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SW Spring '11 Help

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All the questions so you don't have to dig! Ketchup through 3/26 and additions here and there. Now realizing I should put new stuff at the top. Sorry!


So Witchees, do you enjoy pre-1970 movies? If so, who are your favorite actors/actresses? I do! I love screwball comedies--most anything with Cary Grant (one of my fave all-time films is "His Girl Friday")--and the Marx Brothers. Most of my great classic movie loves are comedies.


Are you interested in trying Super Villainess (from Villainess - the birthday scent that was just released tonight!) and if so, which item do you like the most? I do not know from Villainess, sadly. Have not been enabled.


If I were to order you a Smack, which four notes would you like? I don't even know what a Smack is! :D


Would you enjoy receiving a knitted gift from your witch? If so what would you be interested in (scarf, hat, wrist / handwarmers, socks, etc.) and in what colors? NO ONE knits for me--I knit for everyone else, so sure! Dishcloths, dishtowels and handwarmers, warm colors for the handwarmers, reds for the dishcloths/towels.


What kinds of fabric do you prefer to work with? Rayon, silk, linen and wool for clothes; cotton, linen or hemp for household stuff.


What is your favorite time of day and what do you like to do then? It really depends on how much sleep I've had. :P


Easter Candy - do you like it? If so, what types? I like FRESH Peeps but they're hard to find. Jelly Bellies and gummies. I used to love Reeses peanut butter eggs, but peanuts give me headaches now. :cry2: I don't know if Cadbury cream eggs are gluten-free but I like 'em. Sees Easter stuff, but I like Sees in general.


What scent(s) are you petrified of getting DC'd? Any of the bottles on my wish list! :D I think I'd be very upset if Alice or Eat Me were discontinued, or Haloes. I do not have backups, and all three bottles are dangerously low.


What is your favorite type of wine? Would you be interested in trying something new? In that case, is there anything you really DONT like? Ooooo how about dessert wines? I love wine. My favorites are Zinfandel (LOVE. ZIN.) and Pinot Grigio/Gris, but I only drink the latter in summer. I call it "deck wine," because I like to drink it very cold on my back deck. :) I don't like Reislings. In dessert wines, I love good port. Love it.


Violette Market Update is up. Do you covet anything from it? I've never collected VM, but if someone already had samples lying around, Lost Woods, Morrigan, Cauldron, Shoemaker, and Lion and Lamb sound interesting. Tir Na Nog lost me on the jasmine but otherwise sounded divine.


What three things are you craving right now? Since I'm writing this later, what I crave right now is a housekeeper, brunch and a pedicure. I may get the middle, if I can get my ass out of my chair, but not the other two. :P


paper goods, anyone need? Not really, no. I love them, but they don't get used. The girls like origami paper, though.


What is a scent that you've been trying to find even a sample of for a very long time to no avail? Probably Gingerbread Poppet.


Is there anything in your life that you'd like advice or a "selfhelp" book for?: (ie finances, eating healthier, meal planning) Hm. I'm off self-help books right now; too many read in the first 50 years of my life! The only nonfiction I really like right now in that vein are knitting books, and those are on my Amazon list. :)


Baked Goods? Yea Nay? Gluten free, sure, but I try to avoid them in general. Something special I'm always up for. :)


If not Baked goods and you are changing eating habits..a book of recipes perhaps that will help the new eating lifestyle? No, I'm good, BUT! MINION ALERT! I have two ebook cookbooks out, one on crockpot cooking and one on cooking with garlic, and I will be happy to minion your Witchee with one or both at no cost to you. Just PM me.


What would I order TODAY from BPAL? Bottles of: Josie and Lulu because those are the names of my daughters; Whip, Wanda, Standing Female Nude, Young Pine Saplings, Loosening of the Obi, Sticky Bat. When I am Rich and Famous I will place orders like this at least once a month. :lol: When I'm REALLY Rich and Famous, I will place orders like this for EVERYONE! :D


What level of nudity? Dude, I write erotica.


gently used items from a garage sale/thrift store? Clean and usable? Sure!

Do you like cooking seasonings, like the kind you can get in ounces sizes? If so, things you'd love to try out? I love salts, especially various sea salts. I've always wanted to try vanilla salt, for instance. I like seasonings in general, not much for super-hot. I love Tajin.


