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New and Improved (not to mention concise and organized for once) Wishlist!

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***desperately seeking a sniffie of Pumpkin King; only needs a trace amount of oil. I must know once and for all if this is going to be worth hoarding money for or not!***


Things I have tried/own some of and am looking for as much as I can find:


Egyptian Amber SN


Mabon (original only)

***Pumpkin Hard Candy***

The Confectionary proto

The Heraeon of Argos



Things I haven't tried but lust after so hard, I must have whatever I can manage to find!


Black Amber SN

Black Cherry SN

Dark Chocolate (Gaiman)

Egyptian Musk SN

Fig SN

Hellfire (original formulation only)

Horror Coaster proto

Night Parade of 1000 Demons proto

Raspberry SN

Toasted Coconut SN

Waxworks proto


Things I would love to try in sniffie form first: any of this year's randomly named protos (except TX30 which I already own), Beltane, Blue Moon 04, CD protos I haven't yet tried (see bottom), Citrinitas v4, F54, Frost Moon, Gaslight, Harvest Moon 04, Ingenue, Orange (Gaiman), Pink Moon 05, Moon of Ice, Morella, Needle in a Haystack, Noir, Pumpkin King, Poe, Red Moon 04, Semiramis, SNs I haven't yet tried (see bottom), Storm Moon, any Tarot blends, Tattie Bogle, Unseelie, Whippoorwill


GCs I need more imps of to fill DIY bottles: Aeval, Akuma, Black Annis, Bon Vivant, Carnal, Dana O'Shee, Depraved, Drink Me, Eat Me, Grog, Helle's Belle, Kabuki, Kill-Devil, Morgause, Seraglio, Scherezade, Skuld, The Bow & Crown of Conquest, The Harlot's House


Other GCs I definitely want bottles of (will also take imps) : Alice, Against Idleness & Mischief, Arachne of Lydia, Bard (RPG), Belle Epoque, Black Hellebore Honey, Chokecherry Honey, Cockaigne, Courtney, Cyborg, Dawn: Maiden, Deadly Nightshade Honey, Debauchery, Detestable Putrescence, Dirty, Dragon's Milk, Dwarven Ale (RPG), Eclipse, Eden, Evil (RPG), Glasgow, Goblin, Gomorrah, Half-Elf (RPG), Halfling (RPG), Hecate, Hellcat, Hideous Heart, Hollywood Babylon, Horreur Sympathique, How Doth the Little Crocodile, Jailbait, Josie, La Petite Mort, Lawful (RPG), Lust, Mage (RPG), Molly Grue, Mommy Fortuna, Morocco, Mouse's Long and Sad Tale, Neil, Neutral (RPG), Paladin (RPG), Pandy, Pele, Queen Alice, Ravenous, Salma, Schmendrick, Sin, Sudha Segara, The Butterfly, The East, The Lilac Wood, The Midnight Carnival, The Ninth Cage, The Red Queen, The Queen of Hearts, Thieves' Rosin (RPG), Uruk, Vial of Holy Water (RPG), Whip, Witchblade


CD protos I've already tried or own: Alley of Games v4 (own), Black Widow Circus, CD023 (own), CD Tilt v4, Fire Dancer v6 (own), Misfortune Teller v3 (own), The Fire-Scorched Carousel (own), The Confectionary, The Toymaker


SNs I've already tried or own: Egyptian Amber (own one treasured imp!), Honey, Plum, Sweet Pea (own), Vanilla, White Musk (own)


I may also accept more of many things I already have, so just try me; the worst I can do is say no.


Iffy notes: anise, apple, aquatics, bergamot, grass, ozone, rose


Get it away: cedar, cologney scents, eucalyptus, heavy dirt, jasmine (except star or sambac), lemongrass, lemon myrtle, lemon verbena, strong herbals

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