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Schroedinger's Lick It Again

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Names have been changed to protect the possibly guilty.


So I have this friend. Let's call this friend Jane.


Jane told me that she was going to order Lick It Again and send it to me for Yule, because I'd been really wanting a bottle of it. I told her that she absolutely did not have to do this, but she insisted. She also said she was throwing some other imps and such in the package, but the main thing was the LIA.


It's been two months since then. She told me she mailed the package a little over two weeks ago, and to notify her if it hadn't gotten there in a week. The week passed--no package. I told her as she asked; two days later she told me she'd gone to the post office, and found out that it had gotten mixed up with a bunch of packages a man had brought in all at once the same day, but wanted mailed out at different times (?). She also said they sorted it out and mailed the package that same day.


It's been another week, and the package still isn't here. She doesn't live very far away from me (she's closer than the Lab, and those packages normally get here in two days flat). In that week I've found out that she has a history of making promises and not keeping them, like promising another friend she'd buy her a bigger bed, then dropping the subject for 4-5 months until said friend gave up and bought the bed herself. I would still adore her if she hadn't promised to get me anything at all, but the fact that she said she would, and now my chance to buy LIA myself is gone, is really bugging me. I'm beginning to wonder if she actually bought it at all, or is just lying her ass off and trying to look generous without actually doing anything.


So I guess my question is this: How long should I wait before deciding that the bottle of LIA doesn't exist? And if it gets to that point, how do I put out an ISO offering a specific LE bottle in exchange for it?


Grrr. I dislike being yanked around.

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Hmm, that is kind of weird.


I have had packages go missing through no fault of my own, and had packages take up to 2-3 weeks to get where they were going, especially first class. However, I have also been swaplifted and it freaking sucks, especially because there's a personal element to it.


Even if she did mail it, I wouldn't let it stop you from putting up an ISO of Lick It Again. I mean, your fears that the package are missing aren't unfounded (through whatever means, fair or foul) and you shouldn't miss out on the chance to score a bottle of it. I hope you find it in your mailbox, any day now, though!

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