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Switch Witch Questionnaire

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Switch Witch Questionnaire


Personal/Basic Information

Birthday: September 23, 1974

Location: The Twin Cities, Minnesota

Pets: Two 2-year old cats. They are both all black with a little white locket on their chest. Izzy is a girlcat, Bowie is a boycat. We call them "bears". Quick explaination: Bowie actually has a little strip of white running down his tummy. When he was a kitten my husband thought he looked like the Hamm's bear (which is the only tattoo he's ever wanted). ANYWAY, now we call all cats "bears".

Children: None yet. Had a miscarriage last year and plan to try again this fall.

Religious orientation: Agnostic.

Favorite Holiday: Christmas, Canada Day, Halloween, Guy Fawkes (we burn stuff in a fire pit) and Groundhog Day (my husband and I exchange "sensible" underwear on Groundhog day. It's been a tradition of ours since before we were married.)

Occupation/Major in school: Currently work for Public Television. Went to film school and cosmetology school.

Living arrangement: Live with my husband and two bears.

Livejournal/Blog/Website: http://gingerkangkang.livejournal.com; http://twitter.com/gingerkangkang;

Facebook ID: 722180694 Just mention Mob Wars and I'll accept your friend invite without a clue that you're my Witchee - I'm not sure how much you can see that way because I have all my Mob Wars friends blocked out of everything personal. You could just invite me and tell me you're my Witchee and block me out of everything on your Facebook so that I can't tell who you are. You can also look up my MySpace. I have everything super privacy protected but if you invite me, the likelihood of me trying to figure out who you are is nil. I much prefer to be surprised and really don't want to know who you are until you want me to know who you are. Honest.

Organizations/Causes/Activities (Things you belong to or causes you believe in): Public television, public radio, grass-roots orgs and the Green Party. I am pro-choice, anti-death penalty, against animal cruelty (abuse, use for entertainment, factory farming, vivisection and animal testing), for the legalization of marijuana and am anti-war (not just the Iraq war). That said, I am not a hippie and I don't do drugs.


BPAL, etc

Favorite BPAL oils: Sudha Segara, Mme, Moriarty, Miskatonic University, Pumpkin III (2007), Count Dracula, Faith, Rose Red (all years), Anactoria, Bonfire Night, Hearth, Shub, Sunflower, Snake Oil, Dorian, 51, Aeaea, House of Mirrors, Midway, Embalming Fluid, Kumiho, Fruitcake, Smut, Ace of Hearts, Bearded Lady, The Apothecary, Leanann Sidhe (the one fave I don't have a bottle of), Amsterdam, Lyonesse, Victoria, Snake Charmer, Luperci, Krampus, Cheshire Cat, Red Lantern, Sin, Urania...

Favorite notes: Ginger, lemon/lemongrass,/verbena lime, mandarin, currants, pineapple, grapefruit, pumpkin, plum, rose, lilac, freesia, honeysuckle, lily (particularly stargazer), peony, pine (though I amp it, so it needs to be blended well), lavender, leather, smoke, sandalwood, incense, amber, patchouli, musks, dried woods, dried grasses, caramel, cocoa/chocolate, booze, baked goods, metals, aquatic notes, ozone...

Notes I love as long as they're not BPAL: Vanilla, coconut, fig, sugar, almond, honey, apple, peach and berries.

Favorite non-BPAL perfumes: Issey Miyake's L'eau D'Issey, Stella McCartney's Stella Absolute, Prada, Lolita Lempicka, Aquolina's Pink Sugar (there's a time and place), Gucci Rush, Gucci II, Benefit's Maybe Baby, Nanette Lepore, Valentino V, Burberry Brit, Thierry Mugler's Angel, Possets: Gingerbread Whorehouse, Indigo, Glee, Silver Carnations, Maggie and Id

Least favorite BPAL oils: Many of the Tarots and Conjure Bag. Glitter, Saturnalia, Love's Philosophy, Yggdrasil, Katharina,

Dragon's Milk... the list goes on and on... Anything containing my vvv least favorite notes vvv

Least favorite notes: Blossoms (ex orange blossom, apple blossom), lotus, wine, fresh grass/dirt, cinnamon, damp woods/leaves, apricot, black tea, eucalyptus, grape

Last favorite non-BPAL perfumes: All Calvin Klein, Dolce & Gabbana and Vera Wang perfumes.



