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This Yuletide update is trying to kill me.

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Here's what I got imps of:


BLACK LILY -- This is beautiful, one of my favorite BPAL florals. I already have a bottle, but I need the imp for my "entire GC" imp collection.

DEVIL'S CLAW -- I have no idea what to expect from this, smoky brown-black sounds good... not sure about the yellow-bright.

LOVE-LIES-BLEEDING -- Really, really looking forward to this. Beth does "velvety" really well.

SLOBBERING PINE -- I don't usually like pine scents, but this one sounds different. Also I like the word slobbering.

THE REAPER AND THE FLOWERS -- I haven't had much luck with the Funereal Oils, but I'm interested in this because of the cemetery grass and lilies.

LILIUM INTER SPINAS -- I usually like fig, but green fig might be a little too strong for me. Not sure about this one.

THE TEMPTATION -- Not sure about this one either -- might be too floral for me.

MANIA -- I can't imagine what this might smell like. I think I might like it, though. A lot.

HORREUR SYMPATHIQUE -- I expect I'm going to love this one.


Here's what I got bottles of:


BLACK ICE -- Sleet, vetiver, cold wind, and smoke? Yes please!

THE DARKLING THRUSH -- Everything in this sounds good to me except maybe the violet. We'll see.

HALÔA -- Frankincense sometimes makes the whole blend too sweet for me, but everything else in it sounds good, so I took a chance.

KNECHT RUPRECHT -- This might be a little too woodsy for me but I like the poem so I'll give it a shot.

KRAMPUS -- This one sounds the BEST. I always like red musk and leather.

SNOW-FLAKES -- Not entirely sure what this is going to smell like, but I just have this good feeling about it. I love snow flakes.

SOL INVICTUS -- This is the one that most worries me from my order. I think I haven't worn Et Lux Fuit even one time after testing it, and this one could be similar. I like amber, saffron, and heliotrope, but everything else in it could be iffy.

THE WINTER OF OUR DISCONTENT -- This one sounds pretty good. It might be a little too spicy for me, but I have to try anything with myrrh and dark musk.


These are the ones I hope to find decants of:


HERR DROSSELMEYER 2006 -- My husband has 4 bottles of last year's version, so we probably don't need any more. I wouldn't mind getting an imp to compare though.

JACOB'S LADDER 2006 -- I've had a bottle of last year's version for almost 8 months and I've worn it exactly twice. I like it, but I never seem to reach for it. I'd like a new decant of it to see if it smells any different aged though.

JÓLASVEINAR -- The dealbreaker in this one was the dirt and moss. They go bad on me more often than not, and dirt always overpowers every other note. I'd try a decant or sniffie, but I don't expect this to work.

LICK IT AGAIN -- Didn't really like Lick It because I don't care for peppermint scents. I'd try it to make sure, but I have big doubts.

MIDNIGHT MASS 2006 -- I had a bottle of last year's version, swapped it, had second thoughts and got another bottle, then swapped that one too. I think it's just too sweet an incense scent for me. I like darker incense like Al Azif better.

THE SNOW MAIDEN -- This just sounded a little too young and innocent for me personally. I'd like to try it, but from the description I don't think I'll like it.

STARDUST 2006 -- Still have a bottle of last year's version, and I never wear it.

YULE -- Holly berry, mistletoe, thyme, verbena, evergreen, frankincense, and juniper are ALL usually no-nos for me. I highly doubt I would like this.


And I'm going to have to make another order and get a bottle of 13 because I completely forgot to order it.


I have sent a crapload of money to the Lab in the past three months. Seriously. Way too much. I've been saying for the past month or so that I need to do some serious reducing of my collection, but I barely did any. Now it has become a dire need. I have no more room for more BPAL bottles, yet more will be on their way soon.

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