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Switch Witch Summer 2013!

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Hi Witch!!!! :glomp:


Here are my wishlists links, before we go any further. Now I just include this to show an idea of my tastes - they are rather long and overwhelming, so don't stress about poring over them, please! Also I may have added like two solid pages of just food to my etsy last night when I was hungry and insomniac and awake. Yeah, I dunno.




Amazon WL


etsy favs


Here are the questioney questions. I thought I wouldn't really answer a bunch this round, as there is still an ungodly amount of info up on my blog from the last few, but, well, I can't resist.



Monday June 17/13


Dr Who? Oh hell yeah! The new one only. I love Tennant and enjoy Smith as well, and love Martha and Donna but have a hard time choosing a favorite companion. Maybe Martha, I dunno tho. They all have their moments.


How much do you like lipbalm? Flavored or unflavored? What are your favorite brands and flavors? I don't like it. I LOVE it. Flavored is good by me.


current favs:

Burt's Bees in grapefruit

Alba un-petroleum in cherry

Fresh Sugar lip balm (this is hells of expensive tho)

Hurraw! tinted lip balm in bing cherry


Do you like and wear lipgloss? If yes, what colours? My holy grail is Tarina Tarantino's "sparklicity" gloss in Nouveau Nude. Sadly, I had just opened my backup of this and immediately lost it! Anyway, I love unusual or sparkly nudes, corals and some warm pinks. Warm colors in general, unless it's a sheer glitter color, in which case it can be a cooler tone glitter and still usually look ok layered on me.


For those of you whose wishlists contain only BPALs, are there any other perfume companies you like or would like to try out?I'm hesitant to try new kindsa perfume, as most of them irritate my BF's sensitivities, so I can't experiment too much. If it was a similar more "natural" perfume oil like BPAL I'd be open to it. I do like some things from Demeter, too; mostly the foody and herbal ones. I once had like a lemon single-note perfume from Philosophy, years ago, that was really nice. It was LE and they no longer make it, though.


Your feelings on Adagio teas: If you've never had anything from them, would you be open to trying them? If you HAVE had them and like them, name some favorites blends. And if you had them and dislike them, can you name a few *other* tea companies you're into? I'm always open to new and delicious kinds of tea. Uh, that come in a bag. :blush:


What about coffee? Would you like to get coffee send to you? Whole bean or ground? What are some varieties and/or flavors you enjoy? I need to get a coffee maker! I'm not even sure what kind I like!


If you were a Disney princess you would be?: I forgot about her until someone else mentioned her, but I'd actually probably be Belle. Like a fat Belle maybe. Or maybe I'd be one of these: http://geekologie.com/2011/12/i-cant-even-recognize-you-disney-princes.php


Would you like a seashell from Florida? I don't have any real use for it, but if it's shiny and cool looking I'll probably like it.


What craft project do you currently have on your docket or that you want to start? And that craft goodies would be welcome? I generally fail at craft. I sort of like doing nail art projects, but don't have the spare time or patience for anything much of the sort these days.


If you could have one rare bpal which one would you choose? Hm, maybe The Star, although I haven't ever sniffed it. Or Glittering Apple of the Stars (I'm out :( )





Do you need hair accessories? If so, what kind or color? I need more Alice bands/headbands. I want one with a little metal bow on it, I still haven't found the perfect one. I can always use more barrettes, pins, bows almost anything really (not scrunchies). If it helps, I like blue hair accessories! Also black, red, purple, silver, copper and green. Also I am raccoon-like and love anything that sparkles.

What is your favorite shade of blue? I like sky blue, peacock teal, bright turquoise, and navy. Sorry I have a hard time picking favorites.

Do you have any kitchen gadgets (a SodaStream, a Kuerig/Tassimo) that you want mix things for? No! That sounds fun though.


