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BPAL: Kumiho

Kumiho Category: Diabolus Quantity: sample   Description: KUMIHO Nine-tailed fox demon of Korean lore who transforms into the visage of an irresistible beauty in order to seduce men and lead them to their doom. A sharp, biting blend of crisp white tea and ginger.   Review:   In the bottle: I can smell the white tea, slightly lemony/herbal.   Wet: It reminds me of Unicorn, very floral, white and sharp.   Dry: Now, I get more of the ginger, spicy and warm, but not overwhelming.   Verdict: It's subtle, delicate, and pretty. I wouldn't have expected that for a "foxy demon", but it's nice.   More reviews: Diabolus: Kumiho




BPAL: Hairy Toad Lily

Hairy Toad Lily Category: Rappaccini's Garden Quantity: sample   Description: HAIRY TOAD LILY Spotty, hairy, purple, sweet!   Review:   In the bottle: At first, it's as sweet as candy, yet a bit lemony in the background.   Wet: Still sweet and cute, but definitively more floral and herbal. Dry: It turned so subtle that I can't review it. I'm left with a powdered deodorant smell.   Verdict: Overall, this is a very light, delicate perfume... So light, in fact, that it disappears! Oops.   More reviews: Rappaccini's Garden: Hairy Toad Lily




BPAL: Lust

Lust Category: Sin And Salvation Quantity: sample   Description: LUST Uncontrollable passion and insatiable sexual desire: red musk, patchouli, ylang ylang and myrrh.   Review:   In the bottle: Ew, it smells like old incense... More precisely, like a mix of musk and patchouli.   Wet: Surprisingly, it actually turns sweet and spicy on my skin!   Dry: ...And right back to the musky incense.   Verdict: No, this one is definitively not for me. Too bad, I liked the name.   More reviews: Sin And Salvation: Lust




Good Judy: Sins Of The Past

Sins Of The Past Category: American Gothic Quantity: sample   Description: SINS OF THE PAST Innocence is lost. The Sins of the Past have yet to be absolved. Weighted and heavy on your heart, they were justified by love and carried out by greed. But, all will be made right. There’s just one more deed to carry out. Simply, one more transgression to erase all the rest. All will be made right again. The Sins of the Past will be put to rest. All fools need to believe. Red apple, aromatic bitters, spearmint, eucalyptus, benzoin.   Review:   In the bottle: Spicy apple and mint, or a minty apple pie.   Wet: It’s cold from the mint. It really smells like apple, with a little bit of warm benzoin and cold eucalyptus. The mix of hot and cold is a bit weird at first, but I got used to it after a minute or two.   Dry: The aromatic bitters appeared, making the apple spicy again. However, it remains foody. I still smell mint, eucalyptus and benzoin, but it's still delicate.   Verdict: Another fruity scent from Good Judy and, as always, an interesting one. In fact, it smells so good, my parents’ dog followed me all-day with her nose up in the air, smelling my trail as if she expected me to get an apple turnover out of my pocket...




Good Judy: Gothic

Gothic Category: Punk Quantity: sample   Description: GOTHIC Dramatic and romantic. Moody, mysterious and morbid. Pale skin. Black and jewel-toned velvets mixed with lace and leather. Influenced by the supernatural and the creative. Black roses planted in graveyard dirt. Blood-red lips inhaling a sweet-clove cigarette. A crushed velvet choker cutting into smooth pale flesh. Beautifully dark and sweet.   Review:   In the bottle: I do smell a rose, and something herbal, mixed with clover. It’s almost lemony.   Wet: Yeah, I definitively smell clove, but it’s sweet and soft, with a background note of cigarette.   Dry: A mix of (black?) rose and clove. It’s dark, bitter, and mysterious.   Verdict: It’s too bad this one is not available anymore; it’s gender-neutral, not too feminine. However, I suppose it competed with the American Gothic collection. Thanks for the remaining sample, Gary!




