer's market? For that matter, how about infused salts (there's an amazing basalmic salt that a local place does) or vinegars or spice/seasoning packets?

All of those examples sound delightful.


What are five of your favorite fruits?

Not in any particular order: strawberry, raspberry, mango, passionfruit, guava. At least those are the first to come to mind. Maybe I should have included blueberry? Really, almost any fruit except grapefruit would stand a chance of making the list.


What are five of your favorite herbs/spices?

In no particular order: cilantro, oregano, cumin, cinnamon, ginger (more gingerroot than the dried, powdered ginger spice). Is there room to add Italian basil and rosemary, too?

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