Are you kinky? Yes, I think I can say that. ;)

Do you enjoy scented candles? Certain sizes that you like? What kind of scents or brands? WELL. Scented candles are a HUGE no-no in my house currently. BUT. I will be living on my own for a few months, when my partner takes a temporary job out-of-state, starting in late August. So I could probably get away with hoarding one and burning it after he leaves! :twisted:


I like citrus, mint, most lighter fruity scents, sometimes lighter pumpkin/spicy/cinnamon variety things, or pine needles, and I like the natural/health food store type candles. I'd love to try a BPTP candle, and I used to like a lot of candles Pacifica makes. Not particular about sizes.


Thoughts about South Africa? Have you been here, would you like to go? Would you like to receive anything South African? You know, I really don't know all that much about it! I've never been, and don't know what kind of specific thing from there I might want! I'm sure there's awesome stuff out there.

Sock Dreams? *drool* I will DEFINITELY be checking out the brick and mortar store when I make my visits to pdx over the coming year! Love 'em.


If you were to start learning something new (intellectual or craft or hobby), what would it be? I am a beginner (read: complete first-timer) at writing music/my own songs, so I want to learn/get better at that! Sort of relatedly, I really want to learn guitar, or maybe piano.


Video games? I'm not really much of a gamer. I like playing Defend Your Castle on the wii about 2-3X per year, and Katamari/We Love Katamari (on PS3) a few times a year also. And I've been known to be down for a Mario Party once in a blue moon.

Do you have an e-reader? No.


What about candy? Do you have a sweet tooth? It's not so much a sweet tooth as it is a poorly controlled sugar addiction. If it is vegan and sweet, I will likely eat it.

If your witch is an extremely crafty sort, and she were to send all kinds of homemade foody goodies and handmade crafty stuff - what are items you would NOT LOVE to receive: Very delicate things, like strands of beads, that are likely to break, are probably destined for destruction at my house.


For the foody, I'm not a huge fan of walnuts, or most nuts in baked goods, nor am I a big fan of banana. I'm generally not a picky eater though.



Do you have something you do, without fail, as a personal daily habit/ritual? (Examples: pen-and-paper journal keeping, tea/coffee drinking, morning yoga, nightly bedtime reading. I'm kind of thinking on things that would be dear to you and might need small supplies or could use certain extras. )I should really include more of this kinda shit in my life. Not really, although I sing whenever possible and I'm a pretty big tea drinker (in bags). I guess flossing? lol


Do you wear nailpolish? What colors do you tend to go for? What are your favorite brands? Are you open to trying indie brands?

I HOARD the nailpolish like nobody's business. I love blues (from deep midnight indigo and cobalt, to teal, turquoise and sky blue), purples (blackened dark purples, grape soda purples, bright magentas, lavender pinkish shades), some warmer pinks/reds/corals/oranges, holos, metallics, neon, glitters... I fantasize about ordering from Rainbow Honey probably once a week on average; I absolutely love the colors I have from there. Totally open to any amazing indie creations. Usually, the more glitter the better, for me. More "mainstream" fave brands? Zoya, Orly, OPI, Rescue Beauty Lounge, NARS, and Deborah Lippmann.



Name three BPAL scents you have tried, but are dying to get more of.Beaver'Versary, The Glittering Apple of the Stars, Uncle Traveling Matt


Do you still write real letters on nice stationary to people you like/love?No bc I am a horrible person :,(


Have you ever tried anything from Paintbox Soapworks? Which products or scents would you prefer? I've tried a few! They're a bit strong, I'll think about it though. ETA: Well I went through and favorited a bunch of things on etsy. Most of what I'm guessing are her summer collection sound quite lovely.


Do you like/have space to garden? If so, what do you grow? I fail at growing things and don't really have a space I use for it.


Do you like sample sized things? Think lipgloss, mascara, bodylotion, scrubs, mini candles, and so forth. That would be a yes.


Have you tried Fortune Cookie Soap? What products or scents would you like?No I haven't!


Do you use solid soaps at all? If so, what kind do or don't you like? Yeah! I like Tom's tangerine soap a lot, and those bulk ones at whole foods. I don't like florals, but I do like minty, citrus/fruity/tropical things and some lavenders.


