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More SW q's!



How do you feek about silly, funny knick-knack, dollar store stuff, stickers, magnets etc? Would you like receiving that kind of stuff or rather not? sure!

Is there a specific book you've been wanting to get but haven't found the time or the opportunity to? probably but I can't think of one >< sorry, I"m not very helpful.

Do you read mangas/watch animes? Which ones? Do you have a particular favourite? Would you like to receive managas or anything related to them? I <3 cowboy bebop.

Are you open to receiving things that are not on your wishlist, maybe something your Witch thinks you might like? well duh

If you have something on a wishlist that we could craft INSTEAD of buying, though it might not end up identical to the wishlist thing, would it be okay to craft it instead? Obviously we don't want to copy anyone else's design, but if we can replicate the flavour or intent that you like without stepping on toes? replicate away! <3

OK, I know that lots of folks love socks. Do you have a preference of length? Materials? Patterns?no preference!

How do people feel about word magnets? no thanks.

If you could have any costume, or if you aren't into costumes, necklace or other accessory, from any movie character, what would it be? hm.. Something with a long skirt and a cloak.

How do you feel about samples/decants of things other than BPAL? Soap slices, lotion/scrub/shower gel decants, single use make-up/beauty products, etc. hit me

What are you guys going to be aiming for in the Inquisition? Or do you just plan on ordering individual items? I'd be aiming for nice.





Is there a TV, movie or literary character that you are a lot alike, or would like to be alike? not really

Is there anything you need for your kitchen, ie measuring cups, spoons, grater, ect? not really :)

Music, DO you prefer Live or Studio? Edited or explicit? studio, explicit.

If you are an animal lover, is there a specific type/breed that you love most? I'm a non-discriminatory animal lover.

Also flowers and plants- If you like flowers/plants, do you have a favorite(s)? pansies, daisies and roses.

Do you have a favorite quotation? Song lyric? Book passage? WhateverthehecktheycalltheanonymousregionalwisdomthingiePROVERB! that word. nope not really.

What is a bpal scent that you've been dying to try for awhile but just can't find? (A scent where even a tester would do) uhhh...monsterbait underbed?

Let's say, hypothetically speaking, that you have some children/spawn (1 or more), and, hypothetically speaking, your witch would like to spoil them a little but knows nothing of kids these days. What do they like or dislike? Also is there anything a (sane) adult might think they would like that you don't think is appropriate for whatever reason? (I'm thinking of things like temp tattoos, make up, things that make noise, or anything else that might be bad for non-obvious reasons.) Hypothetically, my 4 year old loves anything with princesses. Please do not send make up. My two year old LOVES cars and toy story, especially buzz. And teh bebe likes to chew on things, crinkle things, and crawl after other things.

Is there anything you would like that can be delivered over the internet? Things like fanfic recs, cat macros, mp3s you are looking for, how-to or amusing videos, things like that. Sure, I'm up for amusement! I don't have just tons of time to go looking for things like that.

What would your last meal be if it could be anything in the world (sky is the limit, drinks too, the whole shebang) welllll. Speisbraten, german fried potatoes and white asparagus with a radler. For dessert, pumpkin cheesecake and some delicious hot chocolate.

NaNoWriMo? nope


Chocolate or other types of candy? yes? :D

For tea drinkers, do you prefer loose leaf or tea bags? either one works just fine for me.

If you would enjoy something of a knitted persuasion, do you have a preference on type of thing? Since making a scarf for someone who has 10 might be a smidge excessive? Also, how do people feel about shawls? I don't have anything knitted, so..scarf, shawl, gloves, socks, whatever!



what interests you from the latest lab update? pumpkin latte has my interest most! I ordered imps for everything I want to try, will definitely update when I get them.

How do you feel about stationery, like nice pens or notepaper? And if you're in favor, do you prefer classic/contemporary or cutesy stuff? I like both cutesy and classic. I LOVE pens, I collect them. I'm on the lookout for a(nother) fountain pen.

Would you like homemade preserves (e.g. marinated vegies, pickled onions, chilli jam?) ah.. fruit preserves yes, everything else not so much. Apple butter is love.

If you've got stuff on your BPAL wishlist, would partial bottles be okay? partials are absolutely okay!

Would you like something you have to make yourself? sure! I like craft kits.

Say you were my witchee, and I found things on your wishlist that I could totally make. Would you want me to make it? Or would you rather it be purchased for you? oh, make it! If you have time and you want to. :lol:

Who is your favorite soap etailer? paintbox, hands down. I LOVE indian summer and smilin' jack and want MOAR. Also love orange crush and lavender truffle.

What about vintage decoration items, teacups, etc etc? nah, thanks anyway.