Hair type: Super fine, curly

Skin Type: Combination - dry and oily; sensitive (Yes, I realize many people say they have sensitive skin who don't. I definitely do.)

Allergies (specifically B&B related): Sodium Laurel Sulfate, Bismuth Oxychloride, unnecessary natural ingredients like mint oils.

Other things to avoid: I can't use most Lush products because they use too many irritating ingredients. Bare Escentuals rips my face apart, but I seem to have had good luck with Everyday Minerals so I'm not entirely anti-mineral makeup.

Tub, shower or both? Shower

Favorite bath & beauty products: I use a lot of Paula's Choice for skincare. MAC is my favorite makeup but I'm not cultish about it. I also really like Stila. I don't think you need to spend a lot on cosmetics. I like Jane and some other drugstore brands. I'm desperate to find a new shower gel since discovering the Olay STILL tests on animals (I loved the Ultra Moisture Body Wash with Shea Butter). I like Paula's Choice Hair & Body Wash but it's expensive. I use Paul Mitchell Shampoo (One and Two) and The Rinse, Sexy Hair Concepts Healthy line and some Rusk styling products. I recently tried a sample of Cocoa Pink's Shine Sweetie and I really liked it. I love love love Lush Sympathy for the Skin.

Clothing Style/Fave garments: I dress like Bobby Brady 95% of the time. Jeans, t-shirts, comfy casual shoes (usually Skechers or Rocket Dog flats), hoodies, turtleneck sweaters, men's oxford dress shirts, scarves/passhminas.

T-shirt size and preference (standard, babydoll, tank, cami, etc): Standard T. My favorite fit is American Apparel's 2102 in XL. I also like shirts from Threadless in XL.

Type(s) of jewelry worn: I don't have any piercings - yes, that includes my ears. But I like rings and bracelets and, on occasion, necklaces. Mostly costume-styles - nothing really dainty except for fun-colored bobby pins.

Ring/wrist/collar size: (ACK! I have to do this yet!)

Do you have any allergies to metal? No.

Favorite gemstones: Alexandrite and Sapphire (my birthstone) are my faves. I also like emerald, ruby, amethyst. I can't stand diamonds or light-colored stones. I don't like pearls because they're made with cruelty.

Jewelry - gold or silver? Both.

Pierced ears, stretched ears, neither? Neither.



Favorite colors: All of them. Depends on my mood. Mostly RED, purples, greens and darker pinks (magenta). I also like odd shades of blue but not BLUEblue or light blue. And black, of course. LOVE black.

Style/home decoration style: Mod/retro... I have a tiki bar in my basement.

Things you collect: BPAL, tiki/retro decor, KITSCH, silly Archie McPhee-type stuff, books about booze, makeup (I'm a lipgloss FIEND), DVDs, CDs, books and I've always wanted to start collecting those stupidly revolting ceramic kitties with rhinestone eyes or... big-eyed art. I live low class.

Favorite music: Sloan, Bowie, New Pornographers, J5, Cheap Trick, Decendents, ALL, Stevie Wonder, Komeda, BIS, Old 97's, Queen, Talib Kweli, Buzzcocks, Smiths, Common, The Cardigans, The Who, Tom Waits, Ramones, that dog, Tahiti 80, Replacements, Thievery Corporation, Poster Children... Jazz standards, europop, 70's funk, rockabilly, old skool country, deep soul, electronica, east coast swing, underground rap, french cabaret, latin jazz, bluegrass, afripop, exotica, rocksteady, west coast jazz, glam, ska, punk, surf, house... Look here: Last.fm, my other MySpace, Pandora.

