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Switch Witch 2012!

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Hi Witch!!! :glomp: :kiss: :welcome:


Psst. I realized today I forgot to mention on the questionnaire one of the things I collect - Dunnys from Kidrobot. If you need details on that, feel free to get a message to me!




What's the neatest freebie you've gotten? It can be cool or thoughtful or just totally unexpected, and not limited to BPALdom.


Debbie, purveyor of Glitterlimes, who always seems to remember me as a customer, has included barrettes with some of my larger orders in the past. Since I love everything she makes, this is always awesome!


Do you like s'mores and s'mores-flavored things?Add me to the gelatin-free list and we're talking. OMG, I've also had really good s'more-cookie-like-treats from Sweet & Sara before. :thud: Would recommend to anyone with a vegan-sweet-loving Witchee.


Would you enjoy receiving cute but useful items like colorful kitchen utensils/gadgets, or bento supplies? (boxes, chopsticks, accessories, etc?) What about things like spice mixes (homemade, or Penzey's for example)?

Spice mixes sound intriguing as long as it's not garlic salt. I have a bento box already that I never use, sadly.


Do you like cute, seasonal or fluffy PJ bottoms? Like they sell at Target, Old Navy (they have had cute Halloween ones!) If so, what size do you wear

Sure, I'd probably take a L or XL for my big ol' self.


What kind of chocolate do you like? Nuts, no nuts, white,dark, etc?

I tend to like flavors like orange, cherry, mint or caramel mixed in with my chocolate... often I'll go for a milk, but I like dark too, as long as it's more sweet than bitter. Nuts aren't so much my thing except for almonds, which I do like. I admit I have a bit of a weakness for See's, my hometown favorite. Chocolove is amazing too. :yum:


Are home made foods acceptable or does the idea of eating strange mailed food disturb you?

I like to live on the edge.


I just gave you $20 and sent you into a "has everything" store ala Walmart and told you that you have to come out having spent it all, and none of it on anything you need. What would you buy? Be as specific as possible!

(Oh, BTW, like stellans, Walmart is on my Boycott list, but for argument's sake...)

Some kind of gratuitous cute bra, yet more lip balm (the "natural" kind), a new highlighter, which I could kind of use but don't really -need-, mini Heath bars to replace the bag I went through this week :blush:


What kind of cuisines do you like? And, what are your favorite restaurants?

I'm sure I touched on this because eating lots of different foods is my favorite, but...


Indian, Thai, Japanese, Mexican, Vietnamese, Middle Eastern, Italian, "creative vegetarian comfort food" - stealing this from Joyful Girl. OMG makes me think of Doomie's in L.A. :thud: -


Golden Era and Greens, Papalote and the Curry Up Now truck in SF are some current favs...


I live near a Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, and Penzeys! What does your little heart desire from any or all of these places?

Whole foods: those Marcona almonds they have, chocolate, or tea (I'm sure someone will ask tea questions at some point. Or lotion... yep, could always use more lotion.

TJ's: I love most everything they sell. I just got some cleanser pads there that are like $4 a jar; I'm sure I'll be going through these going forward....

Penzeys: Not familiar! Haha, sorry.


I'm from Canada - is there anything specifically a witchee might like that is only available here? I wouldn't turn down a maple sugar candy or two, and I hear good things about Laura Secord chocolates.


Oh, or maybe you could mail me a young Dave Foley? :angel:


What are your "fandoms" and would you like a t-shirt from TeeFury if an appropriate one came up?

I'm not sure I qualify as belonging to any fandoms (what are the requirements anyway?). I love my favorite TV shows a lot, although i doubt you'd see a Strangers With Candy tee up there anytime soon. Same with Woody Allen, and I'm pretty sure I count as a fangirl for his oeuvre. Oh, I love Labyrinth, now that one is more likely.


Do you have an eReader and if so which one?



Do you like candles, or tart burners, or something? If so, what's your favorite scent to burn?

I can't burn scented stuff in my house. :cry: Although if I could it would be clove orange. I'd suppose I might take an unscented candle, for emergencies, lol.


Do you drink alcohol and if so, would you be OK with your witch sending you homemade infused vodka? Also, does your state allow alcohol to be shipped through the mail?