Have you ever tried Cocoa Pink? If you are curious about it, what looks interesting to you?

Yes I have, I liked their unscented body butter a lot. Most of it's all too scented for me though.


Do you like Lush? If so, what is your favorite product that is currently available, also, what is a product that you love but has been discontinued? Yes - I like their scalp treatment, I think that's been discontinued. Favorite current products: Ocean Salt and Vanishing Cream.


Anyone a fan of Shiro Cosmetics? Any particular products? Eye shadow pigments in general? Not familiar with Shiro. I love pigments and own a ton. I have a lot of glorious Archetype ones I'll never be able to replace. So far the only HG one of those I've run out of was Dirty Blonde. :( What was the question?


Are there any companies, products, or items you boycott?


OK I am fussy and from San Francisco so I boycott a lot of things:

-fast food places (all of them but especially McDonalds)


-companies that animal test (Procter & Gamble is one)

-Monsanto (in theory; I'm sure I'm not avoiding their shit altogether)

-companies that sell fur

-Nestle (in theory. They are a pretty awful company, I know that)



... I pretty much just prefer non-chains/mass produced, and companies with ethics in general.


As I am in Japan, what sort of things would you like from there? Kawaii stationary or the like, I will never turn down. I'd say candy but doubt most of it's vegan-friendly.


Since FB and the FB Gusp group (and the BPAL Sorority which is quiet) have become gathering places...what are some of your favorite Facebook pages you like?

I like George Takei's, and l used to love Ebert's too. :cry:


Thursday June 20/13


Do you read literature/culture blogs or websites of any kind? I'm thinking about anything that would help a putative witch to get a sense of what your current tastes in books, movies, games, genres, approaches to culture and literature and so forth are Sometimes I look at Neil Gaiman's blog. I look at Vice occasionally. I'm feeling so un-literary. I look at Rachel Maddow's website/blog occasionally. I used to love looking at Roger Ebert's online presence and writing, I haven't been doing that since his death though. :( Sometimes Jezebel and Gawker, mostly I am just lazy and look at facebook so I read whatever's being linked in my feed. Pathetic really.


How do you feel about traditional picnics (namely the intimate table for two variety)? Old-fashioned basket or something more utilitarian (cooler/insulated bag)?

Sounds charming either way. I was just thinking it's been a reaaaalllly long time since I've picnicked.


If you were put in a room with 100 random other people the same age and sex as you, from your country, in what way do you think you would be different from the average?I've been mulling this one over for a while now and I'm still not completely sure how to answer. The superficial things? I've probably got most of those other girls beat in the hips/ass department (my proportions are rather extremely pear-shaped), I've probably got on more sparkly/unusual jewelry and accessories, and possibly more visually interesting clothing. I wear glasses and have a pierced lip, I am on the tall side, and I might also have on more interesting makeup, depending on the day. Although I'm nonreligious, I'm of Jewish heritage, so I suppose that also would set me apart from the majority, statistically speaking.


The non-surface things? I am very pro-women's, pro-immigrant, pro-animal, pro-queer and pro-trans rights, my politics fall on the radical side of progressive -- I'm probably more into politics in general, actually. I have a rather biting and dark sense of humor at times, and also a very goofy one (ex. I do impressions. Not all are good). I've put a fair amount of time in my life into studying music and acting, so I guess I'd like to think my voice stands out from the crowd. Oh, and like someone else here mentioned, I do open relationships, woot. I think of myself as pretty unconventional all-around, but it's hard to think of specific things that set me apart. We're all unique snowflakes, right? I guess I have a lot more movie trivia under my hat than a lot of girls my age. I'm pretty into film in general, as well as theatre and music. I'm a mostly-vegan vegetarian, and I'm also what I believe is referred to as a functioning stoner. I'm firmly child-free, as well as pretty anti-marriage (I live with my partner, but marriage gets less likely as times goes by). That's a pretty huge one, actually, as I'm hovering around that magical 30th birthday mark.


