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2018 13 Nights of Halloween Questions~



Here is where I shall keep my questions. I shall keep my questions here.

Updated 9/19/18

What is your favorite thing about Halloween?
I answered this pretty thoroughly in my survey, I think, but kind of everything. I love celebrating with my kids and being able to buy animal skeletons at Target and the flavors and just really kind of all of it, other than not being terribly into orange and brown. I'm more of a black and purple halloweenie.

Would you like a Halloween-themed cross-stitch piece of art done by your partner? If so, do you prefer something practical, like a cross-stitch dishtowel or table runner, or something to be hung on the wall?
I would love this - something useful like a dishtowel (or bathroom towels) would be most beloved, as I have a wonderful house with very little usable wall space.

Are you coveting something from the Lilith release? I've ordered everything I super duper wanted, but there are a few that I was on the fence about in my wishlist, but hey, I'll list them here too: Absurd Origin Story; Blue Blankie; Don't Tell Me Heaven is Under the Earth; Let Your Indulgence Set Me Free; Meditation Buddy; Scorched Marshmallows; Senator Barrial; Spontaneous Argumentation; Suffragium; The Queen of Hel; The She-Goat; The Storm; Theaomai;

Have you seen the Haus of Gloi Fall update? Does anything from that tickle your fancy? I am BPAL only for oils, but I would definitely be interested in trying bubbling scrub, pumpkin butter, hair oil (would probably use for either Mo and/or cuticle oil) or soaps in Apple Milk, Blood Orange Marshmallow, and Cozy Pumpkin! The Maple Vanilla soap sounds lovely too.

Enamel pins - yay or nay? Sure, but they will likely be stolen by my little hooligan. ;)

Would you appreciate handknits? Any preference (socks, hats, cowls, mitts, etc)
Always. Socks and arm warmers would probably get the most use, although a cowl could be cool as that's something I don't have at all.

What kind of local goods do you like to pick up/try when you visit somewhere new?
I usually look for magnets, local honey or jams or other limited reach local foodstuffs. I also love trying regional alcohol specialties, particularly whisk(e)y.

Do you like to cook or bake, and if so, would you like any cooking accessories, mixes, or ingredients?
Absolutely! I particularly love silly holiday themed spatulas and sprinkles and such. There's a bit about this in my questionnaire as well.

Pumpkin Spice:

Do you like Day of the Dead goodies? I love skulls and such, but I feel weird about the cultural appropriation aspects of a lot of Day of the Dead stuff as I have no cultural or spiritual connection. That said, I have received lovely items from folks who *do* have that connection in the past. Sorry for being complicated. ;)

How do you feel about homemade edibles? Not just baked goods, but fruit butters, jams and such-like? Do you prefer savory or sweet or yes?
All of them nommy in my mouthy. I am a total sucker for apple and pumpkin and other butters this time of year. If you have a specialty, savory or sweet, I would LOVE to try it.

Quirky Socks: Goodness yes! I especially love silly Halloween themed socks, either ankle or knee length.

Stuff from Japan: Sure! My daughter and I both love Hello Kitty and Tokidoki and are suckers for any sort of mystery plushy sorts of things. I also adore the different flavors of kitkats you can get there and similar snacky goodies.

Yankee Candle: Sure, subject to the limits in my questionnaire. I do have a fondness for Yankee - my husband used to live close to their factory store in Western MA and we would go there all the time when he was in grad school.

Bath and Body Works: Another weakness of mine - I have a bad tendency to get matching shower gel and lotions there in foodie / fruity scents. I'd also love fall scents in their foaming hand soap.

Of the latest updates, Empress, Liliths, Jester, Emperor what are your wants and desires? Recent LES from this year, what are your wants and desires? My wishlist is up to date in this respect. :D

What about Disney? If you like Disney, what are your favorite characters?
I love Nightmare Before Christmas and the Muppets, but am not that into traditional Disney characters. I do like some of the Villians line, especially Maleficent and Ursula.

Star wars?
YES! Leia, Rey, Yoda, droids generally other than C3P0 who I find annoying. Also porgs were the most brilliant decision ever and I adore those little space puffins with all my heart.

And what about Harry Potter? Whats your favorite house and/or favorite character? I am all about all the HP. I am a Ravenclaw through and through (Slitherclaw if we're talking hybrid houses). Fave characters are Luna Lovegood, Hermione and I am a total puppy shipper (Sirius/Remus). (FWIW, my family already owns a lot of HP stuff - scarves for every house but Slytherin, a Ravenclaw mug and water bottle, robes for me and my wee Hooligan Hufflepuff, a stuffed Hedwig and Pidwigen...which is not to say we wouldn't welcome more. ;) )

Do you like honey/honey products?
​Would you like flavored oils or vinegars?
Answering these together because my answer is absolutely yes to all of these.

Do you have any interest in fun tees or other goodies either related to your fandoms or otherwise from TeeTurtle or similar sites (https://www.teeturtle.com/)?
Absolutely! I prefer women's cut, 2XL for tees. Generally, darker is better in terms of color.

Do you have a favorite musical, opera, playwright or other theatrical or performing arts interest for which you might like interesting goodies? I am pretty set on this score in that I have easy access to merch along these lines.

Do you have any desire/need for a new umbrella? I always need more small collapsible ones as my children seem to have discovered some sort of portal that devours all umbrellas in the immediate vicinity.

Any desire for mugs - travel or otherwise? How about water bottles?
I am pretty set for ceramic mugs. I can always use more travel mugs if they are both cool and diswasher safe. Same for water bottles.

Could you use any BPAL storage? Bottles or imps? I am set personally, but I did realize the other day that my little hooligan is developing a bit of a collection herself that is currently scattered across her dresser, so if you are feeling crafty and felt like making a bottle box in an Owl/MLP/HP-Hufflepuff theme, I would happily regift to her (otherwise I have to do it myself :lol: )

Do you like incense, palo santo, sage, etc?
Please no. Even smelling incense in the package these days can trigger my migraines, which teenager me would find tragic, but there it is.

I will be going to Son of Monsterpalooza this weekend. Anything look interesting?
I can't think of anything offhand, but if there are cool creepy jewelry vendors, that could be cool.

Wax tarts? No thank you.

How do you feel about literal pumpkin *spice* - i.e. cinnamon, nutmeg, clove, ginger - as a flavoring (the inclusion of pumpkin is not essential in my plotting)? How about those flavors combined with chocolate in some mystery form?
I am all over this concept (literally). ;)

If you like/want books, do you have a goodreads or other place where you discuss your favorite books? Would you be interested in a spooky Halloween compilation or a classic halloweenie/autumnal book like Ray Bradbury's The Halloween Tree or Something Wicked This Way Comes?
I would love a new weenie compilation (now that I think about it, that's not the word I want, but wev).

Hat with pompom or no: I don't have a strong preference, although without is probably slightly more likely to be worn on the regular. I definitely embrace the silly, so if the hat is just screaming for some sort of embellishment, go for it.

Top 3 Weenie Wants: In terms of things I did not already order for myself:
The Hag (I wishlisted this last year and it almost jumped in my cart this year, so this is def. a top wish)
The Goat and the Vine
Pomegranate Grove: Morocco


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