Do you like any particular kinds of green or black teas or coffees that could also be gotten in bulk? Unflavored teas of all kinds and coffees. Decaf is better, though green and white teas can be regular. I love oolongs and jasmines. I like herb teas, too, but I'm kinda picky. Rooibos is good, and Sleepytime-type teas. I dislike hibiscus, and I can't have licorice.


Favorite snack foods (and can they be from bulk section as well?) Dried fruit (apples, peaches, apricots, dates), chips (to my shame), popcorn of all kinds, gummies especially Swedish raspberries, chocolates, caramels, non-peanut nuts and seeds, jerky (but be careful--soy sauce has gluten in it), cheese. Bulk is beautiful. :) My favorite chocolates are Sees and Green & Black (quite the contrast).


Mix CDs? Sure!


Tim Tams? ALLERGIC! They're cookies, right? Yeah, allergic. :(


Is there any "classic" literature (Hemingway, Dickens, Elliot, Bronte, Hugo, Wilde, etc.) that you would like to add to your collection? I love classics, but I read them from Project Gutenberg on my Kindle so don't buy me any. :)


Candles/melts? Sure--I LOVE candles--but be careful about the melts. Florals usually give me a headache! And I like incense better.


Get your music player, what are the first 13 songs on Random?

1 Now Or Never - The Toasters

2 Reindeer - Ein Astronaut and the YouTube musicians christmas collab club

3 Not The Red Baron - Tori Amos

4 Still Lost In The Forest - Anne Dudley

5 In The Pay Of Spain - Ian Anderson

6 Haydn: Symphony #94 In G, H 1/95, "Surprise" - 2. Andante - Alfred Scholz: Philharmonia Slavonica

7 Bach - BWV.878, Prelude and Fugue in E major from WTK II - Randolph Hokanson

8 Do That Stuff - Parliament

9 Sam Hall - Johnny Cash

10 Hung My Head - Johnny Cash

11 Praise The Hoove! - The Firesign Theatre

12 All My Love Is Gone - Lyle Lovett

13 Requiem - Lux aeterna - v.01 - Gregorian Sense


How's THAT for a weird playlist. I'm astonished neither Nickel Creek nor Iron & Wine showed up, or any of my bellydance music.


Do you need another bpal box? No, not really.


Do you have any blogs you regularly read? The Bloggess, Wil Wheaton, Seth Godin, JA Konrath, Zoe Winters, the BPAL blog, Knittyblog, the Yarn Harlot, Arts & Letters Daily, DailyKos.


surprise! the world has given you the day off. You hear that, no chores, responsibilities, or budget you have to follow. What would you do in those 24 hours? Oh geez, I'm such a workaholic. It's so hard for me to even think in those terms. If the world really gave me a day off? Like a complete day off from EVERYTHING? I'd like to find a hotel room with a fireplace and comfy nappable couches. I would sit there with my books and my Kindle and lots of snackies and read read read knit knit knit. If this was at the beach, so much the better.


Oh! Or if money was no object and there was a teleportation device available (since I don't fly and the train takes a day by itself to get down there), Disneyland with my kids. We're not so much with the Disney, but I grew up near there and have many happy memories of it, and my kids have never been. Boy, I really need to get Rich and Famous soon before they're grown up.


Do you enjoy gardening? If so, what kind of stuff do you grow? Vegetables, flowers? We try. I used to be quite the gardener, both veggies and flowers. This year we're going to try to get a veggie garden in.


Favorite artists/paintings? Alphonse Mucha, hands down in a walk-away. I like Charles Vess and P. Craig Russell, both of whom are at least a little influenced by Mucha (Vess I don't know from--seems to me to be--but Russell said it explicitly--it's how I got turned on to Mucha in the first place).Art Nouveau, Arts & Crafts Movement, Pre-Raphaelites (Rossetti, etc), Klimt, Carl Larsson, Bougereau, Alma-Tadema.


Booze? Yay or Nay? Yay! Rum, whiskey, zinfandel, port. I love port.


Steampunk inspired items? Yay or nay? Yay! I love Victorian-esque stuff in general.


Amigurumi? (the little Japanese stuffies) I love them but I have no space for them. I'm trying to get rid of stuff like that. :(


Pirates vs Ninjas vs Zombies - who wins? Which do you love most? Ninjas win but I love pirates better and I HATE HATE HATE ZOMBIES. Seriously. No zombie stuff. I don't understand the fascination at all. I did like Cherie Priest's "Boneshaker," but that's because it wasn't all "zombies yay!" And the rest of the non-zombie story was so good.