BPAL: The Pool Of Tears

The Pool Of Tears Category: Mad Tea Party Quantity: sample   Description: THE POOL OF TEARS `I wish I hadn't cried so much!' said Alice, as she swam about, trying to find her way out. `I shall be punished for it now, I suppose, by being drowned in my own tears! That will be a queer thing, to be sure! However, everything is queer to-day.'   A sea of salty tears drowning out Alice's light floral perfume.   Review:   In the bottle: An aquatic, soft floral blend, with a hint of carnation.   Wet: It's very delicate on my skin, and still very floral, with carnation. It reminds me of Alice, but a bit more salty and aquatic.   Dry: Oops, it just turned bitter during dry-down. It seems temporary, but what remains afterwards smells like deodorant.   Verdict: It started o.k., but turned bad. Not a keeper.   More reviews: Mad Tea Party: The Pool Of Tears




Good Judy: Cannoli

Cannoli Category: Mary Jo's Bakery Quantity: sample   Description: CANNOLI A cannoli baked up right...Good Judy style! Creamy ricotta, sugar, vanilla, cinnamon, chocolate chips, nuts and candied fruit all stuffed into a crispy baked shell. Sinful! Mama would be proud.   Review:   In the bottle: Another foody perfume... Sugar, vanilla, cream, chocolate, and something fruity in the background.   Wet: It really smells like pastry, with raisins, cinnamon, vanilla, ricotta or thick cream... It’s very sweet!   Dry: Now, I get the candied fruits, in a sugar-coated shell... However, the fruits smell like an artificial essence, that’s my only disappointment.   Verdict: Hum, this smells delicious! It might be a little bit too rich and decadent though...




Good Judy: Mephitic Vapors

Mephitic Vapors Category: Curio Shop Quantity: sample   Description: MEPHITIC VAPORS Careful with that! The contents can be quite dangerous. That bottle has been passed around for generations and nobody is quite sure of how much is left inside. You see, it looks empty. That’s the danger. Bottled hundreds of years ago by an infamous resurrectionist, one whiff of the Mephitic Vapors captured in that bottle would surely bring instant death. You’ll want to make sure you purchase the Good Judy souvenir version. The real one can’t be opened anyway. The lid’s glued on. Accidents do happen though. Authentic Mephitic Vapors: A miasma of graveyard putrescence. Not for sale! Souvenir Version: Black oak, peat moss, graveyard loam, headstones, and damp air. Plenty for everyone!   Review:   In the bottle: It’s very masculine... I do smell the oak and moss very well.   Wet: Yeah, that’s the old-fashioned graveyard caretaker’s favourite cologne. It’s a bit strong, and just so strange on me.   Dry: Ok, I had to wash it off. It was just so absurd on me, even the dog started crying after she smelled me. Enough said.   Verdict: I guess I’ll have to give this one... I don’t doubt this would smell good on a man, and preferably someone fairly older than me, because there really is something old-fashioned about it. It has also a dark/gothic feeling, like taking a walk in a graveyard in late fall, with a coroner passionately telling you all about his most fascinating cases... Well, you get the picture.




Good Judy: Spirit Bottle: Lhunassi

Spirit Bottle: Lhunassi Category: Curio Shop Quantity: sample   Description: SPIRIT BOTTLE: LHUNASSI Also known as a Charm Bottle, these elaborately decorated bottles are known for their healing and good fortune…as well as their powerful voodoo charms. Filled with medicinal herbs and spices, these bottled philtres are further enhanced by the captured spirit that resides in the bottle. Once purchased, you, the Keeper, have complete control over the captured spirit, and the spirit will aid you and you alone. Take heed, because while your spirit will listen only to you, you must also listen to your spirit. Servitude is not forever. Your spirit will let you know when their servitude is complete. When the time comes, make sure to properly bury your Spirit Bottle and come visit Good Judy’s Curio Shoppe to acquire another. We have many more arriving any day now.   This Spirit Bottle boasts the spirit of Lhunassi, powerful Moon Goddess and keeper of the stars. She will guide you on your spiritual journey for increased fertility and appease your need for nurturing and love of others.   Herbs, spices, moonflower, white champa, knotted twine (to bind the spirit)   Review:   In the bottle: It’s very feminine, with a mix of floral and herbal scents.   Wet: It’s already getting more precise: I get moonflower and herbs, with champa in the background. There’s something “old lady-ish” about it, though.   Dry: Now, it’s softer, more herbal, with light champa, and subtle moonflower.   Verdict: It’s very feminine and elegant, I won’t deny that, but it’s a bit too old-fashioned for me.




