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brought to a rolling boil

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agressive florals of doom

I really really have trouble with straight up florals. Peony Moon is a great example of this. It smelled fantastic in the bottle, spicy and lightly floral, but when I put it on it turned into the evil floral headache from hell. My chemistry was like, oh hell no and smacked the bitch down. Oh well, not meant to be and apparently Beltane isn't either. It's not as angry but it's not pleasant either. I suppose two out of four is not bad for an LE order. That seems to be the trend with me anyway. My skin seems picky and rather elitist I think. It drinks up the LE scents that if I want more I'll have to sell my first born for but rejects nearly all catalog scents...okay not most but a ton! It did really like Enraged Bunny but that has other stuff in it. My skin does like roses though and that's kind of a surprise since I thought that I didn't like roses. Beth's roses though, are fantastic and non-migraine causing.   In other perfumey news I wore Underpants out for a brief time and while I didn't have people throwing themselves at me, how gauche of them I know, I thought I smelled rather delish. That's what counts anyway....although I'd like other people to acknowledge my fabulous smell once in awhile. I'm human after all.   Okay, now I seriously need to go wash off Beltane because my head is starting to throb. Damn flowers and their nasty ways!   By the way, I mentioned a livejournal last time but I neglected to give my user name. That's not because I'm hiding from you all...... It's 'jessiesquash' and I always welcome new friends. Just be warned that I'm a little crazy. It might be safer here where I'm restrained by board rules and such.




on the subject of obsession

True Story: I was yet again waxing poetic on BPAL to a guy at work and like always, he was ignoring me. I knew that he was thinking of a truly fitting description of my insanity so I simply said, "Hey Robert. You know how you feel about those grass plugs you just planted in your lawn? Well that's how I feel about perfume." Suddenly the planets aligned, pure light rained down from the heavens, for a moment the world made sense and we understood each other. What a great moment.     He still thinks I'm crazy though but I certainly don't blame him!             P.S. My sister had a girl yesterday!! Yay! I now have two nieces and one nephew and I'm in Auntie heaven!




jonesing from some undies

It is quickly becoming very evident that one bottle of Underpants is not enough. I totally slathered it on today and then gazed in horror at what is probably only a microscopic change in the level. I actually panicked! I don't really know why I get all weird like that. I fell in love with Red Lantern and then scrambled around for more. I now have 4 bottles! Because of the limited quantity and my limited funds that is probably not an option this time. I'd be conservative with Underpants to keep it as long as possible but I love it and I want to wear it everyday! Ahhhhhhhhhh! I'm sure that all of you know EXACTLY what I'm talking about!   Haha, I think that I've officially becoming a bpal fanatic. Do I get a pin or a certificate or something? Now I just wish that some of my local friends would get into it. It'd be fun to order together and swap locally too. I think they're wary of things that I recommend because invariably, they fall in love and spend tons of money. I don't know if that's a compliment to my personal tastes or just kind of pathetic.   I'm expecting a CnS for my Dragon Moon tee order any time since I noticed that they're starting to come in. This is my first BPTP order and I'm so excited! I don't know if the shirt will fit but I'm steadily loosing weight so it will eventually. I'm hoping that I'll be able to get into it for my study abroad program this summer and spread the bpal love everywhere I go. I'm waiting impatiently, yeah who isn't, for my Dragon Moon/CN order. I have a ton of bottles coming to me with that one and my first GC 10ml! Yay Alice! It will be the perfect scent to wear this summer, along with Enraged Bunny Musk of course.   I'm totally just aimlessly rambling right now so I'll stop. blah blah blah   G-night all!




cake or death.....?

So how many blogs does one girl need? Well apparently if you're me, you need at least two. I am a livejournal fiend but I've found that very few of my friends care about my obsession with BPAL and even if they did, I'm sure they don't want to me to talk about it ALL the time! So, new blog hidden amongst other blogs of my fellow bpaladdicts. *group hug*   So today I FINALLY received my 4/1 order and it was delicious! It contained Underpants, Beltane, Enraged Bunny Musk and an imp pack. I tried Underpants first because I was desperate to know if the sandalwood and I would finally make peace with each other. Amazingly, yes! It smells scrumptious!!!!!!!!!! How about a few more....!!!!!!!! Fantastic! I just keep crushing my nose against my wrists and all in my cleavage like I'm starving and there's is a piece of moist carrot cake hidden there somewhere....ooh that sounds good! Okay, I get distracted I know. I think that's part of my charm.   I'll just leave you with a quick thought: Does anyone else get the urge sometimes to just slather themselves in bpal and roll around naked until you're covered from head to toe with it and then run around screaming, "smell me I'm tasty!".......just me, huh? Oh well. I will now end this ridiculous and pointless post and let you get back to your regularly scheduled sanity.   Au Revoir!


