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Switch Witch questions, summer round, 2009

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My etsy favorites are here.


Do you like coconut? Yes for food, not for perfume. The only coconut perfume I like is BPAL's Black Pearl.

Puddin' posts ebay sales of older stuff every now and then - what of the current lot are you dying for? ooops... there's nothing now. Among the very rare blends I'm interested in: versions of Snow Queen, and the first 13.


Do you tweet? Not yet.


What kind of mythology are you interested in? for the literary value, Greek and Scandinavian.


Which flavors are you interested to try from the Chocolate Research Facility? I like all types of chocolate but I'm not a big fan of coffe and a flavouring, or very sweet things in which chocolate is an excuse, like Mars bars.

Do you wear makeup or nail polish? Need brushes, containers, storage, mani/pedi supplies? What colors and brands do you like? I like nailpolish in light shades of blue and green. I don't like it too dark although I'd like to have a red-black like Chanel's Rouge Noir. As for make up, I always end up wearing the type of pinks that suit an olive skin. Sometimes I wear browns or blues; not greens on my face, though. Clinique is my default brand.


Do you like shiney hanging porch decorations like windchimes or those things that spin and swirl in the wind? No.

Hair adornments? I don't have a lot of imagination or ability to do my hair. It's long, thick and curly and I need accesories to keep it out of my face when it's loose. Look, This is what I can and can't wear from the first Google result for "hair clips".



Alice bands, barrettes that consist on a piece of leather and a stick that goes through it, very big barettes, beak clips, "bendies" or "sleepies", bobbles, clips, combs, thin elastics



Barrettes like this type, especially if they're about one inch long (so I can just hold the two locks of hair that fall on my face), claw clips that are not very big (they wouldn't hold the hair at the front), thicker elastics, cloth scrunchies (NOT the ones with stuff attached, like beads), headbands and headwraps (not a big fan, though).


Is there any infomercial product you're dying to try even though you know it probably sucks? Nooooooo!

What are your favorite websites (besides this one, and the online shops you listed in your questionnaire)? Shakesville, Feministe, Indexed...


There was a question somewhere about TV shows. I've changed my mind; I've never watched Buffy, and I'm curious, and I was a fan of Northern Exposure so I'd love to have it, downloaded or bought.

We have so many talented witches and they really need to promote themselves more so, if you made something by hand for a previous witchee or have an etsy store or some other outlet for hand made goods, will you post it here with pictures or links? Or, if you want to brag on a previous witch's talent, this is the place for that as well. I love the work I've seen by Baitu and LacyJae. Kristana sent me some gorgeous earrings by her daughter in law :). I don't have any handy pictures off my own work just now.

If you could make your perfect scent (or at least most desired at the moment!) what would be in it? I would love to have a gentle mix of lavender and rose with the tiniest drop of honey.

So would anyone like to receive some original, or very much loved recipes from his/her witch? Yes!

List things you DO NOT need any more of: I know I have soap for two years. I can't stop getting more anyway.

Is there something that would offend you if you received it in your mail/gift/email)? (as in profanity, a bad words in an email/card/music ... or a card or something with a scantily dressed man/woman pictured on it, crude/immature humor tshirts, etc ...) I don't like offensive humour in general.

What do you like to snack on? nuts, cookies, dried fruit, crisps, nachos...

What is the color scheme you use most when you decorate? Light green and medium blue. The only BPAL forum skin I ever use is Spring.

If you have music or DVD's on your wishlist, do you mind getting a burned copy? How about if it is original packaging but previously used? Or do you only want it new? Music is music :)

Who is your favorite artist? What are some of your favorite pieces of their work?

Charles Rennie Mackingtosh, - the city of Glasgow :(

Velázquez - everything,

most impressionists, but particularly Monet, - anything with a sunset on it.


What is your favorite latin or faux latiny phrase? Phew! I studied Latin in high school, and since my mother tongue is Spanish and I'm good with languages, I still could understand quite a lot. Latin is too mucb part of my conscience to answer this question.

How are you doing for BPAL storage? Need any boxes? I like to have relatively small boxes to help me keep things in order; I have one with 16 bottles, another one with 12 bottles, and 7 bottles in need of a box. I have 4 color-coded Altoid tins with imps currently in use (spicy/foody, fresh/herbal, floral, fruity) and two more boxes, one with ritual or magical blends and one with imps-not-in-use. So, in short: I'd love a pretty box that fits 12 to 20 bottles.

Is there any place you've visited where you feel like you left your heart there? Scotland, particularly GLASGOW!!!!!! I even donated blood there. So hopefully there's a chunk of me permanently in Scotland.

What one item would you just love to have that is made by a Switch Witch? Something crafty I can't make myself. For example, wood carving or knitting.