BPAL: Jolly Roger

Jolly Roger Category: Bewitching Brews Quantity: sample   Description: JOLLY ROGER Sea spray with an undercurrent of leather, Bay Rum, and salty, dry woods.   Review:   In the bottle: It does smell like the sea, in a very salty way; yet, it’s woody, with an under-note of sweetness.   Wet: It’s still very aquatic. I get some of the wood, washed by the sea, but it’s still definitively aquatic.   Dry: As it dries, it starts to smell like an old pirate leather hat, with a splash of rhum. (Yarr...)   Verdict: It’s an interesting aquatic after-shave perfume, with an old pirate twist to it.   More reviews: Bewitching Brews: Jolly Roger




BPAL: Rosalind

Rosalind Category: Illyria Quantity: sample   Description: ROSALIND Dew-covered berries and fresh green grasses with a faint breath of spring flowers.   Review:   In the bottle: It smells fresh, indeed! Sweet floral scents mixed with very faint berries.   Wet: Green grass, green grass, and more green grass. As for the flowers, could it be peony? Or something like it? It reminds me of Maiden, but rolling into grass.   Dry: Cut the lawn, roll onto it, that’s what it smells like... Fortunately, it fades away quickly.   Verdict: It’s not so great. I’m almost glad it’s discontinued.   More reviews: Illyria: Rosalind




BPAL: Eat Me

Eat Me Category: Mad Tea Party Quantity: sample   Description: EAT ME Soon her eye fell on a little glass box that was lying under the table: she opened it, and found in it a very small cake, on which the words 'EAT ME' were beautifully marked in currants.   'Well, I'll eat it,' said Alice, 'and if it makes me grow larger, I can reach the key; and if it makes me grow smaller, I can creep under the door; so either way I'll get into the garden, and I don't care which happens!'   She ate a little bit, and said anxiously to herself, 'Which way? Which way?', holding her hand on the top of her head to feel which way it was growing, and she was quite surprised to find that she remained the same size: to be sure, this generally happens when one eats cake, but Alice had got so much into the way of expecting nothing but out-of-the-way things to happen, that it seemed quite dull and stupid for life to go on in the common way.   Three white cakes, vanilla, and red and black currants.   BPAL’s Eat Me is not for eating. Please use common sense, and remember: perfume oils are for external use only.   Review:   In the bottle: Oh my! What a sugary, creamy, decadent cake!   Wet: A soft, moist vanilla cake. I still hesitate between comparing it to a white wedding cake or a pound cake; but either way, it smells yummy.   Dry: Now I get a little bit of currant to balance the rich sweetness of the cake. However, it still smells like something I would eat...   Verdict: Ok, I admit it, I have a weakness for foody scents... I might be biased, but I think this perfume is adorable. In fact, it makes me want to bake a batch of cupcakes.   More reviews: Mad Tea Party: Eat Me




BPAL: Love Me

Love Me Category: Bewitching Brews Quantity: sample   Description: LOVE ME A commanding, dominant oil that increases sexual magnetism, creates an intense and irresistible air of attraction, and amplifies potency.   Review:   In the bottle: I smell patchouli, citrus, something floral (maybe jasmine); overall, it reminds me of Faustus.   Wet: Spicy cinnamon and bright orange. It’s fragrant and warm.   Dry: Now, it’s just patchouli, sweetened by oranges...   Verdict: It’s not bad, but it didn’t work for me. I should try it again someday over another soap, it might change my perception of it.   More reviews: Bewitching Brews: Love Me




