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Winter Shotgun Round Questions and Answers

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Your view of Valentine's Day?

It's there? Its also two weeks after my husband's birthday and not *that* much before our anniversary in April, and I'd rather go all out for our wedding anniversary than some silly made up holiday.


Do you like traditional Valentine's Day colors (red, pink, white, more?) ?

Love pink, um.. all the time? Otherwise I just love color!


A Favorite love poem?

While I have many favorite poems (Robert Frost is a favorite) none of them are love poems.


Turkish delight?

I can't remember if I've tried it and not like it or if I've just been underwhelmed by the concept of it.


What's everyone's favorite semi-obscure (or underappreciated!) animal?

One of my favorite exhibits at the Bronx Zoo is the Mouse House, which is full of furry underappreciated animals. I don't know that I could pick a favorite!


What is your favorite sign that spring is coming?

I'd say no more snow, but it snows through April here. When I'm at home, it's the crocuses starting to poke through the ground.. but here it's hard to see plants starting to spring forth.


Are you a big Mardi Gras fan? What's your favorite part?

I do like Mardi Gras/Carnivale - I have more memories of doing Mardi Gras stuff in high school than I do Valentines Day stuff! Although I don't know that I could pick a favorite part.. (notice a theme yet?)


I have been knitting a lot lately, would something hand knit be nice for you?

Hand knit is very nice, but no wool, please! I could definitely use a scarf, as I have a hat and mittens, and white or navy arm warmers would work at work (which is the only place I can see me use them). And actually, a second hat might not be bad, as long as it'll cover my ears.


Would anyone like receiving naughty/sexy things?

I am okay with receiving naughty/sexy things.. not so much games, but the husband and I are dabbling a bit in kinkier things. And stuff that's just for me is fine too - just no latex or natural rubber, as I'm allergic.


who on the thread likes attending Ren Faires, SciFi/Comic Cons & the like? And do you dress up for them?

I haven't attended any of these, but I'd love to go sometime!


Do you need any accessories for your phone, computer, mp3 player, &c.?

I could use a case for my ipod shuffle (not the current generation, the one before it), and a case for my Nook (but those are still a bit out of the budget, so don't worry about it, witch!)


Used books/cds/dvds, etc?

They're all fine with me!


For those of you with pets, would you like pet things? Toys, treats, etc?

My questionnaire said I have two cats, but we had to put one to sleep last week so Luna, the one left, is a bit depressed that her semi-buddy isn't coming back. Toys, catnip or otherwise, are good, and we're good on treats at the moment.


Interested in receiving gifts representative of Witch's country or culture?



First five songs on the "Top 25 Most Played" list on iPod

I think I mentioned this in the thread, but my computer with my music is currently.. not working so my new computer has only a limited number of songs, and I'm missing a lot of favorites.


If you're a WoW player, do you have the Pandaren Monk and Lil' KT pets? Would you want them?

No WoW here.


would you be interested in getting a mix CD from your witch?

Sure, but it'll get burned into iTunes anyways so mp3's are just as good.


What's your favourite candy?

I don't know that I can pick a favorite?


Think Geek plush microbes?

There are probably some somewhere in my kaboodle list. I love the Mad Cow one.


What about handmade sewn gifts? Any fabrics you wish to/need to avoid due to allergies, etc?

Wool is bad, otherwise it's all good.


Kitchen gadgetry?

Probably? I tend to put that sort of thing into kaboodle.


Nail polish?

My nails are pretty much always polished. There's a bunch in my kaboodle list - but the ones I found on amazon can often be found for less at less kaboodle-friendly sites.


Do you like incense and/or scented candles, and are you able to burn them in your home? If so, what kinds of scents do you like?

Incense makes me sick, but scented candles and tarts are okay. That said, I have a crap ton of both that I need to burn through first!


Boxes? For Bpal (bottles and/or imps) or otherwise

yes! I could definitely use a new bottle box, and I have no real imp storage. And I'm sure I could find a use for a different size or shaped box, as well.


Would you use a natural sea sponge?

Probably not? I only really use sponges for cleaning these days.


Are you interested in bacon chocolate?

Kind of. I have tried Lolliphile's Maple Bacon lollipops, and they were.. a little strange. So I'm still intrigued by the Chocolate + Bacon, but the smallest size bar might be the best way to go.


Coffee, hot chocolate, or tea?

I drink all three. I'm currently drinking more coffee due to having a K-cup machine, so k-cups are welcome (albeit pricey), but we also have the My K-Cup that lets you use any coffee as long as it's ground coarse (I usually do infusion grind since I do still use my French Press).


I love hot chocolate- as I type this I'm drinking some Mexican hot chocolate that my witch from last round sent me (the sort that goes into hot milk) and I love all sorts of flavors of hot chocolate.


Tea - I can do loose or bagged. I drink mostly black teas, but I love green and red teas as well. I don't care for most herbal teas, and I'd love to try honeybush.


Would you like some of my favorite recipes?

Sure! I don't eat beef or most shellfish, but anything else is game!


Would you like posters, pictures, art?

I don't really have space for posters, but pictures and art are always welcome. I've got stuff I like on my etsy list.


Would you like soaps? Especially from Paintbox? And ESPECIALLY the Valentines Special Edition Soaps??

I could use some soap, and while I'm curious about Paintbox's soaps, I'm really more of a cold process soap person.


New question--I'm calling this "could never happen in a million years":

Your Witch is perusing the wares at a local yard sale. S/he looks down and sees [insert impossibly rare item that you've always wanted but could never afford] with a $5-10 sticker on it. Sheepishly s/he takes it to the guy behind the folding table. "Do you know what this is?" s/he inquires. The gentleman states that it belonged to his mother/sister/grandmother/Great Aunt Beulah and he thinks it's for, like, hair or something. With a trembling hand, s/hes pays the man and heads home with the inconceivable riches.