Pretty sure it's not legal, but I would totally drink it if it "somehow" arrived... :twisted:


If you get me (or a fellow Aussie, if there are any playing this round) as a witch or witch's minion, would you like to try some Australian specialties, such as TimTams (delicious chocolately cookies), Caramello Koalas (koala shaped chocolates filled with gloopy caramel), Australian native spices or anything like that?

Sure, I'm game for anything you think I would like!


If your witch is a knitter, crocheter or sewer, is there a particular type of garment you would love to receive (hat, scarf, wrap, cowl, socks, fingerless gloves, arm warmers etc)?

Hmm, a cowl, gloves, beret/loose knit cap, or scarf (the longer the better) would be worn with pride! There's nothing like homemade. :heart:


Is there anyone else in your house (kids, pets, partner) that would really appreciate a small gift being included for them in the switchwitchy haul so they don't feel left out?

Haha, I' sure BF would be happy to dispose of any non-chocolate, non-oniony treats! He doesn't actually know I'm doing SW yet, come to think of it... :angel:


Since it's been mentioned several times, and I've also offered to nacho witch some, would you you like to receive wild rice and or maple syrup? I promise to include recipe ideas with the wild rice.

Sure, and recipe ideas would surely be needed! Haha.


I have 5 bushels of tomatoes sitting in the kitchen right now that are supposed to turn into red sauce tomorrow, so would anyone like a basic red sauce (spaghetti sauce) to make its way to them?



How would you feel about a taste of (insert witch location here) box

Aw, that sounds like a cute idea. I may be stealing this...


Last year, my wonderful witch Alethia adopted a bat for me from batworld.org, a bat rescue and sanctuary. Bat's World Would you be interested in having a bat adopted in your name?

Maybe not a bat... I think I would prefer a cat! Or other animal...


Some of your favorite artists? Classic and modern?

I'll have to come back and update this gradually, maybe into its own post...




Van Gough

Dutch still-lifes (I forget the name for this kinda art, boo.)

Mary Cassat




Dadaism (various)





Frida Khalo

Andy Warhol

Keith Haring

Takashi Murakami

Mark Ryden


Miss Kika:




KI-Bei Badgirl:



Audrey Kawasaki



If you could have an image or certain subject painted for you on any type of "canvas" (on a box, on paper, on a canvas, and so on) - could you point your witch to some of these images?

I can't choose one! Maybe after I take a break from researching the above question, lol.


Is there a GC scent that's been on your list for ages but keeps falling off the bottom of your order because of the LEs?

Hm... Alice maybe? Envy is my favorite GC so far, and I do have a bottle of that one...


I've been getting into indie nail polish brands recently. What's your favorite indie brand of nail polish? Or what's your favorite mainstream brand of nail polish? Or are you not big on polish?

YES, finally a question I know my answer for.


Lately I've become obsessed with Rainbow Honey. I've ordered some minis and full sizes from the Equestria collection - mostly because every mini convinces me I need its full-size sibling.


I love a few Rescue Beauty colors, but never get around to ordering - although when Aqua Lilly is re-released I may bite that $20.00 bullet.


It's not indie, but I'm very sad I missed NARS' special shade Lal Mirchi from their Thakoon collab. It involves my bf's name, so I really wanted to get that one! :cry2: Whaa.


I love Zoya too and have a looot of their colors.


I keep meaning to get some more Butter London shades, but always miss the BOGO deals. I really want Thames, Bluey and Henley Regatta one of these days.


Stuffed things: yea or nay?

Yea I think. As in food or animals? LOL. I want to get a Squishable one of these days. There's a toy store I walk by once a week, on my way to my therapist, that has a bunch in the window. I admit it can be a very tempting sight on those vulnerable days! :blush:


mix-in-a-jar? How to you feel about cookie or cake or soup mixes that come in jars and you just add, like, an egg or water or what have you?

Sounds fun! I'm a lazy-ass cook, so...


I live near this very cool Retro store (you can order online too) - are there things from it that would make you squee if your witch sent them?

Hmmm. they have retro aprons... and dresses. Oh, why did I just look? :P



If there are no "witchy" shops near you, is there anything I can pick up for you from Enchantments?

