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SW Feb2010 Shotgun round

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Here's an edited list of useful answers from shotgun Feb SW round:

These are a few of my favourite things: ...?

Family, friends, and fun times w/each. Those rare occasions when my daughter (usually in constant motion) cuddles on my lap. Dark chocolate. Walks in the woods. Reading a good book for the first time. Reading a book or taking a soak in a warm nice smelling tub (or both together) without being interrupted. Being done with the "to-do" list for the day. Cooking something new that promises to be yummy. Live music. Singing w/good musicians.


decoupage/collage boxes and notebooks

Sure! As for pictures/themes: Gryphons, dragons, bats, dragonflies, wolves, anything Froud (Brian or Wendy), Keith Parkinson


Soundtrack? Shrek the musical. So love the movie & the Broadway soundtrack is fabulous! REALLY REALLY REALLY wish I could see the show.


Do you prefer coffee, tea, or hot chocolate? What flavors?

not coffee. Generally love anything chocolate esp dark chocolate. Always wondered what sort of alcohol would go best w/hot chocolate . . . have yet to experiment. as for tea, love chai & also fruity (herbal, green or white) teas. Bagged OR loose tea is great, although the loose stuff is like an extra special treat for me when I can take the extra time to do it juuuusssst right icon_smile.gif


Mix CD's - I do enjoy new music & a variety of styles of music so any mixed CDs would be great fun.


Fictional Universe? hmmm most of the ones I've wanted to visit were for lustful reasons that OF COURSE I would not be remotely interested in now that I'm married to my wonderful man. angel.gif Firefly would be a blast, depending on what planet you were stuck on. Someplace with magic where I could be friends with gryphons or dragons would be really cool. Mercedes Lackey had a series for each of those . .. . and of course I'd love to be an academic instructor at Professor X's school for the gifted, but my hubby doesn't want me that close to Wolverine :)


Fav animals- bats, wolves, gryphons, dragons, ocelot, rainbow lorikeets, hawks, eagles, raccoons, turtles.


Makeup and face care samples are ALWAYS loved! Although not so much lipstick, since I almost never wear that. And nail polish is pretty well wasted on me at this point in my life.


home canned goods sounds great. SOMEONE in the house should enjoy it, even if I don't. Unless it's peppers. Only hubby likes peppers & the poor dear OCD man probably wouldn't appreciate them from an unknown "stranger".


hair stuff - I have short hair, but barrettes are always good.


Fav flowers: Lavender, snapdragons, violets, and general wildflowers


Nightie/nightshirt - I usually wear comfy pants & a comfy shirt that are both "not to be worn in public" due to bleach mishaps, stretching out, etc. Something that actually looks half-way attractive would be a nice change (but still needs to be comfy) My fav colors - blue, purple, pink (not pastels) are all good options


ANd I've always wanted to learn to belly dance. Dunno if there's anything you can do with that, but I thought I'd put it out there just in case icon_smile.gif


Love to cook, love new recipes.


Favorite flavors: chocolate, garlic, cranberry, pomegranate, peanut, almond, pecans, brown sugar


Favorite foods/drinks:green & white (flavored) teas, Mead, Mediterranean (HUMMUS!), Asian, a good veggie pizza (with a variety of veg but no peppers) on garlic sauce, seafood , banana nut bread


Magazines you like, but don't subscribe to: Realms of Fantasy, Subterraninian, Veritas, the TAPS Paranormal Magazine, Sojourners, Relevent


- Something that you never buy for yourself, but you’d love to have: movie tickets & dinners out, those fab looking brownies & cookies you see in bakeries for $1-3 a piece, a manicure, chocolate cheesecake. Temp/wash out hair color for light/med brown hair, to create some shade of darker brown and/or reddish highlights. If it covers gray that's a REAL bonus.


kitchen-related gadgetry Love to cook but the only specific thing I've been craving would probably be too expensive: an immersion blender (I may have spelled that wrong)


Do you like incense and/or scented candles, and are you able to burn them in your home?

Love 'em - but everyone else in the house is not so crazy about them. So a definite no to incense (I miss it so!) and a maybe to candles. The scent needs to be light & generally vanilla, buttercream or lavender related scents are good.


candy – Generally only chocolate. I love chocolate. Dark chocolate. fudge is good. Nuts are good.


We do Ren Faire almost every year. Been to 1 Con & loved it, but again with the money & free time thing. And I love dressing in costume, no matter what excuse & it doesn't need to be "realistic" just fun


Used books, CDs, DVDs, etc. Personally I'm fine with gently used products (including kid clothes sizes 18 or 24 mo)

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