Least favorite music: The Beatles, southern rock, Coldplay.

Vegetarian/Vegan?: I don't eat red meat.

Other food restrictions: None.

Favorite flavors: Chocolate, candy, salty snacks, well-made tiki drinks. I'm a candy freak. I also love cupcakes and cookies. LOVE popcorn. Love but never get 'cause my husband doesn't: Indian, Greek, Italian and Thai cuisines. Also love sushi, some Chinese, Mexican, Middle-eastern and classic American fare like fries, burgers (turkey or veggie), pizza and salads with no iceburg lettuce.

Favorite foods/drinks: (See above) My favorite drink that I usually order out is a Tanqueray Gimlet with lots of Rose's lime. My favorite drink that I never order out is a properly made Mai Tai.

Favorite authors/genres: Andrew Vachss, David Sedaris and Raymond Chandler. I like detective novels - new and old (John Sandford, Nelson DeMille). Children's books (Harry Potter, Phillip Pullman, Block, Tolkein). Some fantasy/horror (I like Gaiman's style, but his books tend to disappoint). Some Sci-Fi (Huxley and Orwell, and Ender's Game might be my favorite book of all time). I also like the old Spy vs Spy books, alternative comics/graphic novels, political commentary and conspiracy theory non-fiction.

Least favorite authors/genres: Romance isn't high on my list - that includes most women-empowering "chick lit".

Books/authors you'd like to read, but haven't yet: I'm into any and all suggestions based on any of the above. I'm always looking for something new.

How do you feel about receiveing gently used books as gifts? I LOVE USED!

Favorite stores (including clothing stores): Sephora, MAC, Gap/Old Navy, Barnes & Noble, Half-Priced books, antique stores, H&M and I LOVE TARGET!

Favorite online stores (including B&B stores): Amazon, Paula's Choice, Sephora, Threadless, iTunes store, eBay, Etsy

Magazines you subscribe to: Mojo, Tiki Magazine, Modern Drunkard, All You, Allure, Martha Stewart Living, Cook's Illustrated, InStyle, Twin Cities Metro

Magazines you like, but don't subscribe to: EW (it runs out and I forget to reup), Harper's, In These Times, Multinational Monitor, Cook's Country, Domino, Dwell, Real Simple, Make, Ready Made, Shop Smart (LOVE that one), Bust, Mental Floss, AdBusters

Favorite movies: Creepy, dark and/or unintentionally funny (read: Bad) I especially love when filmmakers aren't afraid to disappoint their audience. * Films: The Thin Man, The Maltese Falcon, ChungKing Express, Gilda, When Harry Met Sally, The Station Agent, Amelie, Swingers, Singin' in the Rain, Valley Girl, The Bad Seed, Uncle Buck, Double Indemnity, Rushmore, Vacation, Elf, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Sin City, Shaun of the Dead, Akira, It's a Wonderful Life, Eternal Sunshine, Freaks (1932), Donnie Darko, Willy Wonka, Caddyshack, Blue, Mr.Smith Goes to Washington, Casablanca, Heathers, Repo Man * Bad horror: Spider Baby, Phantasm, any Hammer Horror, anything with Christopher Lee * Good horror: Halloween, Night of the Living Dead (1968), The Vanishing (Dutch version), The Haunting (1963), anything that keeps me up at night * Filmmakers: Hitchcock, Hayao Miyazaki, Sofia Coppola, PT Anderson, the Coens * Actors: Marilyn Monroe, Cary Grant, Fred Astaire, Gene Kelly, Audrey Hepburn, Doris Day, Hepburn & Tracy. And Clooney.