With regards to your gifts, would you prefer your presents' awesomeness evenly spread out (several packages of pretty terrific things) over the round or a slow build-up of awesomeness (going up from pretty cool things to something super-duper cool at the end) to go out with a bang? Do you have a preference? I have no preference. I've been witched both ways (is it me or does that sound dirty?) and loved both.

What kind of make-up do you wear? What colors? Is there anything you'd like to try but haven't yet? I wear bare escentuals and keep it natural lookin'. I did buy a large amount of eye shadow, one of those color boxes yanno? So if you have any tips for eye shadow application I'm all ears!

Who would be on your top 5 (IE famous people you’d date/have relations with ) eh.

Do you crave many Ecards and contact or are you okay with little contact from your Witch? I'm okay with little contact. E-cards are awesome, don't get me wrong, but I don't mind if I don't get many. :)

Do you have a place where you list all the BPAL you have or have tried? scentbase

Do you like maple sugar candy? yep

What is your position on the chocolate & bacon flavor combination? no

If you are a tea-drinker do you need a tea-cozie for your pot? I don't have a pot, so no

Go to your spice cabinet, what are the three most used spices? garlic powder, onion salt, and an italian herb combo. Sweet and spicy rub.

Microsoft or Apple? microsoft

Where was your last vacation? What did you like most? disney land! I loved all of it, but mostly I liked the lack of my kids.

Would you appreciate receiving handwritten letters and/or postcards (anonymous or not)? How about sending them? yes! yes yes yes!

Do you hate any food things with a passion?? white chocolate and beans.

Would you be opposed to receiving a digital version (via email) of a magazine you like but don't subscribe to...you know, in the interest of saving a tree? nope, not opposed to that at all.



Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to go to last.fm immediately and create an account! Download the scrobbler! Link us to your account! If you reject this assignment, maybe just tell us what your mp3 player says you listen to a lot? I use my computer for mp3's and mostly I listen to bellydance songs, lately.

Any countries you're interested in? uh..no?

Would you enjoy homemade bath products (bath salts, fizzies, etc.) and/or linen sprays? Esp. if scented with some of your favorite BPAL scents? yes. Anything Dorian scented is WIN.

If you witch made you something and it didn't come out just right, would you still want it? yep!

Are you a foodie? I guess?

Any sports fans in the house? What's your favorite sport/team/player? eh.

For holidays, do you decorate? Would you like decorative stuff, weenie or otherwise? If so, do you lean towards the elegant, the crafty/folksy, or the more, erm, campy? I guess crafty but I don't really decorate.

Do you like journals/notebooks/sketchbooks? YES!



Cake truffles? If YES! Cake/icing/chocolate type? No, I'm not a truffle fan. Give me cheap chocolate any day.

are you interested in mini bottles(under 100ml for hand luggage) of bath and body products? sure!

Vampire shows, literature, etc? Yay or nay? not particularly interested in anne rice or anything overly emo. I did however enjoy the first three sookie stackhouse books and will probably watch true blood when I get a chance.

If you play console video games, what game systems do you have and what games would you love to have?I have a ps3, an xbox 360, and a nintendo DS along with my computer. As for games I want, I don't know I haven't looked recently.

How do you all feel about flowers and plants? Flower and plant seeds? Drawings of flowers or plants? Pressed flowers? um..okay? no seeds please. Pressed flowers are pretty but I don't know what I'd do with them.

How do you feel about marzipan? YUCK NO.



Would you like a bag of dried Honeycrisp apples? yes!

If you were to receive a knitted item (such as a scarf, hat, etc), what colors would you like? And do you have any sensitivies/allergies to any materials? I don't think I have any material sensitivities. I'd be happy with anything, probably boring black or brown for color. Or maybe bright red. I'm in a rut..

Gift Certificate: physical or email? either!

Favorite Yankee Candles? Or other brands scents? Harvest, Autumn Wreath, and ocean water from yankee.

would you like a zuni animal fetish? And if so, what animal? nah, thanks anyway

And how does everyone feel about glow in the dark radishes? uh...pass


What places to do you visit that you'd like a gift card to? Starbucks, Target, Wal-Mart, B&N, a favorite restaurant or clothing shop? borders, target, and panera are all 'treat' places that I'd love gift cards for.

Cake or Frosting? cake, hands down!



What movie scared the bejeezus out of you as a child? no idea.

Name a couple of sites you frequent other than this one. Questionable Content, meilinmiranda.com, and facebook. Google chrome says I visit here, my mail, school, and facebook most often.

Do you like the Muppets? Which is your favorite? I do, and I love burt and ernie.

If you could have any creature (real or imaginary) as a pet, what would it be? if it were guaranteed to be well behaved, I'd take a dragon or a wolf/dog mix.

Comfort Rereads?: tamora pierce. Usually I read new things though.

Will you be going out of town during the round, or is there any other time during the round when it would not be ideal for you to receive a package from your witch? uhhh don't think so!