Well I'm no witch, and I don't really do spellwork or anything. Although if there were some special red candles or the like that happened to come your way, I'd have use for 'em. :twisted:


Are there any herbs that you haven't been able to lay hands on that I could send you? There's an herbal shop I really like here in NYC called Flower Powerthat has quite a wide selection.I can usually find that kinda stuff at the co-op, but feel free to send anything you think I'd like!



What's one random thing you really like and one random thing you really dislike?

Like: red pandas

Dislike: moths (scary!)


Witchee, what are your favorite quotes?

I may need to come back to this. I have some listed on Goodreads and my FB though, LOL.


Who likes Pumpkin Spice Hershey Kisses?

No, please, no. But, all the gross "cherry cordial" ones are belong to me, however!


Do you Ravelry?



Who here would be happy to get a lil' sumthin sumthin from Adagio Teas?

I'm not familiar, but I love earl grey, and anything w/lavender...


Are there any crafts/skills you've wanted to learn but haven't gotten around to? And if so, would you be interested in supplies and tutorials?

Just learning musical instruments like guitar, really... and there's not a tutorial in the world that teaches me that kinda patience and perseverance, sadly. I has a lazy. :eek:


Would you be interested in beer, wine, or other specialty beverages from your Witch's area?

Hell to the MF'ing YES! But, Witch, take note: Red wine and me aren't friends. I think I have an allergy. :( But beer or other bev's, yes! :D


a) Are you OK with "special deliveries"?

b)Is the address in your questionnaire the best place to reach you for said deliveries?

c) If the delivery requires a phone number (as say, some florists do) would you be OK with that information being tracked down by your Witch or asked of you anonymously?

a) I love flowers, but I hate secondhand embarrassment, so please nothing from a person wearing an "outfit."

B) yes I think so

c) sure


Do you have any Fall or Halloween traditions?

Not really, sadly. Like, going to sbux at least once for a fall drink treat. And trying to find something fun to do for Halloween, even though it's on a weeknight this year, SUCK.


I live near a Mast General Store. It has lots of vintage-y toys, southern foods (jams, jellies, spices) and vintage candy. Is there anything I can get for you?

have no idea offhand, but will try to take a look later. Yes I am evilly updating this thing at work. :nervous:


I have an extra room spray and 2 extra bath oils (one Cephalopod, one Exhibit Hall Fatigue) from Dragon*Con - would anybody like a decant?

EHF would be lovely to try!


Ninjas or Pirates?

My Jolly Roger BPTP pants tell me to go with Pirates... yarr.


Do you lust after some new socks/tights?

ALWAYS looking for cool/unusual plus-size tights (like a SPANX D for reference...) or cute socks! I can throw some on a wishlist somewhere if it helps you...


dear witchee, would you, could you use an electric candle warmer?

No thanks witch dear.


Are you a Disney fan or does even thinking about Disney make your head hurt? If you're into Disney, would you like something from the Happiest Place on Earth?

Um, both, somehow. I think Disney's kinda evil, but I absolutely LOVE Alice in Wonderland. So anything related to that is good. Also, Maleficent's pretty cool, and I'm forever sad that I missed out on her branded Disney Villains/MAC items... yeah anyway.


Witchee, will you be gone from your normal mailing address at any point during the round?

Not planning on it.


I'm about to be near a Lush store next week, is there anything you might like from there?

ALL THE THINGS A small Ocean Salt or I Love Juicy would be lovely!


are there any if MeiLin's books (e-book or print) you'd be interested in?

Sure, I think Lovers and Beloveds is the first in her series right? I don't have an e-reader though, so I can only do book-books.


Tell me of your taste preferences. Dry/sweet? Red/white? Lager/ale/porter/stout? Fruit? Spice? Hops? Sour (brettanomyces, etc)?

Sweet, white, stout, fruit, rich, chocolately.. this is all in reference to drinks, right? I love trader joe's oatmeal stout, for beer.


Any Bath, Body or nutritional type items you would love to try from a Natural and Organic food store (similar to Whole Foods) that you don't buy because they are a bit too pricey?

Um, allll of them. Bath and body stuff? Unscented body lotions, and face creams for sensitive/acne prone skin. Nutritional? Always looking for throat, allergy, asthma and throat/voice care related items!


Haus of Gloi is offering custom perfumes - would you like one? What would your ideal blend be?

I'm not sure, so pass.


Any favorite Bath & Body Works scents/products?