Another big thing? Well, I like meeting people online, and am the sort to sign up to spend a month or two gifting and spoiling a (likely) complete stranger from an online community, who I may never meet IRL, just for the fun of it!


Haus of Gloi did a Reverie update! Do any of them interest you? (Or anything else up currently?) Everyone here seems to love them; I've never tried them myself. I'd be open to something like a lip balm, I forget what else they make.


Witchee, do you cook? Do you do all the cooking? Is it a chore or a pleasure? I do most of the cooking in my house, which is still a pretty small amount. It's a chore mostly owing to my cramped apartment and limited budget of money and time/energy.


Which reading level do you prefer to read in YA or Adult? Or even both? I'm not too much of a snob for YA, some of my favorites are in that genre (Dahl, Lowry, flb, for example) That said, if it's real simplistic, I might not get much out of it either.



What is your favourite object, that you own, ignoring sentimental reasons for attachment? So I guess something you find beautiful, or fun, or incredibly useful.After seeing someone else answer "computer" I realized I have to say my iphone. I judge myself for having one (I have problems with Apple's production style) and relying as heavily on it as I do (just makes me feel like a stereotypical asshole), but hey, it's unarguably incredibly useful.




Do you have any problems with swearing or particularly off-color humor?Dude, fuck no.


What would you like from the most recent BPAL update? What are you planning on buying for yourself and what would you like to try? I would like to sample almost EVERYTHING from the Song of Nature line (barring the ones with my "no-no" notes), and Hungry Ghost moon sounds kind of nice too. I'll probably skip buying anything for myself, however. Resources are going toward Witchee spoiling right now!

Opinions on table top games, from cards and board games, to dice and rpgs. What do you like?I like some "party games" but I'm not much of a serious gamer AT ALL. I've had fun playing Cards Against Humanity before but it also makes me uncomfortable.



What style is your sense of humour? It ranges from dark/dry to absurdist to broad slapstick.

Is there anything from Australia you would like? Regional spices/flavoring blends/sauces? I don't really know! I'd be open to trying vegan foods from anywhere. I guess Princess Tina and Black Milk are Aussie lines I think are cool, but way more expensive/designer-y than anything I'd normally be buying myself or expecting you to get for me, Witch!


Gift cards/vouchers - yay or nay? If you like them - which stores would you like one for? Love 'em. Any makeup company, Sock Dreams, Target, Starbucks, Whole Foods, almost anywhere really.



How big is too big...for something to hang on your walls? If I'm painting you a pretty picture, are there maximum dimensions that you have/prefer? I could go fairly big I imagine, and could probably find space for any art you'd make me, but I guess let's say movie poster size is about the max for not having to rearrange anything.


Question: Put your mp3 player/online music/itunes/etc on random and list the next 10 songs here:


This game never works out well for me cuz I have so much random stuff squirreled away on here, but here we go:


The Compliments Song - Home Movies Soundtrack hahahaha

King & Weed - !!!

Long May You Run (unplugged version) - Neil Young

Walking With a Ghost (White Stripes cover)

Timmy! Medley - Home Movies Soundtrack (thanks again, itunes. lol)

These Days - Nico

It's a Wonderful Life - Sparklehorse (I have literally never listed to this one)

Let Down - Radiohead

Human Nature - Michael Jackson (have also never listed to this)



Is there a literary character you identify with? Even if it's not spot-on, just someone you found yourself having that "I identify with this" feeling? What a great question; I'll have to think on it.


What are the three books you most want to read right now, and which you don't already have?HMMMM. Let's see. *goes to check wishlist and goodreads* A Moveable Feast, any Marilyn Monroe book, and... Chin Music.


Would you like something from Empire Edibles? looks amazing but i doubt they have vegan stuff

Is there anything small you try to collect from everywhere you visit? No! Perhaps I should start.