Favorite TV show(s): All of them? No really, I am a TV addict. It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Doctor Who, Torchwood, Dexter, Weeds, Law & Order: SVU & CI, So You Think You Can Dance?, Lost, Futurama, Supernanny, Scrubs, House, Gossip Girl, The Office (both UK & US versions), 30 Rock, Daily Show, Colbert Report, Extras, Reno 911, ATHF, No Reservations, Moonlight, Veronica Mars, Buffy & Angel, Bones, South Park, Home Movies, Biggest Loser, Kids in the Hall, MST3K, Survivor, Heroes, Spaced, AbFab, Coupling, Mr. Show, The Riches, Penn & Teller's Bullshit, Gilmore Girls, Amazing Race, Dead Like Me, Firefly, The OC, Damages, 24, Sex & The City, Ugly Betty, The Soup. I like to say the one genre I don't watch is dating reality and the one show I don't watch is Grey's.

Hobbies/crafts done: I like crafting, but I'm too lazy to clean up. I like to knit in short bursts. I like to cook and bake.



BPAL Wish List (including SW/SF Help): Wishlist here. I'm not really looking for any BPAL right now. But I would like a bottle of Peacocks someday.


Other website Wish lists (amazon.com, etc): Amazon, Amazon - Video Games


And now for something completely different:


- Let's say you're "Lost" on an island: what two people and which three things would you want with you?

My husband and - because I can't decide - a completely random stranger. We'd all have more to talk about since we don't know each other. If the things include survival items, then a flint, a knife and shelter. If the things are luxury items and we already have what we need to survive, then.. a radio, a board game or cards and a good supply of sunscreen.


- If you could have a superpower, what would it be?



- What things do you consider a necessary part of your "comfort" ritual?



- If you were a household appliance, what would you be and why?

A cookie press. Hardly ever comes out of the cupboard, specialized use, unreliable and finicky. But when it works, it's makes killer treats.


- What are the last 3 CDs you've had in your CD player, or played all the way through on your MP3 player?

Robbie Williams "Rudebox", Robert Drasnin "VooDoo II" and Sloan "One Chord to Another"


- What are the last 2 movies you watched all the way through?

Stepbrothers & Be Kind Rewind


Notes (Here's where you can add additional information you'd like your Switch Witch to know!):


I love candy of all kinds - especially chocolate. Or fun salty snacks. I like tea but I'm trying to cut the caffeine these days so I'm sticking to interesting herbals. Stickers, toys, useful things like pens, hair clips/pins, fun office supplies, lip gloss. Anything with skulls, pirates, zombies, black cats, TIKI, retro lounge, deco, monsters, etc are ALL GOOD.


From MySpace: I believe there is no better time of the year than when we dress in layers, gorge on candy and celebrate the dead. * I'm an unapologetic tv addict. * I have a really hard time expressing myself, I'm shy and my memory's as solid as a sieve. (Remember Mr. Short Term Memory on SNL - "You're Tony Randall!!!"? That's me.) This perfect (shit)storm of social inadequacies often comes off as cold, rude or stupid. I don't really believe I'm any of those things. * I like candy. All candy. * My personal style is fashioned after Bobby Brady. * I spend more money on perfume than anything else. * There is simply no way you can offend me. * Did I mention I like candy? * Sam Raimi and Bill Hicks are my idols * I invent Life Hacky gadgets. One day I'm gonna actually make a prototype of something.... when there's nothing to watch on tv. * I'm passionate about a lot of things (Surprise!) but I'd rather listen to your feelings and ideas than stumble and struggle to find the words to describe mine. * I hate the term "acid jazz" * I like finding money in clothes I haven't worn in a while, but I LOVE forgetting that it's payday * I don't believe in souls, but I'm afraid of ghosts. * If you want to make my day, tell me I smell nice.


From Facebook:


Mixing cocktails, reading, internet "research", hanging with my sweetie, sleeping, cuddling with my kitkats, emailing Steve, working out (huh?), baking, playing games, inventing stuff, crafting, internet shopping, organizing, gift-giving, sloth.


Comedy, tiki, Macs, Canada, cocktails, crime novels, sushi, perfume, mid-century modern, KidLit, coffee, monsters, cosmetics, music, cuteness, SparkPeople, hair, celebrity dirt, kittens, candy, scarves, health stuff, 43T, lounge culture, dark humor, deco, camp, kitsch




Random Questions (Just a sample snagged from Scotchgrrl's round-up. Feel free to add more or make up your own!)