Sadly, I can't do with BBW stuff. They are too scented for my household. Sorry witch!


Name one movie you keep meaning to buy, but just never get around to getting?

Erm, my Amazon DVD wishlist is marked with priority... but... maybe Gilda, or Roxanne? Or The Man With Two Brains, I don't think that's actually on there!


Movies that you love but forgot to put in your questionaire?

Hmm... 200 Cigarettes, Eternal Sunshine, Joy Luck Club, Romeo and Juliet, Roman Holiday, Miss Pettigrew Lives For A Day, Mermaids, Bring it On, Breakfast at Tiffany's (except for the racism :smite: ), Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, Wizard of Oz, Alice in Wonderland... I got a million of 'em. Some most of these I own already (I have a fairly large DVD library), so feel free to check with me, if the question involves actual copies of movies... As you can tell, I'm into girly movies, haa.


Songs that you keep meaning to buy but never get round to it?

Lily Allen's albums, MIA's Paper Planes, the new Jack White album all come to mind...



Put your iPod/MP3 player/what-have-you on random and list the first 10 songs it plays!

Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds, The Beatles

Jack-Ass, Beck

Minus, Beck

Scalding Hot Coffee Rag (ghost world soundtrack)

Clam, Crab, Cockle, Cowrie, Joanna Newsom

Bulletproof, Rilo Kiley

Hotwax, Beck

Derelict, Beck

Break So Easy, Johnathan Rice

Got to Get You Into My Life, The Beatles


I used my phone, so I don't have that wide a selection here, lol.


forum buddies?

*cocks head over in the direction of Glambie* :wub2: She knows me best, but she's also a very busy bee these days, JSYK!


Candy Corn?

Without gelatin, YES. Although my teeth may see things differently...


I live in Japan. Anything you would be interested in from there?

Only AL THE THINGS. Seriously, I love almost anything that's kawaii. I also love Sanrio/Hello Kitty/my Melody stuff - not completely indiscriminately, but I do love and casually collect all that cutesy stuff. I love cute Japanese stickers and stationary too! I know there's lots of kooky snacks/candy in different flavors available, and I'm pretty much game for anything within my dietary restrictions!


If you have cats, do they like catnip toys?

Yes, I believe they do.


How do you feel about wearable knitted lace? Shawls, wraps, and the like? It sounds lovely, does that mean I'd get to wear a mantilla like Dorothy Lamour?


If you are on Livejournal, would you appreciate LJ stuff like paid time, custom userheads, stuff like that?

I wouldn't have a use for it, but thanks! LJ is my little dying herd member... :( teh sad.


if you are into tarot, what is your favorite card?

Despite having a couple of sets (one hello kitty, even) I'm not into tarot. However I do like the look of those Loteria cards (La Pera and La Sirena especially).


would you like your own set of handmade rune stones or worry stones?

I probably wouldn't have much use, but thanks anyway!


Coffee, tea, hot chocolate, cider, or none of the above?

OMG, all, except I don't make my own coffee at home.


Gum, hard candy, soft candy, or none of the above?

I like gum (SPRY is my favorite), and I think overall I prefer soft candy to hard.


Loose tea or tea bags? Do you need anything for your loose tea? (Filters, presses, etc.)

Tea bags only please!


Do you do Goodreads or LibraryThing or a site like that? If so, can I see your to-read list, please?

Here it is. I was trying to remove the few I do already own, but might have missed a few cuz the site started going screwy on me.


Are you a gamer (of any sort - video, casual, tabletop) and are there any games you want?

Tabletop/casual/board games are a lot of fun and I'd take more of those! I just played Catchphrase last night which was pretty fun... apples to apples maybe, or the game of things.


Would a Starbucks gift card make you happy or do you prefer your local place?

My local place (the grind) probs doesn't sell these online, but there are a million starbux by my work (along with pete's and tully's). I'd totally use one! :)


Would you be interested in BPTP CANDY?

Sure, maybe just to try it...


CUSTOM-Made Pottery?? yea or nay?

That sounds heavy to ship! But I'd take a mug for sure, or a soap dish (a big one would be useful). Maybe in a blue?


Zombies; Yay or Nay?

Shoot 'em in the head? I dunno. I saw pictures of Disney princess zombies from Dragon*Con that looked pretty sweet...