Witchee, I know that SW isn't about what you get... but could you name one thing you would be heartbroken not to get and one thing you would be a-ok if it didn't make it in your box? (i.e. do you REALLY want perfume oil of some sort, or would you be totally heartbroken if there was no Lush in your box, etc

I'd honestly be fine not getting any perfume (though there are def ones I want to try/hoard). Is that weird? I won't be heartbroken not to get anything that I can think of. I guess some kind of personal communication/touches would be great, but I also understand if you want to be ninja about it.

Do you like tarot cards, pendulums and rune stones etc? If so, what type? Not really. I'm kind of interested in getting more gemstones I guess.

What fandoms do you belong to? I wouldn't say I'm a card-carrying member of any one fandom. I like some nerdy things, like Gaiman, Dr. Who, Cowboy Bebop, Labyrinth, Miyazaki movies... but I'm not really that devoted to any one in particular.


What cheers you up? My cats


Who or where would you most want to haunt? Who would you least want to be haunted by? I don't understand the question?

What question do you hate to answer? Honestly??? I sort of hate being asked how I am doing, most of the time. What a hard thing to try and be honest about and still be socially appropriate.


What is the best compliment you have/could receive? Well, here's a few of the best I have ever received (I remember these things, I am a Leo, okay) - one time a girl in a musical theatre class in college told me I sounded like Judy Garland, after I sang in a trio version of "Sing for Your Supper." My close friend Jo told me recently that I was the person she trusted the most for recommendations on comedy TV shows. And, I recently got a complement comparing my curves to Bettie Page's (yeah, in my dreams, I must have 100 lbs on her, but damned if that wasn't a fucking great complement to get).


Would you like anything from an European country? Any particular food or goodies, magazines, books, whatever would be available to your witch in his/her country.Oh man, European chocolate is amazing, but I'm not well-versed in what is dairy-free. I guess I like French and Italian Vogue, I'm guessing those would be heavy to ship though. Just anything you think I'd like, doesn't have to be anything fancy!

Do you like bags? If so, what type (rucksack, clutch, shopping bag) colour and would you like/need a new one? I am a bag hoarder, all kinds really. I can always use more little grocery bags, though, esp. since they started charging for bags in my city. Hey, why not blue bags? :P

What's your favourite comfort food(snack or candy etc) and/or drink? Chocolate soy milk (it's been a while since I've been regressed enough to want this), soy White Russians (this has been more recent <_< ), chai, veggie burger with fries or sweet potato fries, vegan sweets of almost any kind. Eat emotionally much?

Would you be interested in someone writing out for you a favourite recipe, or finding or devising one which they think you'd like?



If so, please provide your favourite ingredients, info on how you like to cook/store and use food, and any intolerances - unless all of these are in your questionnaire, or you don't like the idea. (I'm not saying I'd definitely do this, unless someone is keen, and it wouldn't be the only gift). I'm into vegan recipes that are easy to follow and don't require a ton of specialty ingredients/tools. I like Post Punk Kitchen a lot. Just found this one tonight and it looks pretty good too: http://hellyeahitsvegan.com/

I guess for other witches this might include something like a knitting pattern - not my thing but would you like that? I don't knit. I most likely wouldn't use it.


Or indeed would you like a picture created for you (if so what kind) or a story written? (sorry if this feels a bit Spanish Inquisition!)

OMG, it is that and my eye is too messed up right now too take all that in. Later!


If you knew you were going to live comfortably for say 800 years, what profession, calling or project might you pursue with some of your extra years, which you imagine you may not do in the life that you have? Well I would get really good at playing and composing allll kinds of music, maybe I'd start learning to rap and become really amazing with all that practice. This reminds me of that movie Groundhog Day. I'd definitely study a bunch of languages, too. Maybe take up photography, learn to cook really well...hmm, what an interesting question. I'd write plays, maybe, or operas, or maybe novels? I think maybe I'd sing in some operas as well, I don't see myself ever doing that in this lifetime but maybe in another one...


Is there any thing - an object, a donation on your behalf, some research done for you, whatever - that your witch could do about this that you would like? And if you can't think of a present, would you rather she/he (I!) didn't either and confined themselves to things you are already involved in?