BPAL: Sleepy Hollow: Katrina Van Tassel

Sleepy Hollow: Katrina Van Tassel Category: Limited Edition Quantity: 5ml bottle   Description: KATRINA VAN TASSEL … and though he had seen many spectres in his time, and been more than once beset by Satan in divers shapes, in his lonely perambulations, yet daylight put an end to all these evils; and he would have passed a pleasant life of it, in despite of the devil and all his works, if his path had not been crossed by a being that causes more perplexity to mortal man than ghosts, goblins, and the whole race of witches put together, and that was-a woman.   Among the musical disciples who assembled, one evening in each week, to receive his instructions in psalmody, was Katrina Van Tassel, the daughter and only child of a substantial Dutch farmer. She was a blooming lass of fresh eighteen; plump as a partridge; ripe and melting and rosy cheeked as one of her father's peaches, and universally famed, not merely for her beauty, but her vast expectations. She was withal a little of a coquette, as might be perceived even in her dress, which was a mixture of ancient and modern fashions, as most suited to set off her charms. She wore the ornaments of pure yellow gold, which her great-great-grandmother had brought over from Saardam, the tempting stomacher of the olden time; and withal a provokingly short petticoat, to display the prettiest foot and ankle in the country round.   White rose and honeyed cream.   Review:   In the bottle: It’s sweet, like Dana O’Shee, only with roses instead of sweet grains.   Wet: Mostly roses. Somehow, it reminds me of my grand-mother’s perfume; I want to snuggle up in my grandma’s blanket and sing lullabies.   Dry: It’s still rosy, but creamier. It’s very feminine and, without a doubt, a good girl’s perfume. The sweet cream scent lasts much longer than the rose scent though. Verdict: I like it, but it’s missing a little something to be more than “my grand-mother’s perfume”. I’m happy with the bottle I have, but I wouldn’t buy another one.   More reviews: LE: Katrina Van Tassel




BPAL: Kabuki

Kabuki Category: Ars Amatoria Quantity: sample   Description: KABUKI Compelling, complex, and utterly enigmatic: a luxuriant, exotic blend of cherry, red musk, and star anise.   Review:   In the bottle: Eww, it smells like cherry-scented play-dough... However, if I pay attention, I can also smell anise and some musk.   Wet: At first, I get a lot of anise, but I also smell something sweet, like candy, and cherry.   Dry: Cherry and anise candy, literally. I also get a very faint note of musk. It gets better and better as hours go by.   Verdict: At first, I tought it smelled too much like licorice; but now, I really like it. It turned into something feminine and sensual.   More reviews: Ars Amatoria: Kabuki




BPAL: Dana O'Shee

Dana O'Shee Category: Bewitching Brews Quantity: sample   Description: DANA O'SHEE In Irish folklore the Dana O'Shee are a fae, elven people that live in a realm of beauty, their nobility akin to our that own Age of Chivalry, eternally beautiful and eternally young. They surround themselves with the pleasures of the Arts, they live for the hunt, and to this day can be seen riding in procession through the Irish countryside at twilight, led by their King and Queen. However, the Dana O'Shee are not benevolent creatures, despite what their unearthly beauty may imply. They are vengeful and treacherous and possess a streak of mischievous malice, and many have whispered that their true home lies deep in the shadowed groves of the Realm of the Dead. Hearing even a single chord of their otherworldly music leaves one stunned and lost to the mortal realms for ever, finding themselves prey to the Dana O'Shee's hunt or enslaved in their Court as servants or playthings. Offerings of milk, honey and sweet grains were made to placate these creatures, and it is that the basis of the scent created in their name.   Review:   In the bottle: At first, it’s mostly creamy honey, with a sweet cereal scent (oat?). I do smell a cherry or wild berry scent as well; but I wonder if I’m not hallucinating it, because it’s far behind.   Wet: Wow, this is sweet and delicious, with a touch of almond. It smells like it’s almost edible.   Dry: It’s still sweet, and it still smells like honey; but it’s much softer.   Verdict: I love it! I love foody scents, and Dana O’Shee seems perfect for all those occasions when a strong perfume might be overwhelming. I will probably buy a bottle of this one.   More reviews: Bewitching Brews: Dana O'Shee