So, what is this unobtainable miracle your Witch found?


I've been thinking about this one for a couple days - either a vintage letterpressing set, or vintage (or reproduction) French advertisement prints involving cats (I have this one already)


Do you like salted caramels?

I've never tried them.


Imagine that someone hands you their wallet and sends you into a really good bakery. They have everything, from breads to brownies, cookies to croissants, anything you could imagine, and you're allowed to pick out five things for yourself. What do you pick?

Probably a really fancy cupcake and four German pretzel rolls. Although that might change once I'm actually in there.


It gets asked every round but sockdreams?

Socks are good.


Do you like alcoholic beverages? If so, what is your preference (beer, wine, liquor...)?

I drink some wine, but the husband is uber picky, so I don't drink it often. I do like hard cider, and while I go for all sorts of fruity girlie drinks when out, my staple drink at home is Bailey's on rocks. (My husband's standard everywhere is a White Russian, and our roommate is partial to Screwdrivers - our liquor cabinet consists solely of Kahlua, Bailey's, and Grey Goose vodka :) )


Are you into steampunk?

I love the aesthetic but I don't know that I would wear anything steampunkish. But I'm interested in the art and other more home-y aspects of steampunk. Although I could totally rock a steampunk themed purse.


Would you like or accept an energetically-charged item or gift? Something that had power poured into it? If so, do you have a particular purpose that you'd prefer? (Love, protection, money, etc.)

I would totally be okay with a charged item. Money-themed would be awesome, but less of a money draw and more of holding onto the money we get already.


Do you have any significant upcoming events in your life you'd like something for? A child/yourself graduating from high school/college? Are you buying a new home or car soon? Moving in with someone/getting married? Taking a new job? Moving to a new part of the country/world?

Moving within the next few months (I'm hoping we don't have to leave until late March at the earliest!) and my sister's wedding in May, but otherwise nothing super exciting (although that's not saying that moving is exciting - I hate it).


Ooooh! BPAL's beloved alicia_stardust is having a contest! If you're my Witchee, would you like a chance to win these earrings?

I don't wear earrings, so not for me (but I entered my mom!)


How are we feeling about burlesque?

Not really my thing.


Is there anything you're lusting after in the Villainess update?

Update or no, I will always happily take more Krakatoa. (just I don't have anywhere safe and tall enough to store the perfumes, so none of those, unless it was decanted into a roller bottle or something). Raspberry Swirl and Lipstick Lost are both awesome, as well.


I custom mix nail polish, a process called 'frankening'. If you were my witch, would you enjoy a custom 'franken', based on whatever colors/theme you chose?

Frankening intrigues me and I've got eleventybillion ideas for a polish (okay, maybe not quite that many), so sure!


Since everyone is spending the same amount of money on this swap, would you be interested in seeing the cost breakdown of each item in your package?

I don't need it, and I'm not sure I'll be putting one together for my witchee either as it's a bit harder when you're crafting most everything (like, if I buy a $4 strand of beads but only use half, I'd count that in my head as $2 towards my witch even though I spent $4, but even that gets fuzzy when it looks like I'll be buying some of the spray paint for plastic and then only using it on two small pieces of plastic). And I'm not counting the costs of supplies like beads and cigar boxes that I had in my home already.


Do you like keys?

They open things? Some are pretty, but not really my thing.


Do you like guessing who your witch is, or would you prefer to know? Do you mind knowing?

I am SO BAD at guessing, but I'm okay when witches don't reveal.


If it's going to be obvious who your witch is, would you rather she played the ninja and sent one big box at the end, or smaller packages along the way?

Totally up to him or her! (although when I've been in that situation, I use things like etsy or sellers on the forum, so it's not coming from an easy to recognize address)


What color are your eyes?



If you had to choose a color for a nightie to sleep in what color would it be?

I sleep nekkid, but leopard print works for me!


Are you opposed to vegan baked goods? Or baked goods in general?

No opposition to baked yummy things here!


What's your favourite flower?

Lotus flowers have a spiritual significance for me. I love how lilies look, particularly calla lilies. Roses are okay if they've been dethorned. But some of my favorite bouquets have been random less expensive flowers that are splashes of color.


For those that have dogs, if I were to knit them a sweater, what colour would you like it to be?

Although my cat Luna would be adorable in a sweater, I rather like having fingers.


Lip balm: Yay or nay? If yay, what are your favorite kinds (brands, consistency, whatever)?

Yay! I love My Lip Stuff's consistency, but hate chapstick/blistex consistency. The ones put out by Bath and Body works are nice as well.


How do you feel about home-canned goods, like pickles, jelly, preserves, stuff like that.

Jelly and preserves would get used, but I don't know about anything else. Other than applesauce, which I would happily nom.


OPI Alice in Wonderland set?

I like the non-reds, but the reds are kinda boring to me.


Hair stuff? Clips and things, do you need any?

I can always use more ponytail holders (as long as there's no metal bits) as apparently used ponytail holders are the best kitteh toys evar. Clips to hold hair back are good, but my hair is fine and EVIL so things like bobby pins and decorative but flimsy clips are no match for it - they either fall out or my hair eats them. I'm intrigued by hair forks and sticks and whatnot as well.


How do you feel about handmade stuffed animals?

Are there any accessories you'd really like? (Keychains, little purses, etc.)

What are your favorite animals?

Is there anything you've had to give up that you really miss or want back? Maybe something a witch could help out with?

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