Wow. Research on launching acting/singing/writing careers that would be helpful to my particular situation somehow, maybe?




What colors/style is your kitchen decor? And do you entertain in your home?Utilitarian, undecorated for the most part. I do throw the occasional party (throwing one in August in fact!) and entertain guests. Nothing fancy in this apartment tho.


Are your ears pierced? Yep, a "hole" bunch. :sick: Ech, sorry


Do you like stuffies/stuffed animals/art doll type thingies? If so, any particular type you'd love to get? Dunnys. Junko Mizuno figures too. I also may or may not kind of want a squishable :whistle:





Is there a Quote that resonates with you, or that you particularly like a lot. Would this be something you would like artwork made of for your walls or a shirt/bag/scarf? I know I have some up on my Goodreads, I can't think of a good one offhand though.


Also, STARBUCKS, Yay or Nay? Anything you particularly like? I've been pretty into u/s soy green tea lattes lately.

Is there someone on the forums (within SW or not) who knows you really well and might be able to help with stalking? Glambie is one of my BFF, she's out of the country for a bit tho.


If you happen to find out who yours is, how much would it bother you? I'm not gonna be uptight about this! It's SW, anything goes and it's all good.


Do you use waxmelts or tarts? If so, which ones do you prefer? Nope


Do you enjoy drinking hot chocolate, and would you like stuff to make it with, or to add to it? I have yet to find a vegan solution for hot chocolate that was any good at all.


Have you ever tried Spoonfudge? Would you enjoy it if your Witch would send you some? Which of the flavors would you like? Hm, guessing that is dairy, I would try a vegan one (starting to sound like a broken record :P)


What's your opinion on Moonalisa? Any favorites or products you'd like to try? I've no knowledge on the brand.


Are there any BPALs that you loved the idea of, the imagery - whether artwork or description - but which didn't work out for you? (I'm asking because if they did, you might mention them elsewhere, but if not, the imagery might be helpful) What was that Shunga with white ginger and gingergrass notes? That one. ENTANGLED. That was it. I thought that sounded so much nicer and creamier than it turned out to be on me. I think that was when I realized I can't do gingergrass.



Do you want to receive one big package or a bunch of small ones? Digital stuff all at the end when the box should arrive or as we go? Whatever is easiest for my Witch! However, I feel like part of the SW experience is getting that physical box and opening it/photo-documenting it, so I guess I prefer not total 100% digital witching, if I get a choice.


Do you welcome knitted items? If so, what would you like most? (amigurumi, washcloth, socks, shawl, shawlette, scarf, wrist warmers, hat, etc.) Do you have any favorite fibers? How about any fiber allergies? Favorite color for knitted items? I would definitely welcome any handknitted items, but especially wearable ones. I'm still looking for a good knit/crocheted beret/cap/beanie that's not too tight and that I can stick my hair under if I want to, and I can never have enough scarves. I guess I prefer vegan fibers but am also ok with ethically-sourced animal fibers. I had a previous witch, childoftime, who made me a lovely scarf, using ethically sound wool; it's super soft and nice and I love it. Only fiber allergy is to down feathers, but I doubt it matters unless you are knitting me a handmade boa, in which case, I will suffer through the allergies. XD I like black, grey, red, and of course, blue. Oh you know I could use more potholders, too, if that's your thing.


Do you have any symbols or totems that are meaningful to you?

Sometimes hummingbirds (I have this fantasy where I get a big chest piece involving hummingbirds and fuchsias) - they are native to the western hemisphere only, and I have heard they symbolize "looking for true love" or some shit. Also, lately, owls (and I at one time was also planning an owl tattoo as well). And ouroboros - I've been really fascinated by these lately. One of the things they symbolize is eternal return. Plus they're referenced heavily in one of my favorite albums, I'm Having Fun Now.


When you are having a really rough day, what do you like to do/have to make it a little brighter?