BPAL: L'École Des Filles

L'École Des Filles Category: Ars Amatoria Quantity: sample   Description: L’ÉCOLE DES FILLES We sang till almost night, and drank my good store of wine; and then they parted and I to my chamber, where I did read through L'Ecole des Filles; a lewd book, but what doth me no wrong to read for imagination's sake… and after I had done it, I burned it, that it might not be among my books to my shame.   Published around 1655, this is considered to be the origin of modern pornography in France. It is a discourse between two young ladies, the elder instructing the younger in the ways of passion.   This is a libertine's celebration of decadence, debauchery, and sexual freedom: orange blossom, ambergris, orris root, white rose, lemon balm, jonquil, carrot seed, and benzoin.   Review:   In the bottle: It’s hard to identify exactly what it is... It’s lemony and floral, bitter and sweet.   Wet: I smell orange blossom, lemon, benzoin, and florals (jonquil?). It’s relatively strong and masculine-neutral.   Dry: It gets softer after a while. It becomes floral, sweet and feminine.   Verdict: Honnestly, I wasn’t sure I would like this one at first, but I do! It turns into something so soft and delicate. I still hesitate to buy a bottle, I think it might make an ideal scent for my soap making hobby.   More reviews: Ars Amatoria: L'École Des Filles




BPAL: London

London Category: Wanderlust Quantity: sample Description: LONDON Venerable Victorian Tea Rose… twisted, blackened and emboldened with wickedness.   Review: In the bottle: Roses, yet dried, sour, bitter and intoxicated. Wet: A sweet and elegant rose, but still dark and bitter. Dry: Same, with subtlety. It blends well with my skin and becomes quite sweet. However, it doesn’t last very long (at least on me). Verdict: It’s very elegant and womanly, with an interesting wicked twist. Unfortunately, this perfume smells older than I am. It’s something I’ll want to try again in a few years.   More reviews: Wanderlust: London




BPAL: Yules: Snow White 2010

Yules: Snow White 2010 Category: Limited Edition Quantity: bottle   Description: SNOW WHITE 2010 A chilly, bright perfume: flurries of virgin snow, crisp winter wind and the faintest breath of night-blooming flowers.   Review:   In the bottle: So soft and delicate... I smell a bit of vanilla and sugar, but I’m not quite sure what else.   Wet: It smells sweet and floral, almost foody. It reminds me of Dana O’shee, only colder and crisper.   Dry: It turned into vanilla, coconut, mint, and almond, with a floral background.   Verdict: Overall, it’s lovely; however, I really got into it when I went outside. The cold winter air improves it somehow; it becomes even crisper afterwards.   More reviews: Limited Edition: Yules: Snow White 2010




BPAL: Follow Me Boy

Follow Me Boy Category: Bewitching Brews Quantity: sample   Description: FOLLOW ME BOY A houdoun recipe dating back almost 150 years. This blend is favored by prostitutes, exotic dancers and others in the sex industry for its power to attract, seduce, and enthrall. Ensures financial gain and increased profits.   Review:   In the bottle: Contrarily to my fellow reviewers, I don’t get any jasmine (in my memories, jasmine smells better than that), but something bitter, maybe lemon, and a strong floral smell, either rose or patchouli.   Wet: I still smell citrus, but sweeter, such as orange, mixed with honey, rose, and baby powder.   Dry: It gets better after a while. I now smell honeysuckle, vanilla, powder, and something spicy. It’s still very floral, but it goes through a nice evolution.   Verdict: It’s ok, but honestly, it’s not something I will keep.   More reviews: Bewitching Brews: Follow Me Boy




Good Judy: Shoujo

Shoujo Category: Anime & Manga Quantity: sample   Description: SHOUJO Shoujo is all things girly! Images of fairy tales, summer romances, slumber parties, whispered secrets, giggles, best friends, boys, flowers, and those sugary sweet and innocent teenage years. Fushigi Yugi, Ayashi no Ceres, and anything from CLAMP offer Shoujo at its finest! Apricot, sugar cane, candy hearts, white florals.   Review:   In the bottle: It smells like apricot-flavoured candy, mixed with something floral, or a very sweet and fruity herbal tea.   Wet: Hmm, it’s juicy like a fresh fruit, as if you were biting into a delicious apricot. It’s still very surgary sweet, but the flowers balance the candy a little bit.   Dry: It’s so soft and lovely! I can still identify the powdery candy hearts; but overall, it’s a very peaceful blend.   Verdict: It’s soft, delicate, feminine, refreshing, and absolutely perfect for summer. I like it, although I’m afraid that it might be a little bit too young for me… but I do love it, so it’s on my “maybe” list.