Piercings? - ears?? - elsewhere? Ears. I have multiple piercings in each but only wear one. I'd like to get my nose pierced again at some point; it's been closed for 14 years when my mom accidentally lost my nose screw in the wash and it was the only one I had with me and I was pregnant and it closed before I could get a replacement screw.


Do you like wearing things in your hair? If so, what kind (snap clips, scrunchie, headband, etc), how big & crazy (lowkey, bigger the better), and colors. Sorta. I have a huge head, srsly, it's crazy big, like hat size 7 3/8. My hair's too short to be pulled back in a tail or put in braids--it's chin length. I do like hair things but they have to be super clippy; stuff always slips out of my hair. Combs, whatever. Zip, right out.


Chocolate. With stuff in it? Om nom nom nom. I like Cadbury Fruit & Nut bars, Dagoba Xocolatl (chile!), all kindsa chocolate. I don't know that there's such a thing as bad chocolate. OK, there is, but you know what I mean. My fave is Green & Black dark chocolate with dried cherries. :thud: And of course anything from Sees.


For those who like lipgloss, lipstick, tinted balms, etc, what colors do you wear (and warm? cool?) and do you prefer something sheer or more opaque? How do you feel about shimmer? I'm not quite 50, so shimmer is out. I like sheer and opaque depending on the color. I have warm skin tone. Don't like neons or anything "clubby"--colors that make your lips lighter than your face. I love the cheap palettes with a bunch in the same compact, like Nyx. So fun. And I wear lip balm all the time, I always have a tube of it with me. I love Bonne Bell. :) I wish they still made the giant ones like when I was in school. You wore them on a pretty shoestring round your neck and they were hyooge!


What's your favorite animal? Or is there one that's particularly significant to you? Sheep! Because I love to knit and spin and wool's my favorite fiber. I love sheepskin, too.


If you were able to get a vintage or prototype bottle from the upcoming West Coast Will Call, which one would you want? Probably the Planting Moon prototype, since I love Planting Moon (one of the great under-appreciated BPALs). As far as vintage, maybe the Gingerbread Poppet 2005.


DVDs, Blu-Ray, both, neither? Kinda neither. We're trying really hard not to collect movies.


Sock Dreams? What kind? Absolutely, but I have REALLY thick calves. They have super-stretchy knee-highs and OTRs, though--I live in Sock Dreams country and have physically been there, and they fit. :) I like anklets, knee-highs and the shorter kinds of fingerless mitts.


Since this is a price capped round, would you rather get one "big" thing or lots of "little" things or don't care? Don't care. I leave it up to my dear Witch.


Do you like pirate-related things? You know, there are pirate fanatics around PDX. I'm not one, but I'm not averse and it'd certainly be a good way to remember the round. :)


Soaps? Eh. They're okay. I have a drawer-full of handmade soap from back when I had an online store. STILL working my way through it eight years later!


Copied CD's or DVD's? Mmmmmm....somehow I'm okay with mix tapes but not this. Isn't that weird?


Caffeinated lollies? Wha'? Um, no.


Would you want an invite to a site that is invite-only ex. Diaspora, Demonoid, etc. If so, what? Geez, I have too much to keep up with now! :lol:


Pillows? Again, decluttering. Remember, I'M OLD, and I've lived in my house for 25 years! I gots too much stuff! :)


Purses? bags? What style/colors? I'm always up for bags to put knitting in.


Decorative scarves for hair and/or creative accessorizing? What colors? Yes! I love folkloric stuff in deep colors, all kinds. Greens, blues, reds, purples--warm colors.


Would you like anything from Starring Fragrances. They make awesome hair stuff, natural deoderant, and home fragrance (and a ton of other stuff, those are just my favs) I have no idea! Never used it. Just be careful about wheat proteins. I had to stop using Coco Pink because of 'em. :(


How do you feel about nail polish? What colors do you like? Sparkles? I LOVE nail polish, especially Zoya. Usually I buy myself cheapo fun stuff like Nyx, Wet n Wild etc. I don't care for black or almost black, and again, warm colors. I could use a classic red cuz No2 Squeaker broke my one bottle. I do like sparkle/frost, but don't like glitters. They're SO HARD to get off. I also don't care for the new crackle craze. Here are several collections of Zoyas whose colors I love but they don't have to be Zoyas. Any one of those colors would be welcome, I love them all.