If you are in school now, what classes are you taking? Does anything you are currently studying really interest you? (if you are not in school, is there anything you are trying to learn?) Right now I'm taking anatomy/physiology and english comp 2. They're both eh, required courses. Next term is nutrition analysis and then I will be happy!

What animal would your daemon be? Alternately, your patronus. I did actually answer this one in the thread, shocking I know.

What's YOUR favorite word? fantastic/phenomenal.

Steampunk, yay or nay? If yay, what part appeals most? yay! and I love all of it.



Do you have a special symbol or totem that is meaningful to you? no. well, yes, the cross.

Do you need a box for your bpal bottles? Your imps? Your something else to put in a box stuff? I make 'em, so nope.

If you could be any person, being, or animal from Fantasy what or who would you be? Raistlin from dragonlance is dang tempting.

If you could go back to any point in time, where, when, why? I have no idea. There are lots of times I would love to go back to, but I can't pick one.

Favorite Halloween Candy/Treat? reeses!

What are your favorite baked goods/homemade treats? pumpkin anything and cookies.

Would you be interested in an astrology birth chart? not particularly.



Socks? Sock Dreams? Anyone? yes please!!

What is something you use to comfort yourself when feeling yucky, depressed, or in pain? a warm drink and a good book!

Favorite Halloween/Scary movies/books ah..nightmare before christmas?


COMIC BOOKS. Do you read them? Are there any series you like, or some you would like to try? I've read some of the buffy ones but don't own any, would love the serenity and sandman ones.

Warm drinks? everything but coffee and black tea.



When you go to an etsy wishlist, it will tell you what things are sold. If you click on the sold item, sometimes it will give options that are similar to what was sold, but not identical, would you like the similar item or prefer not to get it at all unless it's the same item? How picky are you? not that picky. If it's similar I'll probably love it!

Do you wear make up? very rarely.

Disney movies, Yay or Nay, and favourites if you do like them? yay! and practically all of them are favorites. Still lookin' around for the lion king and aladdin.

Do you have A VCR, DVD Player or Blue Ray or a combo of the three? blue ray and dvd, no vcr.

Would you like custom icons as a gift? sure! But I don't know that I'd use them often.



What is your favourite snack food, something you could grab any time? popcorn.

Ebooks just got my hubby a nook, waitin' on an ipad for myself. So, yes? Just might take me a while to be able to read them. :lol:

Nail Polish: never use it.

Soft/plushy things: yes.

What hobby/craft would you like to learn how to do? knit!

For those who decorate for Halloween, do you prefer cute decorations or creepy ones?: cute

Also, as part of the cute-or-creepy question, would you want hand made, molded, glazed (by yours truly!) ceramic decorations (napkin rings, potporri/tart warmers, etc) to add to your stock? absolutely!

how do you feel about mortars and pestles? I can't think of any reason I'd need one

Is there anything you have a phobia of, or that would make you go "squick" if you saw it in a package? um..no?



Are you into Austen's books? sure

Do you read Tarot cards? If not, would you be interested? no, and no

So for those of you who are into Harry Potter at all, which house do you think you'd be sorted into? I don't really know. Possibly gryffindor or ravenclaw.

What, if anything, is your guilty TV watching pleasure? millionaire matchmaker :blush:

If you cosplay or need a costume for your bellydance/burlesque hobby (or any other hobby which needs dressup/different from your normal wear), is there anything you need/want for it? I would absolutely love a hip scarf for bellydance.

Celebrity crush?: matthew mcconaughey

Knitted things?:yes!

What about [mixed or otherwise] DVDs? sure

DVDs: Do you prefer widescreen or formatted? widescreen

Music: Any preference towards MP3 or CD? either is fine

Do you like scented tarts? yes :)

Lip balms? yes :)

Do you have any body mods? If so, do you need any new jewelry, o-rings, plugs, etc (and if so, what size, length, etc)? Do you like pro-body mod stickers? nope

Booze. Do you drink it, would you like some? I don't drink much of anything. If it tastes like beer I won't drink it but if it's really heavily flavored I might.

What is your favorite artist or art style? (including if you have links to favorite pictures/paintings/photographs) I like pinup..




Hallowe'en plans? take the kids around for candy

Mix CDs? yes!

Girlyness level? not terribly?



Baked goods: um..yes please?

Gifts for other household members: I would love it if my kids got somethin'

Are you someone who'd rather have lots of small testers of different things on your wishlist, or would you rather have one or two "big" things? testers

social networking usernames, ie twitter, facebook, livejournal, ravelry, anything else: --

would you like to receive Groupons or similar deals/gift certificates from your Witch? no thanks

How about tshirt/bottoms sizes? shirt, m/l (still losing weight but I don't think I'll ever be smaller than m) bottoms 10(yay!)


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