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BPAL Madness!
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Well, life goes on. I'm standing still and the world keeps passing me by at a quickening pace. I have had that feeling for so many years now, and I have had enough of it. For a couple of months now a new feeling has started to grow; that it's time for me to move on. It's time for change. It's kind of a good feeling and I'm terrified that the determination and hope I've felt will fade away.   I'm tired of crying over something that was probably just a hopeless, silly dream anyway. I'm tired of feeling left out from life the good stuff in life. Not that my life is really that bad - it really isn't, but I guess it's easy to focus on the stuff that's missing in our lives, especially when it's big, important stuff like love.   It's spring, finally. I have very mixed feelings about spring, because it's a time of change and time seems to speed up a notch during these months. The blackbirds has started to sing at dusk when I'm on my way home from work. It's the most beautiful and melancholic sound in the whole world.   Pondering whether I should make an order for Milk Moon or not. I probably will. Thank god(ess/whatever) for BPAL.   ...and a little rant: my body chemistry has acted weird for a couple of days - none of my smellies smells like they use to! I miss the way they use to smell on me. Hope it changes back soon.




Ouch. Not. Again

Ouch. He breaks my heart again and he doesn't even know it. It's been 5 years for f**** sake and I can't take this, whatever it is, anymore. Lobotomy please.




Snot and waiting for spring

My Jan 3 order finally arrived a couple of days ago. No love at first sniff this time, but I will try them all out again. My nose is really congested right now because of a stubborn cold that won't give up the fight against my immune system. But there's lots of snot making it's way out of my nose today and this usually means me and my immune system is about to win the fight.   Due to a misunderstanding with my order I had Faiza herself instead of Saw-Scaled Viper (I had written: "Faiza's companions: Saw Scaled Viper" instead of just Saw Scaled Viper. Stupid me.) I will try Faiza again - and if the jasmine doesn't ruin the whole thing she might actually be a keeper. Smut was much boozier than I expected. My sister and I both agreed on this description of Smut: "Sexy girl that likes to have a lot of fun on her way home in the wee hours after a night of just a little to much fun."   Now I'm waiting for Groundhog and Oborot. The postal service seems to be working veerrry slow these days. Since both my pending orders arrived/was sent I was allowed to make another one, so I've ordered Gennivre, Theodosius, 5 ml of Bengal and Saw-Scaled Viper (again! )   I've been so tired for the last couple of weeks. Some sunshine would cheer me up, we haven't seen the sun here for a week now - just clouds and mushy, slushy snow. Winter is long and dark up here, but I'm looking for some fresh, green, spring-time scents to include with my next order. Hopefully spring will be here soon.





Just a list to help me sort out what to order next.   Bottles: Obatala Sudha Segara Lightning (for my sister)   Imps: Eden White Rabbit Alice Arcana Dormouse Shanghai Kumiho Sed Non Satiata Dana O'Shee Hetairae Empyreal Mist Brisingamen Dublin The Unicorn Coyote Antique Lace Croquet Athens Pele Zephyr   Water of Notre Dame Wolf's Heart Block Buster High John the Conqureror Van Van   All of the Panacea blends




Blog? What the?

postal service. I really hoped my shiny, new little bottles would arrive today (Bakeneko with some friends). I needed something to cheer me up today, but no. Just needed to rant. Well, that's as good as any reason to start a blog a guess. And by the way, blog is one ugly word. Oh, I'm such a happy ray of sunshine today   But, I did get a CnS for Oborot and Groundhog today. Please come soon, little groundhog.



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