Ok geek check - what sort of geeky things do you do? Do you read comics/graphic novels? Are you obsessed with something (a TV show maybe?) Do you work in a geeky field? Do you play rpgs like Dungeons and Dragons? Would you like gifts related to any of these? BIG. FAT. GEEK. But there's no TV show I'm all about right now! All my shows have either ended or fallen away, and I'm not a collector of that kinda stuff anyway. I play D&D, I love Jonathan Coulton, I adore ThinkGeek. I don't read comics any more, either; it's too much money for too short a pleasure. I'm a computer geek--a PHP programmer/web developer, though I don't do that much these day. Oh--I love Mythbusters! I have access to all the 'Busters I want, though, on Netflix.


Do you like poetry? To a degree. I like Whitman, and old school rhymin'. Wordsworth, like.


Do you have a favorite fabric? If someone were to make you a fabric item, would you prefer it be out of any fabric? e.g. velvet, satin, silk, cotton, bamboo??? Would this change if it were an article of clothing vs. a bag/pillow/blanket/somethingelse I love panne velvet, silk, rayon (whether standard or bamboo). Flowing stuff, though I like linen and brocades, too. Bags would be something sturdier, obviously. At our house we standardize on natural sustainable fibers if we can--wool, silk, linen, hemp--but if a kind soul gave me something of cotton I would not pitch a fit. :)


Anything with the Worm Moon update that you're already lusting after? I'd like to sample Lord Teishin, Ii No Hayata, Minamoto No Yorimitsu, Enlightenment of the Courtesan, Schmendrick, Molly Grue. I will add these to my wish list.


Is there any kitchen gadgets or goods or what not that you need/want? I love and need dishrags especially handknit/crocheted, and I really love and need hanging towels or apattern to knit or crochet a hanging towel (preferably knit). I also like washable cloths to use with my Swiffer. I don't like using the disposables.


If your Witch lived near you, would you be happy or creeped out to get a "coupon" for a service like cleaning help or babysitting or dogwalking or coffee out with your Witch or something like that? Would you be creeped out if a local minion personally delivered a package to your house from a far-away Witch? My answer: I don't need babysitting but I'd love help cleaning (not cleaning--HELP cleaning! I have a basement that needs mucked out and extra muscle and moral support would be great since I have neither muscles nor morals). And I would not be creeped out by a special delivery, it would be awesome.


Let's say I have a pair of something you collect, would you like one of them and we have matching things? That would be pretty neat. :)


What types of scents do you like to scent your home? Which do you totally avoid? I like sandalwood, Japanese incense smells, and lavender. I avoid candy-like scents and most florals. I like home scents to have a clean smell.


Minion stuff mentioned:



trisj's ebook would be great, I'd love that. :)


I love our Etsy creators. Love love love Etsy in general. Except for that new privacy thing. Etsy wishlist is here and check out the favorited shops for less expensive stuff; my husband uses that wish list to get stuff for me. ;)


Other stuff?

I love handmade soap. No one has ever enabled me when it comes to Lush. I don't care for non-BPAL perfumes much, unless they're really outstanding in some way.


I love Manic Panic and other wacky hair dye. Yes, I'm an old lady but I'm not dead.


I love mustards (be careful with mustards, many have wheat flour in them for some ungodly reason) and honeys--pumpkin honey, for instance, or honeys that might be native to your area and that I might not have sampled before (I'm in the Pacific NW). If you live far away from me and have a wildflower honey I bet it's way different than ours.


The only thing we really collect--this was on the questionnaire but I overlooked it--are snow globes, but only if they're of a particular city. Not snow globes in general. For instance, we have one of the Portland skyline, and one of the New York City skyline. We also have one from Seaside, Oregon.


Actually, I love old-style geographical stuff. You know, HELLO FROM GEORGIA, where the letters are all full of peaches an' stuff? Yeah, but only if they're useful, like tea towels I can loop on my appliance handles for a quick non-dirty-hand-dry. I keep nice ones just for that purpose. Mugs are okay, but I've got plenty of mugs already.


Oh, I love beads, too. :)



LJ: meilin_miranda

FB: MeiLin Miranda

Twitter: meilinmiranda (that's where you're really going to "find" me)

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