If I'm on my own, watch a random movie that my Bf wouldn't want to watch (something escapist, foreign [bF works at home, including when we watch movies, so we don't often put on anything subtitled] kid stuff like Miyazaki or a period piece), do my nails, maybe read a book or a magazine (that's a total comfort/luxury item), talk to friends, look at the forum!, eat something delicious and/or made of chocolate, listen to either cathartic/emotional or relaxing music, have a nice cocktail/beer/wine (white), smoke bowls, spend time with kitties, do deep breathing (should remember to do this more), sing.


Tattoos: I LOVE (good) tattoo art, the more creative the better. I'd be sporting a whollle lot more of them than I am now, if I'd ever had any amount of money in my life to get them with.


How do you feel about home-canned goods? Awesome


TAL on etsy? Probably not. I've never used any TAL and wouldn't know what I was doing.


Seen anything lately that makes you go OH HOLY FUCK THAT'S AWESOME!! ?



Do you like audiobooks? If so, do you have/would you like to try Audible? (I'm an addict, myself.)

I had a subscription that I cancelled. Right now I have 3 unlistened audiobooks on my computer: Mindy Khaling's book, Rob Lowe's book, and Good Omens (actually it's mostly listened-to except the very end, and I've read that one before). Anyway I wouldn't mind trying it again but as you can see I don't make it a priority to listen.


Chocolate: Love? Hate? Allergic? If love, what are your faves?

Love, but have been limited in variety since cutting out dairy. I'm still always on the search for the best vegan chocolate! Chocolove (the ginger, peppermint and cherry varieties) might be my current favorite, and I've also tried a few amazing raw/organic chocolate from local producers that I've liked a lot. I still miss milk chocolate, and I've seen rice milk chocolate at the store and wondered just how close a sub it might be.


Every package has to have something blue in it. Blue can also be used to describe more risque humor...how would you rate your general sense of humor? Are you strictly PG-13, R-rated, NC-17? There's really not that much that shocks me, I don't have any one particular rating though.


Do you like puzzles? What kind? Jigsaw, word, etc? Well they're not my fav, I prefer board games. I guess crosswords, I like. I'll do those very occasionally.


Monday July 1/13


I know Canadian chips can be different than others, how does "dill pickle" or "ketchup" sound? No thanks! *hides*


If you were getting a custom Haus of Gloi blend, what four notes would you choose? Summer notes listed here and you can click through to the whole list from there. http://www.hausofglo...er-single-notes Oh my, I find that totally daunting. Lemon, pineapple and peach skin all appeal to me though.


QUESTION! Do you like Kickstarter? Are there any projects up that you really like? I'd support more stuff If I had more money. *shrug* Film projects especially.


QUESTION! If you have an Etsy wishlist, what are your top 5 favorite things on there? The price is unimportant, not because I'm rich, but because I'd like some inspiration.


Armor leggings




Little star


The Auryn


... kitties


Mine are all clothing and jewelry, does that mean I'm really boring? Don't answer that. >.>




How do you feel about glitter? does loose glitter make your skin crawl or would you bathe in it? I have bathed in it very recently, I threw some over me when I went out during Pride, when I couldn't wear eye makeup due to eye grossness. I don't like loose confetti so much in packages though, as it is pretty but hard to clean up, plus I kinda feel bad throwing it away.


Do you want/need/like/collect journals? If so, do you prefer lined or unlined? Yes, I don't really collect them but I do covet them. Lined. I write messy.


Does the idea of wearing a plant as jewelery give you the warm fuzzies or the heebie jeebies? It doesn't give me much of a strong feeling either way.


Gourmet popcorn, yes/no? What do you like: glazed, savory, candied? Nuts or not? Any flavors you wouldn't like (like Bacon CHeeseburger, Pizza, Watermelon, Root Beer Float, Hot Chili Dark Chocolate)? Or if any of those sounded interesting, how weird is weird enough? Anything vegan, but not hot chili. I've gotten a taste for trader joe's kettle corn recently. :blush:


Question: I make my own hair gloss, would you like some detangling and very shiny hair gloss made by me? This is a 'cone rich blend, not the least bit natural. Why yes, yes I would.