BPAL: Herbert West

Herbert West Category: Picnic in Arkham Quantity: sample   Description: HERBERT WEST Of Herbert West, who was my friend in college and in after life, I can speak only with extreme terror. This terror is not due altogether to the sinister manner of his recent disappearance, but was engendered by the whole nature of his life-work, and first gained its acute form more than seventeen years ago, when we were in the third year of our course at the Miskatonic University Medical School in Arkham. While he was with me, the wonder and diabolism of his experiments fascinated me utterly, and I was his closest companion. Now that he is gone and the spell is broken, the actual fear is greater. Memories and possibilities are ever more hideous than realities.   Aftershave, embalming fluid, and splatterings from a panoply of reanimation reagents.   Review:   In the bottle: Indeed, aftershave and citrus (or lemon). It’s definitively for men, but I’m curious enough to try it on.   Wet: Still a good dose of aftershave, lemon, as well as tea and/or something herbal and fresh.   Dry: Not so much aftershave anymore, but a refreshing lemony herbal scent.   Verdict: I don’t doubt this would smell different on a man (my skin chemistry tends to make everything turn sweet); however, whenever a perfume changes during drydown, a part of my brain says “make soap!” This psychological problem aside, I really liked it, the smell is clean and clear, and not as sinister as I thought it would be.   More reviews: Picnic in Arkham: Herbert West




Good Judy: Femme

Femme Category: LGBT & More Quantity: sample   Description: FEMME N/A   Review:   Ok, I’m going to look stupid, but I didn’t know the meaning of “femme”. In French, a femme is a woman, but I thought that was too broad. I searched for an expression with femme in it, and I found “femme fatale”, which was an interesting theme, of course, until I searched “femme” in Wikipedia and found out what it means. Well, at least I’ve learned something... On the other hand, a femme could also be a femme fatale, right? Anyway, let’s move on... The scent has no description, so this is going to be a challenge for my nose. I’m sure I’m going to be completely off the track with this one.   In the bottle: The first thing I think about is grape punch. It’s sweet and delicate, with a little something floral.   Wet: Now I have images of flower trees in bloom (maybe lilac?), and a fruit (peach?). Whatever it is, I still get delicate florals with something fruity and juicy.   Dry: This review is about to get worse... It reminds me of wine a little bit, but mostly of a fruit punch I used to drink when I was younger, which was made of grape, cassia, berries, and some other fruits I forgot. It’s not as floral as before, but it’s still sweet.   Verdict: I’m getting a retro pin-up feeling out of this one. It’s feminine, seductive, and very sexy!




Good Judy: Uke

Uke Category: Anime & Manga Quantity: sample   Description: UKE Whatever flavor, shy or outgoing, Ukes are the younger, more androgynous (even feminine) counterpart in the Boy Love anime genre of Yaoi. Fiercely loyal to their Seme, Ukes can be slightly annoying, but always cute in their devotion. Sexy and hot! Vanilla musk, cotton candy, cherry, cream   Review:   In the bottle: It smells like cherry cupcakes! I smell cherry, vanilla, sugar, and milk, in that order.   Wet: Indeed, it smells like Betty Crocker’s cherry cupcake mix… It’s drying into a mix of candied vanilla musk and cherry cream.   Dry: Now that it’s completely dry, I smell musky vanilla, and less sugar. The cherry note is also less intense.   Verdict: I love this one, it’s so yummy! What? It’s for boys? Who cares! It smells delicious and sweet.




BPAL: Lucy's Kiss

Lucy's Kiss Category: Ars Amatoria Quantity: sample   Description: LUCY'S KISS Created to represent the essence of Bram Stoker's tragic heroine, Lucy Westenra. Seductive, wanton and deadly, but underscored with a soft, wistful innocense. The gentle scent of rose and a blend of Victorian spices   Review:   In the bottle: It’s a delicate rose, with a touch of sour spices.   Wet: At first, it’s a bittersweet rose; it’s soft and vulnerable. However, don’t be fooled by it, for it quickly turns into a spicy blend. Interesting…   Dry: Still spicy, with a bitter rose underneath. Hours later, the rose is completely gone, and all that remains is the sour blend of spices. I still can’t figure out which spices are in it though.   Verdict: I have to admit this one is interesting. It respects its concept from beginning to end. However, those spices annoy me after a while, so it’s probably not for me.   More reviews: Ars Amatoria: Lucy's Kiss