Is your abode a palace covered in fur, a disaster area ,or a neat freaks delight? The kitchen is clean and tidy. Every else is covered in clean laundry waiting to be folded, ironed or stored.

Are there any phobias you have that you absolutely, positively, do NOT want anything from your witch referencing? Ehm... I don't think she's going to send me porn, right?

Are you a good witch or a bad witch? That's for my witchee to figure out....

What kind of a car do you drive and would you want something you could use in your car? I drive an Opel Corsa that looks older than it is. I'm not interested in personalising it.

Do you want to know when you have something coming in the mail, or would you rather it be a complete surprise? I'd like to know, thanks :(

What is your mailbox situation? I don't have one. The postman slides letters under the door if they're thin and rings the bell for us to pick them up if they're too thick to pass through. If we're not in, he leaves them in the office next door or gives us a slip so that we pick the parcel up at the office.

Are you interested in Tarot or Tarot art? I have a Wiccan friend who does a reading for me once a year. That's all. It's probably the only form of future telling I'm interested in (I'm very skeptical about horoscopes, for example).

What would you think of soap samples/shampoo bar samples? Or other sample sized bath/beauty products, for that matter? I love samples. What I like the omst about all these small crafty online companies is the chance to try hundred of scents and textures. The only problem is that I've noticed that the scent of samples deteriorates faster.


What about burnables as in candles, tarts and/or incense? Candles and incense are great. I don't like tarts much - I'm afraid I'll knock down the container and mess everything with the pool of melted wax.


Who knits? Do you also spin and dye? What supplies, that you wouldn't buy for yourself, would you just love to have for that activity? Very thick wool. I weave on a small loom. Wool with special effects - metallic shine, etc. I was thinking of selling or giving away fringe skirts like these: http://www.one-of-us.com/BellyDanceClothing.htm as they're easy to make.

Do you like coffee? Whole bean or ground? Bold/Medium/Mild roast? I don't normally drink coffee.

So you have enough socks and wraps... (shush, VCW!) Are there any other knitted goods you might like? Lap blanket? Fingerless gloves? Arm warmers? Little knitted animals? Silk scarf? Head band? Wrist cuff? Dish clothes? Are you brave enough to make me a top? :) fingerless gloves would be great for work. Not so much arm warmers. silk scarf????? YAY!!!!! dish clothes would be a shame, with tea and tomato stains, they would look pretty for a couple days at the most.

Are you obsessed with honey? If so, is there a particular kind you like best? Spun honey, flavored honeys, certain types of honey....etc. I love honey, but again, isn't it too heavy to post? I hate honey-flavoured candy, though.

What are your favorite materials? Or material things? Some people like jewelry, some like woods, some plants... I'm not sure what to answer to this, it is too general.

Is there anything you've been wanting to learn that your witch might be able to help you with? time management? I have lots of spiritual questions too but in that sense I feel very alone :(

Posters, yes or no? not really.

What are your favorite animals? Or, what animals resonate strongly with you? Tigers, Penguins.

Are there any historical figures you are particularly interested in - say, that you'd enjoy reading about, or movies, etc.? Any interesting female character from the last couple of centuries. Poets.

What, if anything, are you earwormed with right now? Nothing right now.

What scent are you wearing right now, if any? I've tried three or four scents from the last update. I don't like the Alice frimp or Pink Flamingos. I'll probably keep Feast for the Greatly Revered Ones.

Anyone reading an amazing book right now? Not right now, sadly. I'm reading every Ruth Rendell book in my mother's collection because I'm in the mood for detective stories. Ruth Rendel is really good, but not "amazing".

What socially respsonsible site would you recommend to ALL Witches? Hmmmm.... probably my favourite feminist blog, Shakesville.

What is your favorite anime, or if you don't like that what is your favorite animated series? Does Hayao Mizayaki count?

Do you like villians that are funny because they are meant to be, or are you like me and love the villian that just can't seem to get his evil schemes to work? Not really. I like my villains interesting, like Iago or the romantic or victorian ones.

Tea. How do you feel about it? I love it.

would my future witchee like to receive steampunk style jewelry? Probably yes.

Does your feline like catnip? No cats.

Salt soap bars (soap made with a large quantity of salt, like salt-scrub-in-a-bar)? Sounds good!

How would you feel about homemade jelly/jam from home-grown berries? Sounds fantastic but it's probably too heavy to post.

Homemade dill pickles? Made from cukes, beans, snap peas, baby zucchini? Same as the jam: probably too heavy!


Based on Prior Carnivale act prototypes...which one are you truly excited about? Not sure.

Would it bother you if you are not the first person to receive the same gift? Imagine a Witch who always sends her favourite book, for example. Of course not :)

Pets: What do you have, and do they need/want anything? No pets.

Does anyone play video games? What platform(s)? Are there any new or vintage games you would like? I don't play videogames.