If you have children, would you want something included for them? I don't have kids.

What are your travel imps? Rose Red, Midway, Embalming Fluid, Aeaea, and Mme. Moriarty.

What is the most unexpected but thoroughly loved SW gift you've received?

If you have a pet, do they like to play with toys? Yes.

Do you like audio books? Yes.

How do you feel about bands you may not have heard before? Sure!

Or, how do you feel about mixed cds of classic stuff that you probably have heard? Love it!

Most obscure interest: ALL of my interests are obscure. A better question would be what's my most NORMAL interest. And that would be TV.

What goodies do you love that you can't usually get? REAL Cadbury chocolate or UK versions of American candy.

What was your favorite childhood toy? Play-doh, crayons, Intellivision.

How would you describe yourself--do you feel that you're shy or outgoing, laidback, high-strung... and in what ways? Shy, laidback AND high-strung. INTP.

What's a talent you are most proud of? Being talentless. Actually, I make great drinks and cookies, can cook pretty darn well when I want to, beat everyone in my department (except my boss) in a proofreading exercise, and - my therapist tells me - introspection and intuitiveness.

Religious preferences and patron saints/goddesses/spiritual mentors: James Randi

What's your favorite flower? Tree? Flower: Stargazer Lily, Freesia, Gerbera Daisies; Tree: Maples (Canada!), Willows, anything fruit-bearing.

Do you like homemade gifts? Like foodstuffs or crafts? Yes. Yes.

What's your guilty pleasure? Boxed wine, ranch dressing, cheese curds, Diet Dr. Pepper, Hall & Oats, Bon Jovi, anything Oprah does.

If handmade stuff is okay, and it all goes horribly wrong, would you want it anyway? Yep.

Are you an indoor person or outdoor person? INDOOR! If I didn't have to leave the house, I probably wouldn't.

What's your favorite color? (See above.)

---For wearing? Black, greens, purples, blues, red

---For decorating? Reds, cream, neutrals for the upstairs. Silver, grey and minty white for the bathroom. Obnoxious brights for the tiki bar.

How would you describe your sense of humor? Dark, offensive, sarcastic, mean-spirted, blue, crass

Anything you really absolutely don't want to get? Like, something you could imagine would be seen as a good gift idea but is, in fact, not? Candles.

Lip balm, yay or nay? Yay! But with applicators or in tubes. I prefer not to put my fingers in things.

5 things that get you through the day: Coffee, comfortable shoes, the internet, earbuds, working at a tv station that requires us to have tvs in our offices ad ON while we work.

Favorite Halloween Costume? While I love Halloween, I don't dress up. I do love the old ghost/sheet idea - particularly the Charlie Brown one.


Forum Information (Everything written below this line is removed before questionnaires are forwarded, and is only meant to help out the Ringleaders.)


Are you willing to ship internationally?: (This question is removed before questionnaires are forwarded.) I'd prefer not to.


Date you Joined the Forum: March 21, 2004

If you joined under 2 months ago, do you have a history/feedback under Ebay, MUA, etc (please list):


Have you participated in Switch Witch/SwapFaery/BirthdaySprite before?: Nope but I did a candy/sweetie swap.

If yes, who did you send to/receive from: Sent to catsoap; rec'd from Esmeria

Please talk about your past experiences and, if applicable, give us feedback on your most recent SW:


As a Witch (giver), are you more of a "silent stalker", or do you like to keep in close contact?: I haven't done SW before, but I'll probably be a silent stalker. As a Witchee (receiver), do you prefer a Witch that keeps in close contact, or does it not matter? It doesn't matter.

(Note: Mentors are separate from your Switch Witches. New witches will be paired up with more experienced witches to help them learn the ropes)

Do you want to be a Mentor Witch this round?

Do you want to be matched with a Mentor Witch? Sure!

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