Thursday June 27/13


I live near the Brown and Haley outlet - makers of Almond Roca and Mountain Bars - would you want anything from the outlet? For nut-haters, they have nutless Roca For the no-sugar folks they have sugar-free as well. Dairy free?


I also have an Oberto jerky outlet local to me - any wants there? You'll know my answer, witch :wacko:




Do you like BPTP clothing? Oh god yes

What size do you wear of:


Baby-doll T's XL

Regular T's Probably L?

yoga pants XL



Also, what is your favorite lunacy (or non-lunacy) T-shirt that you don't already own?

Or other clothes from BPTP? Would love a basic logo tissue T, with brimstone or triple dagger. Used is good too. Or a MVJVB baseball tee! The tank top with leather logo patch is lovely too, although probably not vegan, and very pricey. meh.


What else do you love from the Trading Post site, and need to have? Hmmm. Soap? Claw polish in Hell's Belle? Jewelry? Apron?


Is there a particular movie genre that you like (Fantasy? Drama? Romantic Comedy? Musicals? TV-Series, etc), and what format would you prefer: DVD, Blu-Ray, or something in the cloud (like Amazon, iTunes, Flixster, etc)? My Amazon WL has a pretty good representation of my tastes in genre. Comedy, both black and absurd, is always a favorite. I love musicals and Shakespeare films, good sci-fi, and culty TV comedies.


-Following up on the Adagio question from earlier, what are you top five wishes, for teas and blends? I like earl grey and almost all kinds of herbal and green teas!


Do you have anything that you do ritually, every summer? No! I should think of something good. I guess I always go see a movie hosted by Peaches Christ at the Castro. I'm going to see The Craft this month! Hehehe.


-What are your top five wishes from ThinkGeek? My bf likes that site more than me. They do have some cool little projectors that throw stars/galaxy designs on the walls that seem awesome. One day when I'm rich.




Wednesday June 26/13


Do you have any long trips coming up? If so, could you use things to occupy yourself? Not especially. I'll be helping my partner move to Portland, so I will be busy eating vegan food and donuts, and crying, lol. We're driving up there but it's a fairly short trip and we're supposed to have a friend along as well. Then the plane ride back is nothing.


I'm going to Jungle Jim's next week (it's basically a massive international food gasm in Ohio, look it up); would anything interest you?Did you say food??


Name three things that you could use, but might not necessarily think to get for yourself?

-More washcloths/hand towels

-new crystal nail file

-lingerie bag for the laundry (ok I saw that online today)


Does anything from the TP Etsy update interest you? I can't keep up with these ever.


I just found out Oreo is launching ones with watermelon flavor in the USA only. Is it something you would enjoy? Oh god, keep it away! On the other hand, I just tried some lemon Oreos that were quite nice (though, granted, pretty bad for you).


What are the three BPALs you would most like to receive - one GC, one not-hard to find LE, and one HTF LE from your dreams?


If you don't consider yourself in a "fandom" (and I get that ... I don't really go overboard on my liking of any TV show/Movie/etc), are there any TV shows or Movies that you really like and/or watch regularly or any actors/actresses you wouldn't leave standing in the rain (unless you like looking at them sopping wet, in which case ... well, nevermind)?


So, dear witchee, would you like some Tw*twaffle soap or scent or lotion?


Has anyone asked about tattoos? Do you love them? Hate them? Have any? Want any?



Tuesday June 25/13


What are the three BPALs you would most like to receive - one GC, one not-hard to find LE, and one HTF LE from your dreams?


If you knit/crochet, what sizes of needles do you need?


What styles of artwork do you like?


If you cook, would you be interested in-hand made spice mixes/rubs?


Would you like mexican vanilla or silver rings/necklaces?


The Conjure Oils update (http://conjureoils.com/emporium.htm) looks absolutely fabulous...I didn't know she made soaps and candles and whanot. Is there anything from the Oddment Emporium you would like?


What is your favorite color?


What is your favorite season?

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