Twilight fans, would you be interested in any products from this Etsy seller? If so, add the items you like to your Etsy favorites and make sure your wishlist is posted somewhere for your witch. I'm not a twilight fan.

Ok, for all you shower people, would you like Bpal scented soap? I'm out of soap stuff right now, but if I can get any anytime soon, would that be something that you'd like? Or how about Bpal scented massage bars or solid scrub bars? Soap: yes, massage bars: not in summer, they'd melt in transit, scrub bars: if they're made with an oil, like sandy massage bars, they'd melt in transit too. Don't send me anything that couldn't stand 100ºF heat.

Are you in need of decanting supplies, wand caps, or other scent-related paraphernalia? I'd love glass wand caps, the sort you attach to bottles. I need a bottle cap, wand or not, because one of mine is broken. Pippettes would have me jumping around the house in joy. Pretty boxes that fit 10 to 20 bottles - yay. And a scent locket for ritual purposes (I have The House of Dread Desire for non-ritual scents).

Are there any single notes (likely non bpal) that anyone is dying to have/try? I think that blends are more interesting.

net flick or the likes gift subscriptions? A month of Netflicks vs a DvD? I don't use Netflix.

Adorable Japanese characters? Not really, but I like Japanese fabric designs, both classic kimono ones and modern cute ones.

Do you collect dolls or miniatures? No.

If you were to make a seasonal mix CD for this summer, what would you name it? That's a secret.

Would you like any recycle/upcycle supplies for your crafting? Small electronic components, chips and such. I was going to make punk jewelry with them.

Is there a program you might have missed or show you love which is gone from the airwaves which might be found (or burned) for you by a Witch? Not now, I think.

Do you play any online games, like World of Warcraft? If so, what server do you play on, what's your character's name, etc.? No gamer.

Would anyone like bath bombs or bath melts scented with one of their favorite Bpal scents? I take baths about twice a year, so... no thanks.

Would you like homemade cinnamon buns or sticky buns? Yum! but don't send me anything that shouldn't spend a month in transit, just in case.

Is there anyone here that likes Hello Kitty or any other Sanrio Characters? Not me.

Any non NZ or Aus witchee that I get gets Tim Tams, OK? OK!


For non-US witches: is there anything from the US you'd love that you can't get where you live now? Seeds! It would be great if If you can send me seeds for vegetables that can grow easily in a yard (things that would grow well in big pots; I'm having good results with lettuce, onions, stuff like that). My weather is more or less like California, so I can grow just about anything.

Spring: temperatures 15-25ºC (60º-80º F). Occasional rain.

Summer: temperatures 25-35ºC, (60-90º), occasionally higher in July. Very dry. Occasional storms.

Fall: temperatures 10-25ºC (50-80ºF). The wettest season. It can rain heavily for weeks.

Winter: Temps. -5 to 15 (20-60 F). Some rain. Occasional snow.


How many potential witchees have an iPod, or download MP3s? I have an mp3 player of a different brand and I like mp3s.


Are there any of the BPTP bath oils you adore (particularly ones that you cannot get anymore). What about the room sprays? I haven't tried any of them. I try not to look too much into the BPTP site as postage costs can be high.

How would you feel about an ultra-girlie shawl or wrap in summer-weight (lace)? Hhhmmmm..... I wouldn't use it in summer. Summer temepratures here easily reach 35 degrees (100ºF). I might use it in winter, though. "Ultra girlie" sounds good :( and I always have a problem with how to dress warmly with formal clothes in winter.

What would you think of hand-dyed items? Sounds cool!

So, I hear you don't like lacy wraps! How do you feel about hand-knit socks? I normally use plain black socks.



What kinds of crafts does everyone either enjoy making or enjoy getting? Do you have a certain type of handmade item that you love to collect? Socks, boxes, jewelry, dolls etc? I make jewelry, and I embroider although I haven't done much lately. I could probably embroider a scarf or a belt, something like that. I can also make accesories for ATS oir tribal fusion bellydance if you like wool (not very approppriate for a summer round as it's way too hot to work with wool, though). I can't draw or paint.


I'd like anything that you send me although I don't normally like objects that are purely decorative. I like jewels, candle holders, anything that can be given a ritual use, anything that can be used in the kitchen / to eat, cosmetics, boxes to keep BPAL bottles are all great things. I'd love to send or get baked things BUT I wouldn't trust international mail with homemade food.


How would you feel about soaps made with emu oil? Squicked out/concerned about animal cruelty, or willing to try them? (The woman I buy them from uses the whole emu. She sells the meat, sells the feathers, and uses the oil to make soap.) I think that if we use animals we better make good use of the whole animal. So, if the emus are farmed, the soap sounds good to me. Even any crafts done with the feathers sound good too.

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