WHAT MAKES YOU LAUGH YOUR ASS OFF!!! movies, comedians, black humor, your partner, a comic strip? what?

I wonder if I can post videos here... a great many things, but I love Patton Oswalt for starters. Also Kids in the Hall (and their movie Brain Candy), Strangers With Candy, Arrested Development... you know, twisted stuff like that.


You are meeting up with someone on a casual lunch/early afternoon thing. This person is someone you want to impress/look good for (for whatever reason, not necessarily romantic, and not necessarily for business either). What would you look like, given the contents of your wardrobe/etc?

Probably a knee-length dress and tights, cute flats, hair tied back, or worn down with a barrette or two to contain the madness. Light sparkly makeup and hopefully shiny sparkly nailpolish, if it's something I've been planning in advance.


You are to be let loose in a clothing store of your choice, to pick a full outfit, down to the shoes, the accessories, etc. and things would be altered to fit you if needed. What store would that be, and what would you look like?

Possibly Nordstrom, if I can't do it at an online store like Dorothy Perkins, Fred Flare or 6PM.


Studded or spiked black flats or boots, interesting dark or black tights, stockings or leggings. Chunky, sparkly bracelet and necklace. A solid color dress of some sort, maybe a solid cardigan (Kate Spade makes some pretty ones), or a nice, long dark coat to go on top of it all. And maybe a sparkly barrette or headband for the hair too.


You open a box from the post office to reveal the 3 things you want most right now. What are they? (caveats: size doesn't matter, but they have to be tangible/buyable).

-New dark grey skinny jeans (in a US 16) from Dorothy Perkins

-These babies

-And, since I'm pretty sure I dreamed about it last night, this sucker right here

^Hm, apparently I really want new clothes/accessories. Note to self, must save up something for these soon.


The end of this month I'm going to Scarefest, the big horror and paranormal con in Kentucky. (www.scarefest.com) If I were your witch, is there anything you would like from there (skull jewelry, art prints from an artist that catch your eye, etc), or anyone whose autograph or photo or such you would dig?

I had to look it up, since I'm not familiar with this con, but I FUCKING LOVE MALCOLM MCDOWELL. Do with that information as you will!


What is your holy grail "I'd kill to just have one drop in an imp" bpal scent?

LOL, is it good or bad that I don't have one?


Are there any existing Weenies that you have your eye on, but haven't gotten around to getting?

I was't able to budget in any weenies this fall. :cry: Although I may need something from the Post when they update.


If I could have, I would have signed up for decants of:

-The Perilous Parlor


-Fizzy Jack o'Lantern

-Ghost House

-Mango-infused Pumpkin Chai Latte


-Suck It

-and Mariposita, even though it's not a Weenie per se.


Yes, I like the sweeties!



New answers 09-24-12 (maybe I should be dating these? :/)


My Little Pony... Cute or meh?

Cute, in a comforting, brainless sort of way. TBH I routinely talk myself out of ordering a bunch of cute shirts (and a Twilight Sparkle hoodie) from Welovefine about once per month. :blush:


Do you have a problem with nudes???Male or Female?

Well, that completely depends. I think "not terrifying" is a good keyword to keep in mind on the subject, when making that decision.


Do you subscribe to any sample boxes, and if so, which ones? Would you like to receive some samples? (perfume, eco/"green," skin care, hair, music downloads, cosmetics, soap...)

Nope. I'd be into a cosmetics one but it's not super high on my list either.


Lip balm - tube or tin?

I can work with either but prefer tube.


Are you interested in audiobooks? If so, any specific titles?

I have 3-4 of these on file form Audible.com that I haven't listened to yet, so I should probably refrain from adding to the collection right now.


Bar soaps with some scrubby bits, yes or no?

That's fine.


Would you like to receive a journal or sketchbook? How about other pretty paper goods like post-its, notepads, bookmarks, letter paper/envelopes?



Would you like a pair of knitted socks?

Sure, anything you knit me, I'll find use for!


ThinkGeek: anything interesting to you on there?

Not desperately. This is more my BF's terrain, although they do have some cool light machines as I recall.


Do you need any small electronic gadgets like flash drives and the like?

I already have one very cute, Hello Kitty blind-box flash drive. However, since I can't burn anything to disc on my godforsaken old macbook, I'd take another throwaway, just-in-case flash drive.

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